Lessons and Tutoring
Lessons and Tutoring - Reviews
The reviews below refer to free (or free-to-try) off-site tutoring and instructional resources. To access the Purplemath lessons and tutoring forums, please use the links to the right. For paid in-home tutoring, please try here.
algebra.help: This site has lessons on basic algebra topics and techniques, study tips, calculator advice, worksheets, and more.
BestDamnTutoring.com: In contrast to the YouTube norm, this tutoring crew directed their algebra instructor through multiple "takes" to ensure clarity; the videos are generally short, to the point, and error-free.
Better Explained: If you're curious about how math people "see" mathematics, or how "seeing" math in the same way might improve your own understanding, then this site's articles on "intuitive" math could be helpful.
Brightstorm: This video compendium offers videos on many topics, such as chemistry, calculus, and ACT test-prep. In particular, you will find a large collection of algebra lessons.
CliffsNotes: This recognized name in helpful supplementary resources has added online lessons to its print offerings. There are loads of math lessons, including many for algebra.
Dan's Math@Home Lessons: These lessons range from algebra to calculus and beyond, and are heavy on worked examples that illustrate the "basics".
DAU's Math Modules: This school has a lengthy list of algebra lessons. You can follow their lesson map, or else find what you want in their index.
FreeMathHelp: FreeMathHelp has some lessons covering various topics from algebra to calculus, a worksheet generator, and a message board which offers free tutoring. Registration for the tutoring forum is required, but is free and fast. Questions are usually answered within a day. For math formatting advice, follow the links in the "Forum Help" pull-down menu at the top of every forum page.
Karl's Calculus Tutor: When you're ready to move past algebra into calculus, Professor Karl's online lessons are a good place to start.
MathGuide: Mark Karadimos offers , among other topics. Many of the lessons include quizzes so you can test your knowledge. The site also has a free tutoring forums.
MathHelpBoards: Register for a free membership in this free tutoring forum. Replies are provided by volunteers.
Mathnerds: Once you've registered (membership is free), log in to this tutoring site. Then pick the category that most closely matches what you are studying and submit your question. It will be assigned to a qualified tutor. Questions are answered by pre-qualified tutors, usually within a day or two. Valid e-mail address required.
MathOps: This site is meant for teachers and classrooms, but there is loads of great free material, too. From the home page, click the link for "Free Lessons". (To return to their home page, you'll need to use your browser's "Back" button, or scroll down to the bottom for a link.)
Maths Is Fun: If you'd like extra practice or instruction on pre-algebra or early-algebra topics, Maths Is Fun is a great resource. The site also has worksheets, a tutoring forum, puzzles, and teaching games.
One Mathematical Cat: Professor Fisher has created entire textbooks and posted them online. The algebra text includes "Web Exercises" which you can use for practice. (Be sure to read their instructions.)
Open Algebra: Professor John Redden has taken his lessons and handouts for his college algebra courses and put them online. His lessons contain loads of worked examples.
Paul's Online Math Notes: Paul Dawkins of Lamar University has compiled some very nice lessons, reviews, and cheat-sheets for his college students, and has made his materials available to the rest of us, too. His site covers algebra through differential equations. The lessons are very thorough, with lots of worked examples, sensible advice regarding common mistakes, and helpful previews of what to expect in later courses.
Regents Prep: The Oswego City School District provides many lessons covering different topics for many grade-levels. Of interest to the algebra student are the lessons designed for the Regents Prep exam, many of which contain instructions related to graphing calculators. Scroll down on the "Math A" and "Math B" pages to view each index of lessons.
Stan Brown's Math and Calculator articles: Professor Brown has created a nice collection of tutorials covering many common tasks, and some not-so-common ones, for classes from algebra through calculus and statistics. Includes programs you can download and install, step-by-step instructions, illustrations, and a conversational tone.
The Math Page: The algebra lessons here contain testing-as-you-go questions for you to answer. You can check your answer by mousing over the pink box to display the expected answer. This free site also offers lessons from basic arithmetic through the beginnings of calculus.
WTAMU Virtual Math Lab: The West Texas A&M University's Virtual Math Lab has a lengthy list of tutorials, covering topics throughout algebra. Each lesson includes useful terminology, worked examples, and links to other sites.
WyzAnt: This online tutoring service also offers a long list of math lessons, including algebra and pre-calculus.
xyAlgebra: If you are having trouble with beginning algebra, especially word problems, this free package may be just the thing. The software shows all of the steps and reasoning for doing basic algebra problems, and allows the student to work through exercises, providing lessons on necessary background topics, as needed.
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