android bluetooth telemedicine physiologic data transmission
Technology of Data Transmission through Bluetooth in Android
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XIONG Shi WU Xiao-ming (Biomedical Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou Guangdong 510006, China)
Abstr:Objective: This paper introduces the mobile physiological parameter monitoring system based on the Smartphone with the Android operating system and realizes the transmission of physiological data from the detecting module to Smartphone. Methods: Embedding Bluetooth module in the module of detecting physiological parameters, so the detected physiological data such as ECG can be sent to Smartphone with Android system. The Smartphone utilizes Bluetooth API to realize the operation of opening the Bluetooth devices and searching the around Bluetooth devices, to realize the data transmission by the Socket connection, to draw ECG on the Smartphone canvas by using canvas programming API. Finally we develop the software which realizes receiving, showing and calculating the ECG data. Results: The Smartphone draws the ECG on the surface, calculating the heart rate and ringing an alarm voice when the heart rate is too high or too low. A study of the technology of collecting physiological parameters through the interface of Bluetooth in Android Smartphone is made in this paper. Conclusions: The i paper is based on the Mobile Medicine System, realizes the technology of data transmission through Bluetooth in Android system, which has a great broad application.
Keyword::android bluetooth telemedicine physiologic data transmission