

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-06 08:39

  本文選題:日糧纖維 + 水合特性。 參考:《華中農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2016年博士論文

【摘要】:優(yōu)化母豬泌乳期采食量是保證高效的母豬繁殖效率和提高豬場盈利水平的關(guān)鍵。母豬繁殖周期是一個相互聯(lián)系,相互制約的整體過程。妊娠期營養(yǎng)攝入水平不僅影響仔豬初生窩重,而且影響泌乳期的采食量;而泌乳期營養(yǎng)攝入不足,則會影響母豬泌乳性能和母豬的再繁殖性能。由于母豬妊娠期能量攝入過高會降低泌乳期采食量。因此,妊娠期限飼是降低母豬能量攝入的有效途徑,但是母豬限飼后飽感得不到滿足,也會對繁殖性能產(chǎn)生負面影響。已有研究表明,妊娠日糧添加纖維性原料不僅可以促進限飼母豬的飽感,還能提高泌乳期采食量,但不同來源的纖維原料添加效果很不一致,這可能與日糧纖維的理化特性和發(fā)酵性密切相關(guān),但需要進一步證實。此外,日糧纖維調(diào)控母豬泌乳期采食量及繁殖性能的作用機理并不清楚;谝延醒芯,在保持效果的基礎(chǔ)上,研究廉價的纖維組合十分必要。本研究圍繞妊娠日糧中可溶性纖維促進母豬妊娠期飽感和提高泌乳期采食量的核心問題,結(jié)合體外發(fā)酵技術(shù),研究了日糧纖維的發(fā)酵特性對母豬泌乳期采食量的影響。應(yīng)用16S r DNA測序技術(shù),以腸道菌群作為靶點,尋找日糧引起的腸道菌群結(jié)構(gòu)變化與母豬胰島素敏感性之間的關(guān)聯(lián),進一步闡明了日糧纖維調(diào)控母豬泌乳期采食量的機理。運用纖維原料協(xié)同增效的原理,篩選出與魔芋粉理化特性和發(fā)酵性一致的纖維組合,在大鼠模型中驗證了其促進飽感和提高泌乳期采食量的效果。主要研究內(nèi)容及結(jié)果如下:第一部分主要研究了妊娠日糧中不同來源纖維性原料的發(fā)酵特性對母豬泌乳期采食量和繁殖性能的影響。配種后,選取90頭經(jīng)產(chǎn)長白母豬隨機分為三組,即對照組,魔芋粉組和甜菜渣組。三種日糧等能等氮且不溶性纖維含量相同。其中兩個試驗組與對照組的可溶性纖維含量不同,但魔芋粉組和甜菜渣組可溶性纖維含量相同。母豬妊娠期限飼,泌乳期自由采食,試驗周期為兩個繁殖周期。妊娠日糧酶解后殘渣,用體外發(fā)酵方法檢測發(fā)酵過程中的產(chǎn)氣量和短鏈脂肪酸的含量。記錄或度量母豬采食量,繁殖性能及仔豬性能。主要結(jié)果如下:1.日糧酶解后得到的殘渣,通過體外發(fā)酵,顯示魔芋粉組和甜菜渣組產(chǎn)氣量顯著高于對照組(P0.05),魔芋粉組主要屬于快速發(fā)酵部分,而甜菜渣組則屬于慢速發(fā)酵部分。魔芋粉組產(chǎn)氣過程中的(FRD0)1顯著低于對照組和甜菜渣組(P0.05)。在快速發(fā)酵部分,魔芋粉組發(fā)酵所用(T1/2)1顯著低于甜菜渣組(P0.05),而對照組與甜菜渣組沒有差異。魔芋粉組體外發(fā)酵產(chǎn)生的乙酸、丁酸和總短鏈脂肪酸顯著地高于其它兩組(P0.01)。2.與對照組相比,在妊娠90天時,魔芋粉組母豬顯著地提高了采食后4h血漿中乙酸、丙酸、丁酸及總酸的濃度(P0.05);同時顯著地降低了血漿中游離脂肪酸的濃度。此外,魔芋粉組母豬顯著地提高了胰島素敏感指數(shù)(homestasis model assessment-insulin sensitivity,HOMA-IS);顯著地降低了胰島素抵抗指數(shù)(HOMA-IR)(P0.05)。甜菜渣組和對照組差異不顯著。3.與對照組相比,魔芋粉組母豬顯著地提高了整個泌乳期的采食量,相應(yīng)地,顯著地提高了仔豬平均日增重及斷奶窩重(P0.05),而甜菜渣組并未出現(xiàn)同樣的效果。第二部分進一步研究了魔芋粉日糧對母豬腸道微生物、便秘、乳成分、泌乳期采食量及繁殖性能的影響。配種后,選取72頭經(jīng)產(chǎn)大白母豬隨機分為兩個組,即對照組和魔芋粉組。兩種日糧等能等氮,不溶性纖維含量相同,而可溶性纖維含量不同。試驗周期為連續(xù)兩個繁殖周期。妊娠期限飼,泌乳期自由采食。分娩前后5天,記錄母豬糞便形態(tài)并評分,同時記錄母豬每天便秘情況。記錄或度量母豬采食量,繁殖性能及仔豬性能。主要結(jié)果如下:1.日糧處理對母豬體重、背膘、斷奶至發(fā)情間隔、糞便含水量、初乳和常乳的乳脂、乳糖及總干物質(zhì)以及免疫球蛋白沒有影響。魔芋粉組母豬提高了分娩前1天,分娩后4天,5天的糞便評分(P0.05),有降低便秘發(fā)生率的趨勢(87.1%vs 69.2%,P=0.09)。魔芋粉日糧顯著地提高了母豬初乳中的乳蛋白和去脂干物質(zhì)(P0.05)。此外,魔芋粉組極顯著提高了泌乳母豬產(chǎn)后4天糞便中乳酸桿菌(P0.001)的數(shù)量,并降低了產(chǎn)氣莢膜梭菌的數(shù)量(P0.001)。2.魔芋粉日糧顯著地提高了母豬泌乳期采食量和仔豬平均日增重及斷奶窩重(P0.05)。第三部分應(yīng)用16S r DNA測序技術(shù)探討了魔芋粉日糧調(diào)控母豬腸道菌群對其泌乳期采食量及繁殖性能的機理。該研究的試驗樣品來源于第二部分的試驗。于妊娠10天、60天、90天、109天、分娩當(dāng)天、泌乳3天、7天、21天采食后2 h采集血液測定氧化應(yīng)激標志物,并在妊娠10天、109天、泌乳3天及7天餐前和采食后4 h采集血液測定HOMA值、短鏈脂肪酸、游離脂肪酸及促炎因子。在妊娠109天和泌乳21天收集糞便并提取DNA進行16S r DNA測序,結(jié)合生物信息學(xué)分析,主要結(jié)果如下:1.相對于妊娠前期,母豬血清中硫代巴比妥酸(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances,TBARS),活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)及8-羥基脫氧鳥苷(8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine,8-OHd G)水平在妊娠后期,分娩當(dāng)天,泌乳期顯著上升(P0.05)。在分娩當(dāng)天,魔芋粉組母豬顯著地提高了血清中谷胱甘肽過氧化物酶(glutathione peroxidase,GSH-Px)的濃度,降低了ROS,8-OHd G的水平(P0.05),有降低泌乳21天GSH-Px,泌乳3天ROS水平的趨勢(P0.1)。2.在妊娠109天采食后4 h,魔芋粉組母豬顯著地提高了血漿中乙酸、丁酸及總酸的濃度(P0.05),相反地,顯著地降低了血漿中游離脂肪酸的濃度(P0.05)。同時,魔芋粉組降低了母豬妊娠109天血清中TNF-α的水平(P0.05)。相對于妊娠前期,泌乳期母豬胰島素敏感性降低(P0.05)。飼喂魔芋粉日糧母豬降低了HOMA-IR值,升高了HOMA-IS值(P0.05)。3.收集40個母豬糞樣通過RDP數(shù)據(jù)庫共比對到28個門,其中占總操作分類單元(operational taxonomic unit,OTU)1%的有9個門。厚壁菌門為第一優(yōu)勢門(38.69%),依次為蛋白菌門(17.12%)擬桿菌門(16.95%)。母豬飼喂魔芋粉日糧顯著地提高了厚壁菌門,降低了擬桿菌門的豐度(P0.0001)。母豬飼喂魔芋粉日糧顯著地提高了羅氏菌屬(Roseburia),瘤胃球菌屬(Ruminococcus),乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus)及Akkermansia(P0.0001)的豐度;顯著地降低了普氏菌屬(Prevotella),擬桿菌屬(Bacteroides)和綠彎菌屬(Chloroflexi)的豐度(P0.0001)。4.主坐標分析顯示泌乳期母豬聚集較好,個體間離散程度較小;而妊娠母豬分布較散,個體間離散程度大,這提示著妊娠母豬微生物菌群結(jié)構(gòu)差異大,意味著妊娠日糧處理對母豬腸道微生物群落結(jié)構(gòu)有顯著影響。5.將關(guān)鍵腸道菌群與母豬代謝指標進行相關(guān)性分析發(fā)現(xiàn)結(jié)果顯示Akkermansia豐度與HOMA-IR呈顯著負相關(guān)(r=-0.61,P0.05),與HOMA-IS(r=0.63,P0.05)和乙酸(r=0.62,P0.05)呈顯著正相關(guān)。Clostridium-Ⅺ與8-OHd G呈顯著負相關(guān)(r=-0.74,P0.05)。Bacteroides與丁酸(r=0.64,P0.05)和總SCFA(r=0.73,P0.05)呈顯著正相關(guān),與FFA呈顯著負相關(guān)(r=-0.64,P0.05)。初乳中Ig G分別與Roseburia(r=0.80,P0.05)和Blautia(r=0.84,P0.05)呈顯著正相關(guān)。第四部分應(yīng)用纖維原料協(xié)同增效原理,篩選出與魔芋粉理化特性和發(fā)酵性一致的纖維組合添加到大鼠日糧,研究了纖維的水合特性和發(fā)酵性調(diào)控飽感的效果及其可能作用機理。32只SD大鼠隨機分到四個日糧處理:分別為對照組,魔芋粉組,纖維組合1及纖維組合2。日糧的水結(jié)合力和吸水膨脹力依次為纖維組合1魔芋粉組纖維組合2對照組。測定了胃腸道食糜的理化性質(zhì)以及盲腸內(nèi)容物的發(fā)酵性,通過飽感行為學(xué),餐模式分析評估了纖維對大鼠飽腹感和飽感的影響。主要研究結(jié)果如下:1.日糧處理對大鼠體重及體增重沒有影響。纖維組合1和魔芋粉組顯著地降低了大鼠平均日采食量和累積采食量(P0.05)。2.通過飽感行為學(xué)觀察發(fā)現(xiàn),與對照組相比,纖維組合1和魔芋粉組顯著地降低了采食時間(P0.05),促進了飽感轉(zhuǎn)折點的出現(xiàn),降低了1 h累積采食量(P0.05)。在餐模式分析中,與對照組相比,盡管日糧處理對采食速率,每餐采食量及每餐采食持續(xù)時間沒有影響,纖維組合1和魔芋粉組通過顯著地降低采食次數(shù),延長采食間隔(P0.05),從而降低了全天采食量(P0.05)。3.盡管結(jié)腸重量在四個組之間沒有差異。但與對照組相比,纖維組合1和魔芋粉組顯著地提高了盲腸內(nèi)容物含水量(P0.05),從而顯著提高盲腸新鮮食糜重量(P0.05)。此外,與對照組相比,纖維組合1和魔芋粉組顯著提高了胃食糜水結(jié)合力及吸水膨脹力(P0.05)。值得注意的是,胃食糜水結(jié)合力(r=-0.44,P0.05)和吸水膨脹力(r=-0.37,P0.05)分別與大鼠平均日采食量呈顯著負相關(guān)。與對照組相比,纖維組合1和魔芋粉組有降低胃食糜滯留時間的趨勢(P=0.09)。纖維組合1、魔芋粉組及纖維組合2組顯著地提高了丙酸的濃度(P0.05),魔芋粉組顯著地提高了總酸的濃度(P0.05)。日糧處理對血液中飽感激素(GLP-1,PYY)及回腸末端組織飽感基因(GLP-1,PYY)表達量沒有影響。第五部分研究了母鼠妊娠日糧中纖維組合的水合特性和發(fā)酵性對泌乳期采食量的影響及其可能作用機理。48只SD雌鼠隨機分配到四個日糧處理:分別為對照組,魔芋粉組,纖維組合1及纖維組合2。日糧的水結(jié)合力和吸水膨脹力依次為纖維組合1魔芋粉組纖維組合2對照組。通過葡萄糖耐受試驗(Glucose tolerance test,GTT)和胰島素耐受試驗(Insulin tolerance test,ITT)評估了日糧纖維對妊娠母鼠胰島素敏感性的影響。主要研究結(jié)果如下:1.日糧處理對母鼠體重沒有影響。與對照組相比,纖維組合1顯著提高了泌乳13、15、16、17和18天的采食量(P0.05),相應(yīng)地,纖維組合1顯著提高了仔鼠1-21天平均日增重及21天窩重(P0.05)。魔芋粉組和纖維組合2提高了仔鼠平均日增重,但差異不顯著。2.盡管血糖濃度在ITT沒有變化,然而在GTT中,與對照組相比,魔芋粉組和纖維組合1有降低葡萄糖注射后15min(P=0.05),30min(P=0.06),60min(P=0.14),90min(P=0.11)及120min(P=0.11)的血糖濃度的趨勢,并且顯著降低了血糖AUC的面積(P0.05)。相對于對照組,盡管空腹血糖,胰島素水平?jīng)]有變化,但魔芋粉組和纖維組合1顯著地降低了HOMA-IR值。本研究的主要結(jié)論為:1.妊娠日糧添加魔芋粉提高了母豬泌乳期采食量,改善了仔豬生長性能。其可能機理是:一方面,快速發(fā)酵的魔芋粉日糧升高了母豬血液中SCFAs的濃度,降低了FFA的濃度,從而改善了母豬妊娠后期和泌乳前期的胰島素敏感性;另一方面,魔芋粉日糧的發(fā)酵特性改變了母豬腸道菌群的結(jié)構(gòu),提高了與胰島素敏感性相關(guān)的菌群的豐度,降低了氧化應(yīng)激及促炎因子水平,進而改善了母豬胰島素敏感性。2.體外篩選與魔芋粉具有類似性質(zhì)的纖維組合,通過改變大鼠食糜水合特性,促進盲腸發(fā)酵產(chǎn)生SCFAs,降低了采食行為時間,促進了大鼠飽感。
[Abstract]:Optimizing the milk production of sows during lactation is the key to ensure efficient sow reproductive efficiency and raise the profit level of the pig farm. The sow reproductive cycle is a whole process of interrelated and mutual restriction. The level of nutrition intake in pregnancy not only affects the newborn piglets' primary nest weight, but also affects the intake of milk during lactation period, while the nutrition intake is insufficient in lactation period. It will affect the lactation performance of sows and the rebreeding performance of sows. Due to the excessive intake of energy in the sows during pregnancy, the period of pregnancy is an effective way to reduce the energy intake of sows. However, the sow's satiety is not satisfied after the sow's limited feeding, and it will also have a negative effect on the reproductive ability. The addition of fibrous raw materials can not only promote the satiety of sows but also increase the feed intake of the lactation period, but the effect of fiber raw materials from different sources is not consistent, which may be closely related to the physical and chemical properties and fermentation of the dietary fiber, but it needs further confirmation. In addition, dietary fiber regulates the feeding and reproduction of sows during lactation period. The mechanism of the performance is not clear. Based on the existing research, it is necessary to study the cheap fiber combination on the basis of maintaining the effect. This study focuses on the core problem of the soluble fiber in gestation to promote sow's pregnancy satiety and the increase of milk production intake, and studies the fermentation characteristics of the dietary fiber in vitro. The effect of 16S R DNA sequencing technology, using the intestinal microflora as the target, was used to find the relationship between the structural changes of the intestinal flora and the sensibility of the sow's insulin, and further clarified the mechanism of dietary fiber regulating the feed intake of the sows during the lactation period. A combination of the physicochemical properties and fermentative properties of konjac powder was used to verify the effect of promoting satiety and increasing the feed intake of lactation in the rat model. The main contents and results were as follows: the first part mainly studied the feeding and reproduction of different sources of fibrous raw materials from different sources of pregnancy on the lactation period of the sows. After mating, 90 sows were randomly divided into three groups, namely the control group, the konjac powder group and the beet residue group. The content of the nitrogen and insoluble fibers in the three kinds of diet was the same. The soluble fiber content of the two test groups was different from the control group, but the content of soluble fiber in the konjac powder group and the beet residue group was the same. Feeding period, lactating period is free to feed, the test period is two reproductive cycles. The residue of enzymatic hydrolysis of pregnancy diet, in vitro fermentation method to detect the production of gas and the content of short chain fatty acids in the fermentation process, record or measure the feed intake, reproductive performance and piglet performance. The main fruits are as follows: residue after enzymatic hydrolysis of the 1. diet, through body The gas production of the konjac powder group and beet residue group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P0.05). The konjac powder group was mainly a fast fermenting part, while the sugar beet residue group was a slow fermentation part. (FRD0) 1 was significantly lower than the control group and the beet residue group (P0.05). In the rapid fermentation part, the fermenting of the konjac powder group was used (T1/2 ) 1 was significantly lower than the beet residue group (P0.05), but there was no difference between the control group and the beet residue group. The acetic acid, butyric acid and total short chain fatty acids produced in the konjac powder group were significantly higher than those of the other two groups (P0.01).2. compared with the control group. At 90 days of pregnancy, the sow significantly improved the acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and total in 4H plasma after 90 days of pregnancy. The concentration of acid (P0.05) significantly decreased the concentration of free fatty acids in plasma. In addition, the sow significantly increased the insulin sensitivity index (homestasis model assessment-insulin sensitivity, HOMA-IS), significantly reduced the insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) (P0.05). The difference between the beet residue group and the control group was not significant.3. Compared with the control group, the sow in the konjac powder group significantly increased the feed intake of the whole lactation period, and correspondingly increased the average daily weight gain and weaning litter weight (P0.05) of the piglets, while the beet residue group did not have the same effect. The second part further studied the intestinal microorganism, constipation, milk composition and lactation period of the sows. After breeding, 72 large white sows were randomly divided into two groups, namely the control group and the konjac powder group. The two kinds of diet were equal in nitrogen, the insoluble fiber content was the same, but the soluble fiber content was different. The test period was two consecutive cycles. The pregnancy pregnancy period, the lactation period free intake. 5 days before and after childbirth, Records or measurements of sows' constipation, recording or measuring the daily constipation of sows, recording or measuring the feed intake, reproductive performance and piglet performance of sows. The main results are as follows: 1. diet treatment on sow weight, back fat, weaning to estrus interval, fecal water content, milk fat in colostrum and normal milk, lactose and total dry matter, and immunoglobulin Effect. The sow in the konjac powder group increased the rate of constipation (87.1%vs 69.2%, P=0.09) at 1 days before delivery, 4 days after delivery, and 5 days' stool score (P0.05). The konjac flour diet significantly improved the milk protein and the degrease dry matter (P0.05) in the sow colostrum. The number of Lactobacillus (P0.001) and the decrease of the number of Clostridium perfringens (P0.001).2. konjak powder significantly increased the feed intake of sows during lactation and the average daily gain of piglets and weaning litter weight (P0.05). The third part used 16S R DNA sequencing technology to investigate the feed intake of sow intestinal flora controlled by the konjac meal diet and its lactation period. The mechanism of reproductive performance. The experimental samples of this study were derived from the second part of the trial. On the 10 day of pregnancy, 60 days, 90 days, 109 days, 3 days of lactation, 7 days, 2 h after 21 days of feeding, the blood was collected to measure the oxidative stress markers, and the HOMA value, short chain fat, short chain fat, and short chain fat were collected at 10 days, 109 days, lactating days and 7 days before and after eating. Acid, free fatty acids and pro-inflammatory factors. Feces were collected on 109 days of pregnancy and 21 days of lactation, and DNA was extracted for 16S R DNA sequencing, combined with bioinformatics analysis, the main results were as follows: 1. relative to pre gestation, serum thiobarbituric acid (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS), active oxygen (reactive oxygen species). And 8- hydroxy deoxy guanosine (8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine, 8-OHd G) level in the late pregnancy, the day of childbirth, lactation period significantly increased (P0.05). On the day of childbirth, the konjac powder group sow significantly increased the concentration of serum glutathione peroxidase (glutathione peroxidase, GSH-Px) in the sera, reduced ROS, 8-OHd G level (P0.05), decreased. The trend of lactating for 21 days GSH-Px, the trend of ROS level for 3 days of lactation (P0.1).2. was 4 h after feeding on 109 days of pregnancy, and the concentration of acetic acid, butyric acid and total acid (P0.05) in the plasma of the konjac powder group increased significantly (P0.05). On the contrary, the concentration of free fatty acids in plasma was significantly reduced (P0.05). At the same time, the Amorphophallus konjac powder group reduced the TNF- alpha in the serum of the sow for 109 days. Level (P0.05). Compared with pre gestation, the sow insulin sensitivity decreased (P0.05) in lactation period. The diet of konjac meal sow decreased the HOMA-IR value and increased the HOMA-IS value (P0.05).3. to collect 40 sow faeces through the RDP database to 28 doors, which accounted for 9 of the total operating taxa (operational taxonomic unit, OTU) 1%. The door was the first dominant gate (38.69%), followed by the Proteobacteria gate (17.12%) in turn (16.95%). The sow feeding Amorphophallus powder diet improved the phylum saliorum gate and reduced the abundances of the bacteriobacteria (P0.0001). The sow feeding Amorphophallus powder diet significantly improved the genus Roseburia, the rumen coccus (Ruminococcus), the lactic acid rod. The abundance of bacteria (Lactobacillus) and Akkermansia (P0.0001) significantly reduced the genera of the genus prytobacillus (Prevotella), the abundances of the genus Bacteroides and Chloroflexi (P0.0001).4. principal coordinates analysis showed that the sows in the lactation period were well aggregated and the discrete degree among individuals were small, while the distribution of gestation sows was relatively scattered and the degree of dispersion among individuals was large. This suggests that the structural difference between the gestation sow microbial flora is large, which means that the diet treatment has a significant influence on the intestinal microbial community structure of the sows. The correlation analysis between the key intestinal flora and the sow metabolic index of.5. shows that the Akkermansia abundance is significantly negatively correlated with HOMA-IR (r=-0.61, P0.05), and HOMA-IS (r=0.63, P0.). 05) and acetic acid (r=0.62, P0.05) showed significant positive correlation between.Clostridium- and 8-OHd G (r=-0.74, P0.05).Bacteroides and butyric acid (r=0.64, P0.05) and SCFA (r=0.73). The fourth part, using the principle of synergistic synergism of fiber materials, selected the fiber combination which was consistent with the physicochemical and fermentative properties of the konjac powder to the rat diet, studied the hydration characteristics of the fiber and the effect of fermentation to regulate satiety and its possible mechanism,.32 only SD rats were divided into four diets with the machine: the control group, respectively, The water binding force and water swelling power of the 2. diet in the konjac powder group, the fiber combination 1 and the fiber combination diet were the 2 control groups of the fiber combination 1 konjac powder group. The physical and chemical properties of the GI tract and the fermentation of the cecum contents were measured. The effects of the fiber on the satiety and satiety of the rats were evaluated through the satiety behavior and the meal pattern analysis. The main results were as follows: 1. diet treatment had no effect on weight and weight gain in rats. Fiber combination 1 and konjac powder group significantly reduced the average daily feed intake and cumulative feed intake (P0.05).2. through satiety behavior observation. Compared with the control group, the fiber group 1 and the konjac powder group significantly reduced the feeding time (P0.05). In the meal pattern analysis, the dietary intake rate, food intake and food intake duration were not affected, while the fiber combination 1 and the konjac powder group decreased the feeding times and extended the feeding interval (P0.05), thus reducing the feeding rate and food intake duration compared with the control group in the meal model analysis. The whole day food intake (P0.05).3. had no difference between the four groups, but compared with the control group, the fiber combination 1 and the konjac powder group significantly increased the content of the cecum content (P0.05), thus significantly increasing the weight of the fresh cecum (P0.05). In addition, compared with the control group, the fiber combination 1 and the konjac powder group were significantly improved. It is worth noting that the gastric dehydrated water binding force (r=-0.44, P0.05) and water swelling power (r=-0.37, P0.05) are negatively correlated with the average daily feed intake of rats, respectively. Compared with the control group, the fiber combination 1 and the konjac powder group have the tendency to reduce the retention time of the stomach (P=0.09). Fiber combination is 1, demon The concentration of propionic acid (P0.05) was significantly increased in 2 groups of taro powder group and fiber combination, and the concentration of total acid (P0.05) was significantly increased in the konjac powder group. The expression of satiety hormone (GLP-1, PYY) in the blood and the expression of GLP-1 (PYY) in the terminal tissue of the ileum (GLP-1, PYY) were not affected. The fifth part studied the hydration of fibrous combination in the pregnant rats' pregnancy diet. The effect of characteristics and fermentation on the feeding intake of lactation period and its possible mechanism.48 only SD female rats were randomly assigned to four diet treatments: the control group, the konjac powder group, the fiber combination 1 and the fiber combination 2. diet were in turn the fiber combination 1 konjac powder group fiber combination 2 control groups. The experiment (Glucose tolerance test, GTT) and insulin tolerance test (Insulin tolerance test, ITT) evaluated the effects of dietary fiber on insulin sensitivity of pregnant female rats. The main results were as follows: 1. diet treatment did not affect the body weight of the mother rats. Compared with the control group, the fibrous combination 1 significantly improved the milk 13,15,16,17 and 18 days of feeding. (P0.05), correspondingly, fiber combination 1 significantly increased the average daily gain of 1-21 days and 21 days nest weight (P0.05) of the offspring rats, 2 of the konjac flour group and the fiber combination.





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