

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-06 13:24
【摘要】:近年來,隨著大豆對(duì)外依存度的增加,價(jià)格穩(wěn)定性變差,營養(yǎng)學(xué)家試圖通過各種營養(yǎng)調(diào)控手段,加大對(duì)雜粕資源的利用。作為一種新型粕類蛋白,脫酚棉籽蛋白(Low Gossypol Cottonseed Meal,LCSM)具有低棉酚和高蛋白的特點(diǎn),質(zhì)量好于傳統(tǒng)棉粕,但其在蛋雞日糧中適宜使用比例、對(duì)蛋雞和雞蛋的影響及其機(jī)理鮮有報(bào)道。本文采用飼養(yǎng)試驗(yàn)、蛋品質(zhì)和血液生化測定、i TRAQ蛋白質(zhì)組學(xué)、組織學(xué)、雙向凝膠電泳結(jié)合基質(zhì)輔助激光解析電離飛行時(shí)間質(zhì)譜分析等方法,研究了LCSM對(duì)產(chǎn)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能、蛋品質(zhì)、、器官組織學(xué)、血液生化和蛋清蛋白相對(duì)含量等的影響。開展本項(xiàng)目研究,可以厘清棉籽蛋白的特點(diǎn),有利于充分利用我國豐富的棉籽資源,拓寬棉籽蛋白的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。試驗(yàn)一不同日糧蛋白水平脫酚棉籽蛋白對(duì)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能及蛋品質(zhì)的影響本試驗(yàn)觀察了不同蛋白水平下,日糧LCSM對(duì)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能及其蛋品質(zhì)的影響,確定添加LCSM時(shí),適宜的飼糧粗蛋白水平。選擇40 WK健康海蘭褐產(chǎn)蛋雞432只,隨機(jī)分為6個(gè)處理,每個(gè)處理6個(gè)重復(fù),每重復(fù)12羽,分別采食以等能、相同理想氨基酸模式配制的3個(gè)蛋白水平(CP 17.5%、16%和14.5%)的玉米-豆粕(SBM)或玉米-脫酚棉籽蛋白日糧,預(yù)飼期1周,正飼期12周。試驗(yàn)期間,每天記錄蛋重、耗料量,計(jì)算料蛋比等生產(chǎn)性能指標(biāo)。每隔6周,每重復(fù)收集5枚雞蛋,測定蛋品質(zhì)(蛋白高度、哈氏單位(HU)、蛋殼強(qiáng)度、厚度、蛋黃重和蛋黃顏色)。結(jié)果表明,試驗(yàn)全期,LCSM未顯著影響蛋殼厚度、強(qiáng)度、蛋黃顏色和蛋黃重;提示,LCSM不影響蛋殼和蛋黃品質(zhì)。與SBM組相比,在40~45 WK沒有顯著影響,但46~51 WK,不同蛋白水平下,LCSM對(duì)蛋雞采食量、蛋重和蛋清品質(zhì)影響顯著(P0.05)。日糧CP 14.5%,全棉籽蛋白和全豆粕日糧,未見顯著影響蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能;日糧CP 16%和17.5%時(shí),與全豆粕組相比,在46~51 WK,LCSM組的蛋雞采食量和蛋重均顯著降低(P0.05)。日糧CP 16%,LCSM組雞蛋蛋白高度顯著降低(P0.05)。全豆粕型日糧,與CP 17.5%組相比,CP 14.5%組的蛋重和蛋白高度顯著降低(P0.05)。全棉籽蛋白組和全豆粕組中,與CP 17.5%組相比,CP 16%和14.5%組的飼料/雞蛋最低,但CP 14.5%組中蛋白高度和HU顯著降低。因此,在使用脫酚棉籽蛋白時(shí),日糧蛋白水平適宜采用16%;LCSM日糧飼喂蛋雞6周未見顯著影響生產(chǎn)性能,12周引起了生產(chǎn)性能和蛋清品質(zhì)的下降,提示LCSM對(duì)產(chǎn)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能有累積致毒作用。試驗(yàn)二脫酚棉籽蛋白對(duì)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能及蛋品質(zhì)的影響本試驗(yàn)研究了日糧中添加的LCSM,對(duì)蛋雞生產(chǎn)性能及蛋品質(zhì)的影響,以確定LCSM的適宜添加水平。選擇432只40 WK健康海蘭褐產(chǎn)蛋雞,隨機(jī)分為6個(gè)處理,每個(gè)處理6個(gè)重復(fù),每重復(fù)12羽雞,分別采食等能、相同理想氨基酸模式的6種日糧(CP 16%)。對(duì)照組為玉米豆粕基礎(chǔ)日糧,4個(gè)組(LCSM25、LCSM50、LCSM75和LCSM_100)分別按25%、50%、75%和_100%替代對(duì)照組中由豆粕提供的蛋白(添加50、98.3、144.2和189 g/kg LCSM),第6組在對(duì)照組日糧中添加和LCSM_100組含量相同的游離棉酚(28.35 mg/kg)。預(yù)飼期1周,正飼期12周。試驗(yàn)期間,每天記錄蛋重、耗料量,計(jì)算料蛋比等生產(chǎn)性能指標(biāo)。每隔6周,每個(gè)重復(fù)收集5枚雞蛋,測定蛋品質(zhì)及蛋清蛋白含量。研究表明,LCSM_100組46~51 WK蛋雞采食量和蛋重顯著降低(P0.05),全期,LCSM對(duì)蛋雞產(chǎn)蛋率和料蛋比沒有顯著影響(P0.05)。試驗(yàn)全期,各處理組蛋黃顏色沒有顯著變化,但與豆粕組相比,LCSM_100組46~51 WK雞蛋HU、蛋白高度和蛋清蛋白含量顯著降低(P0.05)。與對(duì)照組相比,LCSM組的血漿總蛋白、尿素氮、尿酸、血清蛋白、丙氨酸轉(zhuǎn)氨酶和天冬氨酸轉(zhuǎn)氨酶沒有顯著變化;肝腎切片組織學(xué)未見病變。LCSM_100顯著降低了蛋雞采食量、蛋重及蛋清指標(biāo);然而,與豆粕組相比,添加棉酚組中各指標(biāo)未見顯著降低。因此,這種負(fù)面影響并非由其中棉酚引起;蛋雞日糧中LCSM適宜添加98.3 g/kg。試驗(yàn)三脫酚棉籽蛋白對(duì)蛋清中蛋白質(zhì)組成的影響本試驗(yàn)研究了LCSM引起的蛋清品質(zhì)下降與蛋清中蛋白質(zhì)相對(duì)含量之間的關(guān)系。將40 WK、216只海蘭褐產(chǎn)蛋雞分為3個(gè)組,對(duì)照組飼喂玉米-豆粕基礎(chǔ)日糧(SBM組),另兩組分別由LCSM替代對(duì)照組日糧中豆粕提供的50%(LCSM50)和_100%蛋白(LCSM_100)。試驗(yàn)期12周。試驗(yàn)期間,觀測和記錄蛋清、血液激素,觀察輸卵管組織學(xué),采用i TRAQ技術(shù)研究飼喂LCSM后蛋清蛋白相對(duì)含量的差異。與SBM組相比,LCSM_100組蛋清中有15種蛋白相對(duì)含量顯著降低,分別為:卵清蛋白(Ovalbumin)、卵轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn)鐵蛋白(Ovotransferrin)、卵粘蛋白(Ovomucin)、溶菌酶蛋白(Lysozyme)、卵抑制劑(Ovoinhibitor)和簇蛋白(Clusterin)等。這些降低的蛋白占蛋清總蛋白的75%,均具有抗菌、抗病毒性,在蛋清的保護(hù)機(jī)制上發(fā)揮重要作用。卵粘蛋白影響蛋清粘度系數(shù)和抗蛋清稀化;簇蛋白影響蛋清中折疊蛋白的穩(wěn)定和抗蛋白沉淀。飼喂LCSM后引起的這些蛋白的降低,造成了蛋白高度和HU的降低。LCSM_100組血漿孕酮水平的下降在一定程度抑制了輸卵管中管狀腺細(xì)胞和上皮細(xì)胞的生長,降低了該部位分泌蛋清蛋白的功能。分子水平上蛋清各蛋白的相對(duì)含量的下降闡釋了其生化水平上各指標(biāo)的下降,從分子水平說明了LCSM在蛋雞日糧中不能_100%替代豆粕。試驗(yàn)四脫酚棉籽蛋白對(duì)儲(chǔ)存期雞蛋蛋品質(zhì)及蛋清中蛋白質(zhì)組成的影響本試驗(yàn)研究了LCSM對(duì)儲(chǔ)存期蛋品質(zhì)的影響及其機(jī)理。在飼養(yǎng)試驗(yàn)的12周末的連續(xù)三天內(nèi)采集SBM、LCSM50和LCSM_100組蛋樣總共540枚,分別儲(chǔ)存于4℃,相對(duì)濕度65%下4和8周,測定0、4和8周的HU、蛋白p H、蛋黃指數(shù);采用二維雙向凝膠電泳(2-DE)結(jié)合基質(zhì)輔助激光解吸離子化飛行時(shí)間質(zhì)譜(MALDI-TOF/TOF MS),分析儲(chǔ)存8周后SBM組和LCSM_100組其蛋清蛋白的相對(duì)含量差異。結(jié)果顯示,儲(chǔ)存時(shí)間顯著影響雞蛋HU,隨儲(chǔ)存時(shí)間的延長HU顯著降低(P0.05)。與SBM組相比,LCSM_100組HU低于SBM和LCSM50組(P0.05),雞蛋蛋清p H顯著高于SBM和LCSM50組的雞蛋蛋清p H(P0.05)。儲(chǔ)存期內(nèi),飼糧蛋白源顯著影響雞蛋蛋黃指數(shù)(P0.05),LCSM50組的蛋黃指數(shù)與SBM組無顯著差異,但LCSM_100組低于LCSM50和SBM組(P0.05)。LCSM50組的蛋清品質(zhì)與SBM組的蛋清品質(zhì)相當(dāng)。2-DE鑒定結(jié)果顯示儲(chǔ)存8周后SBM組由于儲(chǔ)存時(shí)間的蛋清稀化作用有18個(gè)蛋白相對(duì)含量下降,而LCSM_100組中有36個(gè)蛋白相對(duì)含量上升,相比于上一章中i TRAQ鑒定的LCSM_100組中下降的15個(gè)蛋白數(shù)相比,其儲(chǔ)存期下降蛋白增加了140%,說明LCSM_100組的雞蛋在儲(chǔ)存期其蛋品質(zhì)更易趨于降低。LCSM_100組的雞蛋由于其蛋清蛋白模式的改變?cè)趦?chǔ)存期不僅蛋清品質(zhì)進(jìn)一步降低,且蛋黃指數(shù)也顯著下降,在整個(gè)試驗(yàn)期內(nèi),LCSM50組雞蛋的蛋品質(zhì)較LCSM_100更加穩(wěn)定。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increase of the degree of dependence on soybean, the stability of the price has become worse and the nutritionist tries to use a variety of nutritional control methods to increase the use of mixed meal. As a new type of meal protein, the Low Gossypol Cottonseed Meal (LCSM) has the characteristics of low gossypol and high protein, and the quality is better than the traditional cottonseed, but the quality is better than that of the traditional cottonseed. In this paper, the effect of LCSM on laying hens and eggs and their mechanism were rarely reported. In this paper, the breeding experiments, egg quality and blood biochemical determination, I TRAQ proteomics, histology, bi-directional gel electrophoresis combined with matrix assisted laser analytical ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis were used to study the production of laying hens production by LCSM. Performance, egg quality, organ histology, blood biochemistry and the relative content of egg white protein. The study of this project can clarify the characteristics of cottonseed protein, make full use of the rich cottonseed resources in our country and broaden the application field of cottonseed protein. And the effect of egg quality on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens under different protein levels, the effects of dietary LCSM on egg quality and egg quality were determined. When adding LCSM, the appropriate dietary crude protein level was determined. 40 WK healthy sea blue brown laying hens were selected, and 432 eggs were randomly divided into 6 treatments, each treatment was repeated with 12 feathers, and the same energy was equal. Corn soybean meal (SBM) or corn - Dephenol cottonseed protein diet of 3 protein levels (CP 17.5%, 16% and 14.5%) prepared by the ideal amino acid pattern was pre fed for 1 weeks and 12 weeks in positive feeding period. During the test, the egg weight, material consumption, and the ratio of egg to egg were recorded every day. Every 6 weeks, 5 eggs were collected repeatedly and the egg quality (protein height was measured). Ha unit (HU), eggshell strength, thickness, yolk weight and yolk color. The results showed that LCSM did not significantly affect eggshell thickness, strength, yolk color and yolk weight, suggesting that LCSM did not affect the quality of eggshell and yolk. Compared with the SBM group, there was no significant effect on 40~45 WK, but 46~51 WK, at different protein levels, LCSM to laying feed on laying hens, Egg weight and egg white quality were significantly affected (P0.05). Dietary CP 14.5%, whole cotton seed protein and whole soybean meal had no significant effect on egg production performance. When dietary CP 16% and 17.5%, the feed intake and egg weight of egg chickens in group 46~51 WK and LCSM group decreased significantly (P0.05). Diet CP 16%, LCSM group egg protein significantly decreased (P0.05). Compared with the CP 17.5% group, the egg weight and protein height of the CP 14.5% groups decreased significantly (P0.05). In the whole cotton seed protein group and the whole soybean meal group, the diet / eggs of CP 16% and 14.5% groups were the lowest compared with the group CP 17.5%, but the protein height and HU in the CP 14.5% groups were significantly reduced. Therefore, the dietary protein level was used when the cottonseed protein was used. It is suitable to use 16%; LCSM diet feeding laying hens for 6 weeks has not significantly affected the production performance, the production performance and the quality of egg white have been reduced in 12 weeks, suggesting that LCSM has a cumulative toxic effect on the production performance of laying hens. Experiment two the effect of Dephenol cottonseed protein on the production performance and egg quality of laying hens in this experiment was to study the LCSM added in the diet and to the laying hens. The effects of production performance and egg quality were determined to determine the suitable addition level of LCSM. 432 40 WK healthy sea blue brown laying hens were selected and randomly divided into 6 treatments, each treated with 6 repetitions, each repeated 12 feathered chickens, 6 diets with the same ideal amino acid pattern (CP 16%). The control group was the basal diet of corn soybean meal, 4 groups (LCSM25, LCSM). 50, LCSM75 and LCSM_100) replaced the protein (adding 50,98.3144.2 and 189 g/kg LCSM) in the control group by 25%, 50%, 75% and _100% respectively. The sixth groups added the free gossypol (28.35 mg/kg) with the same content of the LCSM_100 group in the control group. The pre feeding period was 1 weeks and the positive feeding period was 12 weeks. During the test, the egg weight, material consumption, and calculation material were recorded daily. Egg ratio and other production performance indexes. Every 6 weeks, 5 eggs were collected repeatedly, and egg quality and egg white protein content were measured. The study showed that the feed intake and egg weight of 46~51 WK laying hens in LCSM_100 group decreased significantly (P0.05). LCSM had no significant influence on laying rate and egg ratio (P0.05) in the whole period (P0.05). The color of egg yolk in each treatment group was not significant during the whole period of the experiment. But compared with the soybean meal group, the LCSM_100 group 46~51 WK egg HU, the protein height and the egg white protein content decreased significantly (P0.05). Compared with the control group, the total plasma protein, urea nitrogen, uric acid, serum protein, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in the LCSM group did not change significantly, and the liver and kidney section histology did not significantly reduce the pathological changes of.LCSM_100. The feed intake, egg weight and egg white index were lower, however, compared with the soybean meal group, the indexes in the addition of gossypol were not significantly reduced. Therefore, this negative effect was not caused by gossypol. The effect of LCSM on the protein composition of egg white in the diet of 98.3 g/kg. was suitable for the 98.3 g/kg. test. The relationship between the decrease of egg white quality and the relative content of protein in egg white. 40 WK, 216 blue brown laying hens were divided into 3 groups, the control group was fed with corn soybean meal base diet (SBM group), and the other two groups were replaced by 50% (LCSM50) and _100% protein (LCSM_100) from the diet of the control group, respectively. The test period was 12 weeks. During the test period, the observation period Test and record egg white, blood hormone, observe oviduct histology, use I TRAQ technique to study the difference of the relative content of egg white protein after feeding LCSM. Compared with group SBM, the relative content of 15 kinds of protein in group LCSM_100 was significantly reduced, respectively: ovalbumin (Ovalbumin), egg transporter ferritin (Ovotransferrin), ovalbumin (Ovomucin) and soluble protein, respectively. Bacteria enzyme protein (Lysozyme), egg inhibitor (Ovoinhibitor) and cluster protein (Clusterin). These reduced proteins account for 75% of the total egg white protein. They all have antibacterial, disease resistance, and play an important role in the protection mechanism of egg whites. Ooprotein affects the viscosity coefficient of egg white and the dilute of egg white. And anti protein precipitation. The decrease of these proteins caused by LCSM, resulting in the decrease of protein height and HU, decreased the growth of tubular and epithelial cells in the fallopian tubes to a certain extent, and reduced the function of the secreted egg white protein in this part of the oviduct. At molecular level, the relative proteins of egg white were relative to the molecular level. The decrease in content explained the decline of the indexes on the biochemical level. The effect of LCSM on the quality of egg and egg in storage period and the protein composition of egg white in the storage period was tested by the molecular level. The effect of LCSM on the quality of stored eggs and its mechanism were studied in the experiment. The effect of LCSM on the quality of stored eggs and its mechanism were studied. SBM, LCSM50 and LCSM_100 egg samples were collected at 12 weekends for three days, and 540 eggs were stored at 4, relative humidity 65% 4 and 8 weeks respectively. HU, protein P H, yolk index were measured for 0,4 and 8 weeks, and two dimensional two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) combined with matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS) was used to analyze storage 8. The relative contents of egg white protein in group SBM and LCSM_100 group were significantly different. The results showed that the storage time significantly affected the egg HU, and the HU decreased significantly with the prolongation of storage time (P0.05). Compared with the SBM group, the HU was lower than the SBM and LCSM50 groups (P0.05), and the egg egg white P was significantly higher than that of the egg white group. The egg yolk index (P0.05) was significantly affected by the dietary protein source. The egg yolk index in group LCSM50 was not significantly different from that in SBM group, but the LCSM_100 group was lower than the LCSM50 and SBM group (P0.05).LCSM50 group and the quality of the egg white in the SBM group was equivalent to the.2-DE identification results showed that the SBM group had 18 proteins relative to the storage time after 8 weeks of storage. The content of 36 proteins in the LCSM_100 group increased. Compared to the 15 proteins in the LCSM_100 group identified in the previous chapter, the decrease in the storage period increased by 140%, indicating that the egg quality of the LCSM_100 group was more likely to tend to lower the egg quality of the.LCSM_100 group in the storage period of the LCSM_100 group because of its egg white protein pattern. In the storage period, the egg white quality was further reduced and the yolk index decreased significantly. In the whole period of the test, the egg quality of the LCSM50 group was more stable than that of LCSM_100.


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1 楊茹潔;可消化AA平衡的高棉粕飼糧對(duì)蛋雞的生產(chǎn)性能、健康狀況及蛋品質(zhì)的影響[D];山西農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué);2003年




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