[Abstract]:Shanghai crude oil futures may be launched in 2015, which is of great significance to enhance the influence of China's pricing in the international oil market, promote the internationalization of RMB, and promote the perfection of domestic oil market system. The establishment of crude oil futures market in China is both an opportunity and a challenge for domestic petroleum and petrochemical enterprises. Petroleum and petrochemical enterprises should pay close attention to formulating corresponding countermeasures, actively support and promote the listing of crude oil futures, consider the allocation of resources at home and abroad as a whole, train specialized teams of crude oil futures, and pay attention to compliance operation. Make full use of futures hedging function to avoid price risk and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises.
【作者單位】: 中國石油集團政策研究室;中國石油吉林油田分公司;華北石油榮盛機械制造有限公司;
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