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【文章頁數】:89 頁
圖 2-4 γδT 細胞分選純度及表達 IFN-γ 及 IL-4 的分Figure2- 4.The purity of γ T cells after magnetic separation isolated from spleen of asthma group mice by using TCR γ the manufacture. γ T+CD3+cells were identified as γ T cellsγ T cells(A) before and (B) after magnetic separation.In sprecoatd with anti-mouse CD3 mAbs(5μg/ml;ebiosciencsupplemented with IL-2(10ng/ml;ebioscience).(C)A repOVA(100μg/ml;sigma),C representative γ T cells with OVAcells were harvested and stained for IFN-γ and IL-4.The expThe representative flow cytometric dot plots of IFN-γ+γ T cecells and IL-4+γ T cells in three group.All data were represmeans SD.The comparisons were determined by one-group;*p<0.05,compared with B group.討支氣管哮喘是一種慢性氣道疾病
【文章頁數】:89 頁
圖 2-4 γδT 細胞分選純度及表達 IFN-γ 及 IL-4 的分Figure2- 4.The purity of γ T cells after magnetic separation isolated from spleen of asthma group mice by using TCR γ the manufacture. γ T+CD3+cells were identified as γ T cellsγ T cells(A) before and (B) after magnetic separation.In sprecoatd with anti-mouse CD3 mAbs(5μg/ml;ebiosciencsupplemented with IL-2(10ng/ml;ebioscience).(C)A repOVA(100μg/ml;sigma),C representative γ T cells with OVAcells were harvested and stained for IFN-γ and IL-4.The expThe representative flow cytometric dot plots of IFN-γ+γ T cecells and IL-4+γ T cells in three group.All data were represmeans SD.The comparisons were determined by one-group;*p<0.05,compared with B group.討支氣管哮喘是一種慢性氣道疾病