Support vector machine (SVM) Coronary heart disease (CHD) Pr
Study on Application of SVM in Prediction of Coronary Heart Disease
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Zhu Yue Wu Jianghua Fang Ying (School of Bioscience ~ Bioengineering, South China University of Technology, Ouangzhou 510006, China)
Abstr:Base on the data of blood pressure, plasma lipid, Glu and UA by physical test, Support Vector Machine (SVM) was applied to identify coronary heart disease (CHD) in patients and non-CHD individuals in south China population for guide of further prevention and treatment of the disease. Firstly, the SVM classifier was built using radial basis kernel function, liner kernel function and polynomial kernel function, respectively. Secondly, the SVM penalty factor C and kernel parameter ~ were optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) and then employed to diagnose and predict the CHD. By comparison with those from artificial neural network with the back propagation (BP) model, linear discriminant analysis, logistic regression method and non-optimized SVM, the overall results of our calculation demonstrated that the classification performance of optimized RBF-SVM model could be superior to other classifier algorithm with higher accuracy rate, sensitivity and specificity, which were 94.51%, 92.31% and 96.67%respectively. So, it is well concluded that SVM could be used as a valid method for assisting diagnosis of CHD.
Keyword::Support vector machine (SVM) Coronary heart disease (CHD) Prediction Particle swarm optimization (PSO)