2010年 06 月 Jun, 2010 第24 卷第 06 期 East China Econom icM anagem ent V o l. 24, N o. 06 DO I 103969 / issn1007 - 509720 10060 31 國外質(zhì)量管理實(shí)踐與績效研究述評 1 1, 2 1 熊 偉 , 張群祥 , 奉小斌 1. 浙江大學(xué) 管理學(xué)院, 浙江 杭州 31005 8; 2. 浙江林學(xué)院 經(jīng)濟(jì)管理學(xué)院, 浙江 臨安 311300 [] 質(zhì)量管理實(shí)踐與績效關(guān)系一直是質(zhì)量管理研究的核心與熱點(diǎn)問題文章從核心實(shí)踐與績效的關(guān)系基 礎(chǔ)實(shí)踐與績效的關(guān)系情境對質(zhì)量管理實(shí)踐的影響與質(zhì)量管理實(shí)踐提升績效的機(jī)理等四個方面對國外質(zhì)量管理 實(shí)踐研究的進(jìn)展與存在的不足進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)評述, 在此基礎(chǔ)上, 提出未來可能的研究方向 [] 質(zhì)量管理實(shí)踐; 績效; 機(jī)理 [ ] F 2533 [ ] A [] 1007 5097 2010 06 0126 04 The Relationship between QualityM anagem ent Practices and Performance: A Review 1 1, 2 1 X IONG W e i, ZHANG Qun-x iang , FENG X iao-b in 1. School of M anag ement Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 2. School of Econom ics& M anagementZhejiang orestry University, L inan 311300, Ch ina Abstract: T he re lationship betw een QM practices and perfo rm ance is the core and ho t topic of qua lity m anagem ent research. T h is paper
g ives a rev iew on the research prog ress and ex isting issues in the f ield o f QM practices and pe rform ance from the fo llow ing four respects:
the re lationship betw een infrastructure practices and perfo rmance, the re lationship betw een co re practices and perform ance, the effect o f situation on QM practices, the m echanism o f how QM practices lead to enhancem ent of f irm pe rfo rm ance. A fter that, the author offe r sug-
gestions for future resea rch.
K ey words: quality m anagem ent prac tices; perform ance; mechan ism F lynn et a l 75 qua lity m anagem ent prac tices, QM , , , A nde rson et a l 1996 [ 2] , K aynak 2003 [ 3] , Fening et QM al 2008 [4] , F ly-