mining mining act modern mining system mineral resources mod
Research of China Modern Mining System——Based on the "Mineral Resources Law" Revised Framework Proposal
KANG Ji-tian (Administration School, Loudi , Hunan 417000, China)
Abstr:Amend the existing "Mineral tablished for the target. Therefore, "Mineral Resources Law", modern mining system should be es- Resources Law" is not modified but the reconstruction. Traditional adjustment mineral property, which based on "Mineral Resources Law", should turn to the modern mining industry, mainly in order to adjust the "Mining Act". Modern mining system al- lows a clear boundary between the rights and powers, and clearly the division of labor markets and governments. "Sacred" State ownership of mineral resources into common property status by the civ- il law, and mineral rights transfer market is free. Government property ownership clear mineral de- velopment activity and the body strict controls, and mining development of the market must be re-stricted. Establish reasonable and strict market access system for mining development, workplace health and safety, mining and mining land adjacent to focus on the relationship between behavioral norms, and these actions are expected to build a series of safeguards mining law.
Keyword::mining mining act modern mining system mineral resources modified