發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-14 11:06
【摘要】:正1病例簡(jiǎn)介患者,71歲,G_6P_6,均足月順產(chǎn),絕經(jīng)30年。因"突發(fā)性下腹痛1天"于2015年8月7日急診入院;颊哂1天前排尿時(shí)突發(fā)下腹痛,呈持續(xù)性鈍痛,無(wú)下肢及腰骶部放射;伴惡心、嘔吐,無(wú)排氣、排便,無(wú)發(fā)熱,無(wú)陰道出血及排液,無(wú)尿頻及尿血。體檢:患者一般狀態(tài)欠佳,神志尚清,T 36.5℃,P 80次/min,Bp 148/99mm Hg。腹膨隆,右下腹可及腫物,壓痛,無(wú)反跳痛及肌緊張。肝脾未觸及,移動(dòng)性濁音陰性,腸鳴音正常,無(wú)亢進(jìn)。婦科查體:老年外陰,無(wú)贅生物;陰道暢、黏膜無(wú)充血;宮頸萎縮;子宮觸及不清。三合診:盆腹腔可捫及直
[Abstract]:Case profile: 71 years old Gaphe 6 Pac, all full term, 30 years postmenopausal. The patient was admitted to the emergency department on August 7, 2015 because of "sudden lower abdominal pain for 1 day." The patient had sudden lower abdominal pain 1 day before urination, continuous dull pain, no lower extremity and lumbosacral radiations, nausea, vomiting, no exhaust, defecation, no fever, no vaginal bleeding and effusion, no frequency of urine and urine blood. Physical examination: the general condition of the patients was not good, and their spirits were still clear at T 36.5 鈩,
[Abstract]:Case profile: 71 years old Gaphe 6 Pac, all full term, 30 years postmenopausal. The patient was admitted to the emergency department on August 7, 2015 because of "sudden lower abdominal pain for 1 day." The patient had sudden lower abdominal pain 1 day before urination, continuous dull pain, no lower extremity and lumbosacral radiations, nausea, vomiting, no exhaust, defecation, no fever, no vaginal bleeding and effusion, no frequency of urine and urine blood. Physical examination: the general condition of the patients was not good, and their spirits were still clear at T 36.5 鈩,