發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-16 12:56
【摘要】:正1病例報(bào)告患者,62歲,因腹脹半月余,于2016年1月14日入我院;颊呦赂姑洸贿m半月余,無(wú)惡心、嘔吐,無(wú)陰道流血、流液;颊咂剿伢w健,既往月經(jīng)規(guī)律,G_2P_2,均為順產(chǎn),12年前絕經(jīng)。查體:T 37℃,P 78/min,R 18/min,BP 110/60 mm Hg。雙肺呼吸音清,心律齊,各瓣膜聽(tīng)診區(qū)未聞及病理性雜音。腹膨隆,全腹無(wú)壓痛、反跳痛,因患者腹壁較厚,子宮及雙附件觸診不滿意,
[Abstract]:A 62-year-old patient with abdominal distension was admitted to our hospital on January 14, 2016. The patient had less than half a month of lower abdominal distension, no nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding and fluid. Patients with normal physical health, menstrual law, G _ 2P _ 2, are normal labor, 12 years before menopause. T 37 鈩,
[Abstract]:A 62-year-old patient with abdominal distension was admitted to our hospital on January 14, 2016. The patient had less than half a month of lower abdominal distension, no nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding and fluid. Patients with normal physical health, menstrual law, G _ 2P _ 2, are normal labor, 12 years before menopause. T 37 鈩,