科研論文英文寫作指南 Guide to Science Writing文獻(xiàn).pdf文檔全文免費(fèi)閱讀
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Writing Scientific Manuscripts a guide for undergraduates from the Journal of Young Investigators Peer-reviewed, undergraduate science journal. Copyright 2005 Journal of Young Investigators. This guide was written and produced by the Journal of Young
Investigators, Inc. It is distributed free as an education resource for
undergraduates, but may not be modified or reproduced without the express written consent of The Journal of Young Investigators. Writing Scientific Manuscripts Journal of Young Investigators
Table of Contents
Introduction ______________________________________ 4
Part I: Publication & Peer Review______________________ 6 Deciding to Publish _____________________________________ 6 Submitting Your Paper___________________________________ 6 After Submission _______________________________________ 6 Overview of Peer Review _________________________________ 7 Purpose of Peer Review __________________________________ 8 How It Works__________________________________________ 8 The Role of Editor ______________________________________ 9 Limitations and Issues___________________________________ 9
Part II: Writing a Scientific Manuscript ________________ 11 The Scientific Manuscript________________________________ 11 Structure of an Article_____________________________________________ 11 Writing Style ____________________________________________________ 13 Audience _______________________________________________________ 13 A Note on Scientific Misconduct _____________________________________ 14 Word Choice__________________________________________ 15 The Abstract__________________________________________ 17 What is an Abstract_______________________________________________ 17 Abstract Standards for Review ______________________________________ 19 Common Mistakes in an Abstract ____________________________________ 19 The Introduction ______________________________________ 20 What is an Introduction ______________________
本文關(guān)鍵詞:The Journal of Young Investigators,由筆耕文化傳播整理發(fā)布。