mineral resources industrial economy SWOT analysis Inner Mon
SWOT analysis on the development of mineral resources industrial economy in Inner Mongolia
[1] [2] [3]
SUN Yu-xia, CHANG Hong , HAO Jun-feng (1. Inner Mongolia Institute of Geological Survey, Hohhot 010020, China; 2. School of the Earth Sciences and Resources, China Universi
[1]內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)地質(zhì)調(diào)查院,內(nèi)蒙古呼和浩特010020; [2]中國地質(zhì)大學(北京)地球科學與資源學院,北京100083
Abstr:This paper take the SWOT analysis on the internal advantages and disadvantages of the developed and utilized mineral resources in Inner Mongolia, such as the resources endowment conditions. mineral resources reserves and development and utilization status, and the Influence of external opportunities and challenges for economic development of mineral resources industry. The author deems that the development of industrial economic of coal resources in Inner Mongolia should be adopted S-O strategy for the achievement of scale intensive exploitation~ For metallic mineral resources,using W O strategy, with the industrial policy opportunities, promote conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources, improve the metal industrial chain~In order to improve self-sufficiency and ensure the ability of mineral resources, S-T strategy should be taken to play the favorable conditions for mineralization geological for mining the resource potential and promoting the breakthrough of prospecting; For many small mining,W-T strategy should be taken to promote the integration of resources actively.
Keyword::mineral resources industrial economy SWOT analysis Inner Mongolia