William Stephenson started to research the play theory on1958,Found that in allearlier research on mass communication is any consideration of its play elements and hetried to develop ideas which give the play theory of mass communication a firmtheoretical basis, among these the idea of communication-pleasure is of first important.In an ideal situation, the mass communication allows people to become absorbed insubjective.During the research on play theory, Stephenson thought to distinguish thedifferences between the Social Control and convergent selectivity, because doing so canfind a brand new way on “interested”, which was important.In the play theory of mass communication, first difference is “work”and “play”,work is a kind of “communication-pain”, someone has to do something, finish a task,ittake a normal person most of a time in one day, but it can also brings some materialgain. Play is “communication-pleasure”, it is going in a fair situation after the work,andfunny, can make people self-comfortable,but it can not bring material.The principle of social is make manifest in people values and beliefs.It gives peopletheir religious belief and political faith. Depending upon the region in which welive,each of us follows the same customs, worships the same God. and has the samebasic way of life. These a all subject to social control.The principle of convergentselectivity is very different.It concerns new or non-customary modes of behavior,fadsand fancies, which allow people to exist for themselves, free to a degree from socialcontrol. It is here that mass communication is important,and as will be shown, in afundamental way, play, is for doing work better.What can media do for the audience, researchers brought all kinds of functions, nomatter the two functions,or three functions or five functions or even eight functions, theyall from difference views or administrative levels, they are not perfect but reasonable,but in these functions all mention the entertainment or play factors.To play or make people happy, Sensational news is a real way to perform thisfunction. It can adjust people’s life,enhance their knowledge, so newspapers need it.No matter the sensational news or entertainment,they are all information products foraudience. But the entertainment news is a kind of process.Over entertainment makes a lots of negative things. But in play theory, audiencechoose to read newspaper is just for fun, but It’s not a negative fun, because playing cannot make any food clothes or other materials,and audience no longer trust everythingfrom media,they almost hesitate everything, just because over entertainment.There are four parts in this article, first analyses the play theory of masscommunication,find out how the theory make people do the convergent selectivity, thenview the entertainment news process,try to find some regularties, and connect this theoryto the American news history,make some corrects.
大眾傳播游戲理論視角下的新聞娛樂化現象研究 摘要4-6ABSTRACT6-7緒論10-121 對大眾傳播游戲理論的解讀12-24 1.1 游戲的原理12-14 1.2 游戲的前提14-17 1.2.1 工作與游戲14-15 1.2.2 新聞閱讀中受眾的社會控制原則與會聚性選擇15-16 1.2.3 新聞閱讀后的自己(Self)與自我(Ego)16-17 1.2.4 媒介環(huán)境形成的公眾(Public)與大眾(Mass)17 1.3 游戲的進行——閱讀新聞的游戲17-22 1.3.1 閱讀新聞的前提,帶來興趣的統(tǒng)覺18-19 1.3.2 新聞閱讀的游戲理論19-21 1.3.3 結語21-22 1.4 游戲理論的總結22-242 美國新聞史上新聞娛樂化的四個階段24-30 2.1 初現端倪24-25 2.2 享受主義25-26 2.3 開始娛樂 80 年代26-28 2.4 娛樂至死28-303 新聞娛樂化現象的研究30-38 3.1 娛樂的新聞與新聞娛樂化的問題30-31 3.2 我國新聞娛樂化的歷史起源31-35 3.3 辯證看待當前新聞娛樂化現象35-38 3.3.1 受眾本位回歸與降低受眾欣賞水平35-36 3.3.2 為媒介創(chuàng)收與媒介公信力的下降36 3.3.3 政府與民眾的緩沖與影響受眾知情權的手段36-384 大眾傳播游戲理論視角下的新聞娛樂化現象研究38-46 4.1 新聞閱讀游戲中的受眾38-41 4.1.1 主動的受眾38-39 4.1.2 現實的受眾39-41 4.2 新聞閱讀游戲后的受眾41-44 4.2.1 變化的受眾41-42 4.2.2 矛盾的受眾42-44 4.3 總結44-46結束語46-47參考文獻47-49致謝49-50攻讀學位期間發(fā)表論文以及參加科研情況50-51