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鈦合金Ti6Al4V因其突出的比強度、耐高溫和抗腐蝕性能而廣泛應用于航空航天、汽車、生物醫(yī)學以及化學領域。但是其低彈性模量、低導熱率以及在高溫下的高強度的特性,導致其機械加工性較差,進而影響工件加工表面質量。惡化的表面質量會引起工件表面缺陷、初始裂紋、表面過早失效,以及加工費用增加等問題。因此,對鈦合金Ti6Al4V加工進行研究來獲得合格的表面質量是具有重要意義的。加工參數如切削速度、進給率、切削深度等對鈦合金Ti6Al4V加工表面完整性具有很大影響;球頭立銑刀廣泛應用于鈦合金的加工中,但是其加工效率控制仍存在問題;因此,本文將對鈦合金Ti6Al4V球頭立銑刀在不同切削速度、進給率、切削深度加工條件下形成的表面質量包括表面粗糙度、微觀結構、微觀硬度等實驗分析;旨在通過研究來優(yōu)化鈦合金Ti6Al4V球頭立銑刀加工的加工參數,提高表面質量。實驗中選定的切削速度分別為151m/min,207m/min和301 m/min,選定的進給率為0.1 mm/齒和0.05 mm/齒,切削深度為0.1 mm和0.03 mm。實驗采用12mm直徑的三槽碳化球頭銑刀,其前角為10°,軸向前角為30°。在無潤...
【文章來源】:上海交通大學上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:78 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1-1 Background
1-1-1 Titanium alloy:Ti6Al4V
1-1-2 Applications of titanium alloys
1-1-3 Challenges in machining titanium alloys
1-2 Literature review:Surface integrity
1-3 Significance/Objective
Chapter2 Experimental research on ball end milling of Ti6Al4V
2-1 Objective
2-2 Experimental Design
2-2-1 Workpiece
2-2-2 Cutting Tool
2-2-3 Milling Machine
2-2-4 Fixture
2-3 Experimental Procedure
Summary of this chapter
Chapter3 Milled Surface Integrity
3-1 Objective
3-2 Surface roughness measurement and analysis
3-3 Microstructure Alteration Measurement
3-3-1 Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
3-3-2 Measurement and Analysis of the result
3-4 Microhardness Tests
3-4-1 Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
3-4-2 Measurement and Analysis of the results
3-5 Conclusion and discussion
Summary of this chapter
Chapter4 Validation and Discussion
4-1 Analysis of Chips
4-2 Validation of Surface Roughness
4-3 Validation of Microstructure
4-4 Validation of Microhardness
Chapter5 Summary and Conclusion
5-1 Ball end milling experiments
5-2 Surface roughness
5-3 Microstructure
5-4 Microhardness
5-5 Future Works
【文章來源】:上海交通大學上海市 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直屬院校
【文章頁數】:78 頁
Chapter1 Introduction
1-1 Background
1-1-1 Titanium alloy:Ti6Al4V
1-1-2 Applications of titanium alloys
1-1-3 Challenges in machining titanium alloys
1-2 Literature review:Surface integrity
1-3 Significance/Objective
Chapter2 Experimental research on ball end milling of Ti6Al4V
2-1 Objective
2-2 Experimental Design
2-2-1 Workpiece
2-2-2 Cutting Tool
2-2-3 Milling Machine
2-2-4 Fixture
2-3 Experimental Procedure
Summary of this chapter
Chapter3 Milled Surface Integrity
3-1 Objective
3-2 Surface roughness measurement and analysis
3-3 Microstructure Alteration Measurement
3-3-1 Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
3-3-2 Measurement and Analysis of the result
3-4 Microhardness Tests
3-4-1 Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
3-4-2 Measurement and Analysis of the results
3-5 Conclusion and discussion
Summary of this chapter
Chapter4 Validation and Discussion
4-1 Analysis of Chips
4-2 Validation of Surface Roughness
4-3 Validation of Microstructure
4-4 Validation of Microhardness
Chapter5 Summary and Conclusion
5-1 Ball end milling experiments
5-2 Surface roughness
5-3 Microstructure
5-4 Microhardness
5-5 Future Works