border tourism regional cooperation spatial layout Sino
Sino-Russian Border River Region Tourism Development Strategy of Heilongjiang Province
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ZHOU Bin"2, ZHONG Lin - sheng2, CHEN Tian2, QI Jtm- hui2, SHI Yu - qing2, REN Guo - zhu (1. Tourism Department, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang , China ; 2
[1]寧波大學(xué)旅游系,中國浙江寧波315211; [2]中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所,中國北京100101
Abstr:China and Russia are two big ndti0ns in the world. With the regional tourism cooperation in Northeast Asia increasingly close, tourism cooperation between the two countries has gained rapid development. Relying on the resources, location, geographic superiority, the border tourism of Sino-Russian border river in Hei Longjiang province t(aS become an important part of the tourism cooperation between the two big countries. With the sustained development ? 'of Northeast Asia region egonomic integration, which provides tourism industry a huge push to the development of the border tourism in Sino-Russian border river region. On the basis of analyzing the profile of tourism resources in Sino-Russian border river, the paper explores the tourism development status and problems, and proposes the ~ in tourism development of border waters region-create border tourism, cruise tourism, ice and snow tourism, cultural tourism, eco-tourism and other characteristic products; build a tourism spatial structure layout consisting of one belt, two poles, and three regions, a border river tourist belt, two tourism development poles containing Heihe and Fuyuan, and three tourism assembly region including Mohe, Jiayin - Luobei and Xing Kaihu lake. Improving the level of tourism marketing strategy. Building tourism traffic and public service system.
Keyword::border tourism regional cooperation spatial layout Sino-Russian border river