For Authors : Nature Genetics
本文關(guān)鍵詞:Nature Genetics,,由筆耕文化傳播整理發(fā)布。
Guide to Authors Manuscript submission
Use the navigation bar on the left to view information about our common editorial policies, how to submit, content types, the manuscript decision process, and biographical information about the editors.
Please see our brief guide to manuscript submission in PDF format for an overview of key information on submitting primary research for publication in Nature Genetics.
The editorial policies, including the guide for referees, are also available in PDF format.
Aims and scope of the journalNature Genetics publishes the very highest quality research in genetics. It encompasses genetic and functional genomic studies on human and plant traits and on other model organisms. Current emphasis is on the genetic basis for common and complex diseases and on the functional mechanism, architecture and evolution of gene networks, studied by experimental perturbation.
Integrative genetic topics comprise, but are not limited to:
Editorial processThe overview of the journal's manuscript decision process includes submission, editorial decision on whether the paper should be reviewed, peer review, decisions after review, revision, acceptance in principle, final submission and acceptance, proofs, advance online publication, and print publication. Before submitting a paper, authors should consult our editorial policies as well as technical tips for using our online submission system.
Please also consult our general guide for manuscript preparation and submission, which includes information on article formats, journal style, and figure preparation tips. Note that procedures for initial submission, revision, and final submission are slightly different, so please consult the directions before proceeding to the online submission system. Presubmission inquiries are not a prerequisite for the regular submission process, but are intended as a mechanism for authors to receive rapid feedback on whether a manuscript in preparation is likely to be of interest to the journal. We encourage authors who have already prepared their manuscripts to bypass the presubmission inquiry process and upload their papers as a regular submission to the journal.
Journals in the Nature family no longer take copyright on the primary research articles we publish. Instead we ask authors to sign a license for us to publish their work. US government employees sign a different license.
Editors and contact informationLike the other Nature titles, Nature Genetics has no external editorial board. Instead, all editorial decisions are made by a team of full-time professional editors. For information on their research backgrounds and scientific interests, see About the Editors.
Full contact information for the journal can be found here.
Relationship to other Nature journalsNature Genetics is editorially independent, and its editors make their own decisions, independent of the other Nature journals. If a paper is rejected from one Nature journal, the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer service to submit the paper to another Nature journal via a link sent to them by the editor handling the manuscript. Authors should note that referees' comments (including any confidential comments to the editor) and identities are transferred to the editor of the second journal along with the manuscript. In that case, the journal editors will take the previous reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases the editors may choose to take advice from additional or alternative referees. Alternatively, authors may choose to request a fresh review, in which case they should not use the automated transfer link, and the editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the previous review process. More details are available on the manuscript transfer service and on the relationships between Nature titles.
Editorial and publishing policiesPlease see authors & referees for detailed information about author and referee services and publication policies at the Nature family of journals. These journals, including Nature Genetics, share a number of common policies including the following:
Author responsibilities
License agreement and author copyright
Compliance with open access mandates
Embargo policy and press releases
Use of experimental animals and human subjects
Competing financial interests
Availability of materials and data
Reporting requirements for life sciences articles
Digital image integrity and standards
Security concerns
Refutations, complaints and corrections
Duplicate publication
Confidentiality and pre-publicity
Plagiarism and fabrication
Impact factorThe 2014 impact factor for Nature Genetics is 29.352, according to the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports.
The 2014 impact factor represents the number of citations in 2014 to papers published in 2012 and 2013, divided by the total number of papers published in 2012 and 2013. A more detailed explanation of impact factors appears on the Thomson Reuters web site.
Editorial blogsWe encourage community participation in all Nature journal blogs. Free Association is the Nature Genetics blog for links and editorial comment on research and news in genetics, as well as reader feedback. Other Nature Publishing Group blogs can be found on the blog index page.
AbbreviationThe correct abbreviation for abstracting and indexing purposes is Nat. Genet.
ISSN and EISSNThe international standard serial number (ISSN) for Nature Genetics is 1061-4036, and the electronic international standard serial number (EISSN) is 1546-1718.
Further editorial informationPlease see the following editorials for more information on various aspects of journal policy.
Providing clinical data in genetic studies
Descriptions of human population groups
Portraying research participants
Materials sharing policy
Minimum information about a microarray
Criteria for genetic association studies
The guide for authors and the editorial policies, including the guide for referees, are available in PDF format.
本文關(guān)鍵詞:Nature Genetics,由筆耕文化傳播整理發(fā)布。