tourism urban development tourist city coordination level im
The Coordination Level of Tourism and Urban Development in 25 Major Chinese Tourist Cities
[1] [2] [3]
WANG Lu - lu,YU Hu,ZHOU Bin(1. Tourism Department, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, Zhejiang, China ; 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Uni
[1]寧波大學(xué)旅游系,中國浙江寧波315211; [2]中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所,中國北京100101; [3]中國科學(xué)院大學(xué),中國北京100049
Abstr:The paper based on the improved TOPSIS method and entropy weight assignment method, explores the coupling level, the spatial distribution, and differences mechanism of 25 tourist cities. The results indicated that:(1)These25 cities can be divided into five grades, separately accounted for 4%, 8%, 32%, 40%, 16%, the first degree is higher on the coordination degree of hierarchy, presenting football shape which has a big middle and two small ends;(2) On the spatial distribution, the distribution characteristic of Yangtze river delta and the pearl river delta is high in the middle cities and low in the edge cities, regional hub cities is high and other cities is low in the midwest area, cities in the northeast area are consistent;(3) Geographical conditions, the types of city, city tourism development stage, and development mode are the four main factors, which influence tourist market size, tourism economic income, urban industrial structure and tourist investment returns, and make the coordination level of urban tourism and urban economic appears larger gap. In view of this, different region should choose reasonable urban tourism development model according to the nature of the city, urban development phase, resources endowment and geographical conditions, provide a good environment for the integration development of cities and urban tourism, deepen the role of tourism in urban development.
Keyword::tourism urban development tourist city coordination level improved TOSIS method China