發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-08-17 16:29
【文章來源】:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:96 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Quantum state
1.2 Quantum gate
1.3 Quantum control tasks and objectives
1.3.1 Quantum gates preparation and suppressing the dissipation caused bythe environment
1.3.2 Quantum gates preparation and deduction the unwanted effects ofcoupling between the qubits
1.4 Thesis overview
Chapter 2 Theory of quantum control systems
2.1 The models of quantum control systems
2.1.1 Schrodinger Equation
2.1.2 Liouville Equation
2.1.3 Markovian Master Equations
2.1.4 Non-Markovian Master Equations
2.2 The formations of quantum control systems
2.3 Control objectives, and performance indices
2.3.1 Control objectives
2.3.2 Performance indices
2.4 Bloch sphere representation
2.4.1 Bloch sphere to show the pure states
2.4.2 Bloch sphere to show the mixed states
2.5 Lie algebra decompositions
2.5.1 Lie Algebras
2.5.2 Semisimple Lie algebras and cartan decomposition
Chapter 3 Quantum gate preparation for a two-level system via dynamical-transferred evolution based on the Lyapunov stability theorem
3.1 The system modeling and dynamical transferring
3.2 Design of Lyapunov-based control laws
3.3 Numerical simulation and performance analysis
3.3.1 Analysis of Preparation the Hadamard Gate via performance indices
3.3.2 The evolution of State-transferring
3.3.3 Comparison and result discussion
Chapter 4 Realization of quantum gates via decomposition method in a four-levelquantum system
4.1 Mathematic model for the two-spin system and description of relatedHamiltonians
4.2 Analysis of quantum CNOT gate via Cartan decomposition
4.2.1 Canonical decomposition of the unitary gate
4.2.2 Realization process of the CNOT gate by Cartan Decomposition
4.3 Design of Lyapunov control fields
4.4 Numerical experiments and result discussions
Chapter 5 Preparing the Hadamard and CNOT gates to realize the maximumentangled states
5.1 Model description of the single-spin and two-spin systems
5.2 Realizing of Hadamard and CNOT gates to achieve the Bell states viadecomposition method
5.2.1 Canonical decomposition of the unitary gates
5.2.2 Realization process of the Hadamard and CNOT gates by CartanDecomposition Cartan Decomposition process in realization of the Hadamard gate Cartan Decomposition process in realization of the CNOT gate
5.3 The design process of control function and control laws
5.4 Experimental simulations and result discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Published Paper Lists
List of Foundations participation
【文章來源】:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:96 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Quantum state
1.2 Quantum gate
1.3 Quantum control tasks and objectives
1.3.1 Quantum gates preparation and suppressing the dissipation caused bythe environment
1.3.2 Quantum gates preparation and deduction the unwanted effects ofcoupling between the qubits
1.4 Thesis overview
Chapter 2 Theory of quantum control systems
2.1 The models of quantum control systems
2.1.1 Schrodinger Equation
2.1.2 Liouville Equation
2.1.3 Markovian Master Equations
2.1.4 Non-Markovian Master Equations
2.2 The formations of quantum control systems
2.3 Control objectives, and performance indices
2.3.1 Control objectives
2.3.2 Performance indices
2.4 Bloch sphere representation
2.4.1 Bloch sphere to show the pure states
2.4.2 Bloch sphere to show the mixed states
2.5 Lie algebra decompositions
2.5.1 Lie Algebras
2.5.2 Semisimple Lie algebras and cartan decomposition
Chapter 3 Quantum gate preparation for a two-level system via dynamical-transferred evolution based on the Lyapunov stability theorem
3.1 The system modeling and dynamical transferring
3.2 Design of Lyapunov-based control laws
3.3 Numerical simulation and performance analysis
3.3.1 Analysis of Preparation the Hadamard Gate via performance indices
3.3.2 The evolution of State-transferring
3.3.3 Comparison and result discussion
Chapter 4 Realization of quantum gates via decomposition method in a four-levelquantum system
4.1 Mathematic model for the two-spin system and description of relatedHamiltonians
4.2 Analysis of quantum CNOT gate via Cartan decomposition
4.2.1 Canonical decomposition of the unitary gate
4.2.2 Realization process of the CNOT gate by Cartan Decomposition
4.3 Design of Lyapunov control fields
4.4 Numerical experiments and result discussions
Chapter 5 Preparing the Hadamard and CNOT gates to realize the maximumentangled states
5.1 Model description of the single-spin and two-spin systems
5.2 Realizing of Hadamard and CNOT gates to achieve the Bell states viadecomposition method
5.2.1 Canonical decomposition of the unitary gates
5.2.2 Realization process of the Hadamard and CNOT gates by CartanDecomposition Cartan Decomposition process in realization of the Hadamard gate Cartan Decomposition process in realization of the CNOT gate
5.3 The design process of control function and control laws
5.4 Experimental simulations and result discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusion
Published Paper Lists
List of Foundations participation