弗洛伊德無意識理論在中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)領(lǐng)域的影響研究.pdf 全文免費在線閱讀
網(wǎng)友wz_198614近日為您收集整理了關(guān)于弗洛伊德無意識理論在中國當(dāng)代文學(xué)領(lǐng)域的影響研究的文檔,希望對您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)有所幫助。以下是文檔介紹:M D ThesisFreud Theory of the Unconscious in the Field of ContemporaryChinese LiteratureZhangyuCollege of Arts and HistoryNorthwest Normal UniversityIIAbstractOn the psychoanalysis of Freud's sexual awareness, as well as its modernChineseliterature, there are a lot of research monographs, but for the psychoanalysisof Freud'sTheory of the Unconscious, and its Chinese eptance and application of domestic research on few and far between. Itry to talk about on this issuetheir own views.In this paper a total of four chapters. The theme is to explore Freud theory of theunconscious in China, local rheological and contemporary Chinese literature. The firstchapter introduction is a brief introduction to Freud's academic life, and the theory ofnomeaning to do a basic exposition. The second chapter looks at the Freud theory ofthe unconscious theory of travel in China, focusing on summary unconscioustheorytranslation, dissemination and development of clues, look at theselection,transformation, and transformation of the unconscious theories with Chinesecharacteristics. Chapter proceed from the specific literary creation, to exploreFreudtheory of the unconscious to meet the contemporary Chinese literary creation,what kind of internal needs and bring a kind of cultural quality to the Chineseliterature, study ofcontemporary Chinese literary creation effects of a special way, plex process.The fourth chapter is focused on looking for Freud theory of theunconscious and local culture on the discourse between the docking fit, starting fromthe horizontal expansion ofthe specific Chinese contemporary art thinking, expand theunconscious theory ofChinese Contemporary Literary Theory and Criticismimplications.The author believes that the treatment of Freud's unconscious theory should adoptan objective dialectical attitude, the same of their unconscious theory in the field ofcontemporary Chinese literature should also take this attitude. However, due tocultural background and way of thinking, values, and social and political influence ofmany factors and constraints, Theory of the Unconscious in the field of contemporaryChinese literature is scattered and fragmentary, it has no theory as a cultural andphilosophical concepts critics or writers to understand and accept. In this sense, Freudunconscious theory of creativity, revolutionary, and its one-sidedness, the limitationshave not been fully exploited or expand in the Chinese literature, and therefore worthyIIIof our thinking and explore many.Key words: Unconscious In China Literary creation Literary theoryIV.............................................................................................................................................. I.................................................................................................................................................IIABSTRACT ........................................................
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