廣州市中心城區(qū)環(huán)境空氣中揮發(fā)性有機物的污染特征與健康風險評價 2014-03-31
于2009年11月5~9日,采用在線監(jiān)測方法對廣州市中心城區(qū)環(huán)境空氣中31種VOCs物種進行了觀測,對其濃度水平與變化特征、組成與來源、化學反應活性進行了分析,并利用國際公認的健康風險評價方法對VOCs的健康風險進行了評價.結果表明,31種VOCs物種的平均質量濃度為114.51 μg·m-3(范圍為29.42~546.06 μg·m-3),烷烴和芳香烴是含量最為豐富的組分; 31種VOCs濃度之和及烷烴、烯烴、芳香烴3類化合物的各組分濃度之和都呈現(xiàn)出早晚高,中午低的日變化特征.機動車尾氣排放是研究區(qū)環(huán)境空氣中VOCs的主要來源,同時汽油、液化石油氣的揮發(fā)以及涂料和溶劑的揮發(fā)也是其重要來源.研究區(qū)VOCs氣團對臭氧生成潛勢貢獻率最大的是芳香烴(42.5%)和烯烴(38.6%); 甲苯、反-2-丁烯、間/對二甲苯、正丁烷、1,3,5-三甲苯等是VOCs中的關鍵活性組分.機動車尾氣排放、汽油蒸發(fā)是導致研究區(qū)環(huán)境空氣中臭氧形成的重要VOCs排放源.健康風險評價結果表明,己烷、1,3-丁二烯和BTEX對人體的非致癌風險(HQ)在3.95E-03~2.45E-01之間,對暴露人群不存在非致癌風險; 1,3-丁二烯、苯的致癌風險值(RISK)分別為1.47E-05、5.34E-05,對暴露人群存在潛在的致癌風險.本研究結果與國內其它部分城市環(huán)境空氣中苯系物健康風險評價結果的比較研究發(fā)現(xiàn),我國城市環(huán)境空氣中苯對暴露人群存在著較大的致癌風險,因此,我國有必要采取措施嚴格控制環(huán)境空氣中苯的污染水平,盡早研究并制定環(huán)境空氣中苯的環(huán)境基準和標準.
中文關鍵詞 環(huán)境空氣 揮發(fā)性有機物 污染特征 健康風險評價 廣州市
The measurements of 31 kinds of VOCs in the ambient air of a site were carried out in the downtown of Guangzhou by online method from November 5, 2009 to November 9, 2009. The ambient level and composition characteristics, temporal variation characteristics, sources identification, and chemical reactivity of VOCs were studied, and the health risk of VOCs in the ambient air in the study area was assessed by using the international recognized health risk assessment method. Results showed that the mean and the range of the mass concentrations of 31 VOCs were 114.51 μg·m-3 and 29.42-546.06 μg·m-3, respectively. The mass concentrations of 31 VOCs, and those of alkanes, alkenes, and aromatics all showed a changing trend of higher in the morning and in the evening, and lower at noontime. Vehicular exhaust, gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas evaporates were the main sources of VOCs with the volatilization of paints and solvents being important emission sources. Toluene, trans-2-butene,m/p-xylene, i-butane, and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene were the key reactive species among the 31 VOCs. Vehicular exhaust and gasoline evaporation were the main sources of VOCs leading to the formation of ozone. Health risk assessment showed that n-hexane, 1,3-butadiene, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m/p-xylene and o-xylene had no appreciable risk of adverse non-cancer health effect on the exposed population, but 1,3-butadiene and benzene had potential cancer risk. By comparing the corresponding data about health risk assessment of benzene compounds in some cities in China, it is concluded that benzene can impose relatively high cancer risk to the exposed populations in the ambient air of some cities in China. Therefore, strict countermeasures should be taken to further control the pollution of benzene in the ambient air of cities, and it is imperative to start the related studies and develop the atmospheric environmental health criteria and national ambient air quality standard for benzene in China.
英文關鍵詞 ambient air VOCs pollution characteristics health risk assessment Guangzhou