第36卷第7期 巖 土 力 學 Vol.36 No. 7 2015年7月 Rock and Soil Mechanics Jul. 2015
丁梧秀1,陳建平2,徐 桃3,陳華軍1,王鴻毅1
(1. 洛陽理工學院 土木工程系,河南 洛陽 471023;2.龍門石窟研究院,河南 洛陽 471023;3. 中國建筑第七工程局有限公司,河南 鄭州 450002)
摘 要:針對龍門石窟灰?guī)r水溶液侵蝕破壞現(xiàn)象,考慮石窟區(qū)的泉水、石窟滲水和雨水的化學成分,配置不同的化學溶液,研究不同化學溶液作用下龍門石窟灰?guī)r的力學損傷特性及化學溶解行為。通過不同化學溶液侵蝕不同時間下灰?guī)r的力學試驗及分析,獲得不同化學溶液侵蝕下龍門石窟灰?guī)r強度損傷特性,建立化學溶液作用下灰?guī)r單軸抗壓強度隨時間的侵蝕損傷方程。通過不同化學溶液侵蝕不同時間下灰?guī)r溶解動力學試驗及分析,研究灰?guī)r在不同化學溶液中的溶解特性,建立化學溶液作用下灰?guī)r侵蝕溶解動力學方程。試驗分析研究表明,由于水化學溶液的溶解作用,化學溶液侵蝕下灰?guī)r強度均有所下降。鹽效應、同離子效應對灰?guī)r溶解速率和強度的影響較大。鹽效應提高灰?guī)r溶解速率,同離子效應降低灰?guī)r溶解速率。鹽的種類和濃度均相同時,,酸性越強,溶解速率越大;鹽的種類和pH值相同時,鹽濃度升高,灰?guī)r溶解速率增大。研究結果將為石質文物及巖石工程的長期保護提供重要的理論基礎,具有廣泛的實際工程應用價值和應用前景。 關 鍵 詞:力學試驗;強度損傷特性;化學動力學;巖石溶解行為;灰?guī)r
中圖分類號:TU 452 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1000-7598 (2015) 07-1825-06
Mechanical and chemical characteristics of limestone during chemical erosion
DING Wu-xiu,CHEN Jian-ping,XU Tao3,CHEN Hua-jun1,WANG Hong-yi1
(1. Department of Civil Engineering, Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology, Luoyang, Henan 471023, China; 2. Institute of Longmen Grottoes,
Luoyang , Henan 471023, China; 3.China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou, Henan 450002, China)
Abstract: To explore the chemical erosion phenomena, the chemical compositions of the spring water, seeping water and rainwater in Longmen Grottoes area are analyzed; and chemical solutions with different compositions are artificially made, which are in turn used to study the mechanical properties and the chemical solubility of Longmen Grottoes limestone under influences of different chemical solutions. The strength damage characteristics of the limestone are obtained based on the mechanical experiments with respect to different solutions and different erosion durations. A time-dependent corrosion equation of uniaxial compressive strength for limestone is developed under different chemical solutions. Based on the chemical kinetic tests on limestone under the effects of the different chemical solutions and for different erosion durations, the solubility of limestone eroded by different chemical solutions is addressed. The chemical dynamic erosion equations of limestone are developed. The analysis indicates that the strength of limestone decreases due to the dissolution of chemical solutions under chemical erosion. The salt effect and the common ion effect significantly influence the dissolution rate and strength of limestone. The salt effect can raise the dissolution rate, while the common ion effect can reduce the dissolution rate. When the composition and concentration of the solution are the same, the stronger the acidity, the larger the dissolution rate is. The dissolution rate of limestone increases with the increase of salt concentration when the composition and the pH value of the solution are the same.
Keywords: mechanical test; strength damage characteristics; chemical kinetics; solubility of rock; limestone
1 引 言
龍門石窟位于河南省洛陽市城南13 km的龍門鎮(zhèn)龍門山,開鑿于北魏時期公元494年,為我國三大石窟之一,是世界文化遺產(chǎn)。石窟群集中開鑿在
基金項目:國家自然科學基金項目(No. 51279073,No. 51179187);河南省科技創(chuàng)新人才杰出青年基金項目(No.114100510016);河南省高校科技創(chuàng)新團隊支持計劃(No. 14IRTSTHN029)。
第一作者簡介:丁梧秀,女,1970年生,博士后,教授,主要從事巖土工程方面的研究工作。E-mail: wuxiu-ding@