Financial Regulatory Reform Financial Consumer Protection Pr
Research on the UK's Financial Regulatory Reform Based on Financial Consumer Protection
[1] [2]
Gao Tiantian &Chen Chen (Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade; Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and the People's Bank of China Shanghai Head Office, Shanghai)
[1]上海對(duì)外貿(mào)易學(xué)院WTO研究教育學(xué)院; [2]中國(guó)人民銀行上?偛
Abstr:After the global financial crisis, the UK government launched a series of systematic and thorough fi- nancial regulatory reforms, which strengthened the protection of financial consumers. The Financial Services Act 2010 established the Consumer Financial Education Agency, and authorized it to carry nut consumer finan- cial education independently, systematically and comprehensively. The Financial Services Act 2012 formally disbanded the FSA and split its functions between the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), resulting in the separation between financial consumer protection and prudential supervision in the regulatory regime. Moreover, the FCA was given new powers, such as governing and interve- ning in financial products, banning financial promotions and implementing regulatory policies conducive to market competition. The UK's financial regulatory reform has important implications for the improvement of the financial consumer protection mechanisms in China.
Keyword::Financial Regulatory Reform Financial Consumer Protection Prudential Supervision