1.1 Research Topic
The concept of corporate social responsibility (hereinafter referred to as CSR) was first introduced by Oliver Sheldon in 1924.
CSR policy basically means that businesses should embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on their communities, environment, consumers, employees, and all the other members of the public.
As early as in the 1930s, renowned economic professors Adolf Berle and E. Merrick Dodd had already led a spirited debate on the issue of whether corporations should undertake social responsibilities.
In terms of issues such as the company's functionality and role, and of the trustee of the manager, Berle (1931) regarded companies as sheer for-profit economic organizations in which all the corporate powers belonged to stockholders. By contrast, Dodd (1932) advocated that companies should embrace social responsibilities since companies were greatly influenced by public interests when allocating private properties. Thus, companies should be considered organizations endowed with both functions of seeking profits and serving society. The debate lasted for more than two decades and ended with Dodd's standpoint prevailing over Berle’s.
Thus, CSR policy has been conventional since its introduction.
By the late 1990s, the idea of CSR had become almost universally sanctioned and promoted by all constituents in society from governments and corporations to non-governmental organizations and individual consumers. Most of the major international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development and International Labor Organization have not only endorsed CSR, but also established guidelines and permanently staffed divisions to research and promote CSR.
1.2 Definition of Corporate Social Responsibility
The issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been debated since the 1950s. The latest analyses by Secchi (2007) and Lee (2008) reported that the definition of CSR is in a process of change in meaning. According to Berle, the classical view of CSR was narrowly limited to philanthropy and then shifted to the emphasis on business-society relations, particularly referring to the contribution that a corporation or firm made to solving social problems. In the early twentieth century, social performance was tied up with market performance. The pioneer of this view, Oliver Sheldon (2003), however, encouraged management to take the initiative in raising both ethical standards and justice in society through the ethic of economizing, i.e. to economize the use of resources under the name of efficient resource mobilization and usage. By doing so, a business creates wealth in society and provides better standards of living.
According Wood (1991), the present-day corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business/ Responsible Business) is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. The CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public who may also be considered as stakeholders.
2.1 Previous Studies of Text Cohesion Carried out Overseas and in China
In this chapter, the author will review some of the previous studies on cohesion carried out overseas and in China. It is Halliday and Hasan (1976) who first proposed cohesion as a linguistic term. The book Cohesion in English (Halliday and Hasan, 1976) written by them not only arouses wide attention to cohesion in the field of linguistics but also lays a theoretical foundation for the further study.
2.1.1 Studies of Text Cohesion Carried out Overseas
The earliest studies referred to or rather the first to be widely available were those of Quirk (1985), Greenhaum (1996) and Leech (2001). Among such studies, Gutwinski (1976) took the view that cohesion could be considered as the relations obtaining among the sentences and clauses of text, and he also tried to root cohesion in a stratificational framework. His focus on the potential stylistic application of cohesive studies has provided a new perspective for studies in stylistics. Fowler (1977) held that cohesion was a linguistic pattern helps to hang texts together.
2.2 Overview of Previous Studies on English Corporate Reports
In the following the author of the thesis paper will review the literature of the previous studies on English corporate reports that justifiably cover English CSR reports. English corporate reports, as one of the most important ways to keep track of corporate activities, haven’t received much attention. Most researches on English corporate reports were done by western scholars from various perspectives, from, for example, textual analysis, corpus linguistics-based approach, thematic analysis and so forth.
2.2.1 Previous Studies on English Corporate Reports
Thomas (1993) studied “The Letter to Shareholders” by turning to Halliday’s systems of transitivity, thematic structure, context and cohesion, and condensations, and she argued that writers always presented themselves in a favorable light. In her research, Thomas examined the active and passive construction of the clauses in “The Letter to Shareholders” and the thematic structure therein. It was proposed in her research that the active clause construction occurred more frequently when profitability increased. Moreover, the choice of agency also reflects the change in profitability, as those writers tended to associate themselves with favorable messages rather than negative ones. Smith and Taffler (1996) conducted a content analysis of the chairman’s statement, arguing that voluntary narrative disclosures could indicate financial risk of bankruptcy and that the chairman's statement was associated with subsequent corporate failure.
3.1 About Text Cohesion ......................... 17
3.2 Cohesive Devices and Their Functions .......... 17
4.1 Overview .................. 25
4.1.1 General Study: Data Analysis and Results .............. 26
CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION ................ 61
5.1 Major Findings ............... 61
5.2 Implications................. 63
4.1 Overview
All of the English CSR reports analyzed in the thesis paper are the ones appearing on the web pages of high-technology companies so that the corpus can be representative and the research outcome can be more well-directed. An entire English CSR report, which is often more than 100 pages long, is too long to be analyzed in this thesis. For this reason, the author of the thesis chooses the part of an English CSR report that is closely related to “people” as research text. Generally speaking, an English CSR report consists of many parts such as “business”, “environment”, “public policy”, only the part of “people” focuses on the wellbeing of a company’s employees and their development which should be paid attentions to insofar as the responsibilities a company shoulders are meant for. Therefore, the author of the thesis paper has analyzed the “people” part of 30 English CSR reports of different companies. The general data analysis and the case studies will be presented in the following.
5.1 Major Findings
Cohesion is an important constituent of text analysis and it plays an important role in connecting elements in the text. On the basis of the previously relevant studies concerning cohesion, the author of this thesis has carried out a research on the cohesion of the CSR reports of some hi-tech companies. After researches on the 30 corpus and the relevant studies, the author draws the following conclusions.
The occurrences of cohesive devices in the 30 English CSR reports are not of even distribution. Lexical cohesion is the most frequently used type of cohesion by which to set up cohesive relations across sentences, followed in order of occurrence by reference and conjunction. Ellipsis and substitution are rarely employed in the reports to realize textual cohesion. In the 30 randomly selected English CSR reports there are 74 reference items, 6 instances of ellipsis, 40 occurrences of conjunction and 589 lexical cohesive items applied to build textual cohesion. Lexically cohesive items are the writers’ favorite among all cohesive devices. Both grammatical and lexical types of cohesion contribute to the realization of cohesion in the English CSR reports.
Specifically speaking, the frequent use of lexical cohesion makes stand out the subject-matter or the central topic that the writers of the English CSR reports would like to emphasize. The lexical chains formed by lexical reiteration and collocation weave in and out of the whole textual cohesion.