new agricultural management entities specialized households
Fuction orientation and structure development trend of the new agricultural management entities
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MENG Li, ZHONG Yong-ling, LI Nan ( Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100125, China)
Abstr:The new agricultural management entities in China are the driving forces to accelerate the transformation of agricultural operating models and cultivate modem agriculture. Each of the new agricultural management entities has the different function orientation. Large and specialized households and family farms are the main producers. Farmer cooperatives serve as the link to provide services for the agricultural businesses. Leading agribusinesses are the main producers in the processing and circulation of agricultural products. With the decline of rural labor and the emergence of aging population, the quantity of total entities will increase. The structure will develop according to the fuction orientation, such as the number of family farms and farmer cooperatives will increase more rapidly than the leading agribusinesses, while the number of large and specialized households will decrease. Considering that the structure development of the new agricultural management entities is a long term process, the paper points out that the Chinese government should promulgate the related laws and regulations to further promote it. It also puts forward some suggestions. First, the household operations should be maintained as the basis and family farms should be especially supported. Second, farmer cooperatives should be supported in agricultural production services and agricultural products sale. Third, leading agribusinesses should be supported in the processing of agricultural products and logistics.
Keyword::new agricultural management entities specialized households family farms farmer cooperatives enterprises fuction orientation structure development