關鍵字: 國際私法;價值取向;沖突正義;實質正義
On value orientation of international private law and influence on China’s legislation
ZHAO Zhenhua
(Department of Postgraduate, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing 400031, China)
Abstract: The value orientation of international private law has changed from conflict justice to material justice, which includes the application of the principle of closest relationship, the emphasis on the protection of individual interests and the realization of the material justice in judicial practice. This essay explains the influence on the legislation of China international private law based on an analysis of the development trend of international private law. The process, from the 8th chapter of the general principles of civil law to the 9th section of civil code of People’s Republic of China (bill), reflects the transformation from conflict justice to material justice. But the transformation awaits further improvement. The legislation of China international private law still has a long way to go.
Key words: international private law; value orientation; conflict justice; material justice