Hydro-chemical Characteristics in the Danjiangkou Reservoir(Water Source Area of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project),China
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LI Si-yue,CHENG Xiao-li,GU Sheng,LI Jia,ZHANG Quan-fa(1.Center for Watershed Ecology,Wuhan Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430074,China;2.Graduate University of Chi
[1]中國科學院武漢植物園流域生態(tài)中心,武漢430074; [2]中國科學院研究生院,北京100049
文章摘要:丹江口水庫是南水北調中線工程的水源地,對水庫中的5個點位進行了3 a的動態(tài)監(jiān)測.對水化學類型和水化學特征進行了系統(tǒng)分析,運用相關分析及方差分析,對水化學時間、空間分布特征進行了研究.結果表明,TDS介于149.9-291.2mg·L^-1,屬于弱礦化度水.總硬度(以Ca^2+、Mg^2+濃度和計)介于40-50 mg·L^-1之間,屬于極軟水.HCO3^-及Ca^2+分別介于122.5-170.0 mg·L^-1、37.1-43.2 mg·L^-1,分別占主要陰、陽離子組成的77.54%-77.87%和70.66%-77.93%,按照O.A.阿列金分類法,丹江口庫區(qū)水質為HCO3^--Ca型水.主要離子呈現(xiàn)一致的空間變化,在丹江庫區(qū)沿水流方向逐漸降低,至漢江庫區(qū)達到最小值.水化學特征的季節(jié)及時間變化表明,主要離子的濃度在枯季比在雨季大.丹江口水庫水化學特征主要由巖石風化決定,高濃度的HCO3^-及Ca^2+主要來源于方解石和白云巖,但是上游及庫區(qū)周邊人為活動對NO3^-產(chǎn)生了一定的影響.最后,提出了流域水資源保護的建議和措施.
Abstr:TDS,pH and major ions in the Danjiangkou Reservoir,the water source area of the Middle Route of the South to North Water Transfer Project of China were monitored during the period of 2004-2006 to systemically analyze hydro-chemical characteristics and water chemistry type.Analysis of variance(ANOVA) and correlation analysis were performed to explore their spatio-temporal pattern.The results show that the water is of low mineralized degree with a total dissolved solid ranging from 149.9-291.2mg·L^-1,and soft water with a total hardness ranging from 40-50mg·L^-1.HCO3^- accounts for 77.54%-77.87% of the total major anions with a content of 122.5-170.0mg·L^-1,while Ca^2+accounts for 70.66%-77.93% of the total major cations with a content of 37.1-43.2mg·L^-1,and the water is of a HCO^3--Ca type.Major ions show similar spatial variations,decreasing downstream in the Danjiang Reservoir,and reaching the lowest values in the Hanjiang Reservoir.The temporal and seasonal variations of the hydro-chemical characteristics show that the concentrations of major ions in the dry season are larger than those in the wet season.Hydro-chemical characteristics in the reservoir are mainly determined by the rock weatherization,while and anthropogenic activities in the upper-stream and the reservoir region have been influencing the NO3^- concentration.Finally,conservation strategies of water resource in the reservoir and its upper stream are discussed.
Keyword::Danjiangkou Reservoir hydro-chemical characteristics spatio-temporal pattern anthropogenic activities
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