The Impact of Uncertainty on Transaction Cost in Constructio
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2022-08-11 11:05
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:196 頁(yè)
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.2.1 Importance of Construction Industry in Developing Countries
1.2.2 Importance of Research in Pakistan
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Research Scope
1.8 Organization of the Research
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Projects and Project Organizations
2.1.2 Project Contracting Arrangements
2.1.3 Cost of Contracting and Economics
2.2 Cost Escalation as a Global Phenomenon in Construction Industry
2.3 Neoclassical Economic Theory
2.3.1 Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) as a Theoretical Perspective
2.3.2 Transaction Cost Economics in Construction Projects
2.4 Cause of TC Escalation in Construction Projects
2.5 Uncertainty and Classification of Ex-post Transaction Cost
2.5.1 Definition of Uncertainty
2.5.2 Classification of Ex-post Transaction Cost
2.6 Differentiation of Uncertainty and Risk in Literature
2.7 Uncertainty as a Risk in Literature
2.7.1 Taxonomy of Risk in Construction Projects
2.7.2 Identification of Risk Factors that Influence on TC
2.8 Uncertainty as an Opportunity in Literature
2.8.1 Classification and Identifications of Uncertainty Factors
2.8.2 Uncertainty as an Opportunity Used by Previous Studies
2.9 Theoretical Framework of the Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Methodology (Conceptual)
3.1.1 Research Philosophy
3.1.2 Research Logic for Theory Development
3.1.3 Methodological Research Approaches (Qualitative or Quantitative)
3.2 Methodology (Operational)
3.2.1 Literature Review for Questionnaire Development
3.2.2 Pilot Study
3.2.3 Questionnaire Design and Sampling
3.2.4 Data Collection Method
3.3 Data Analysis Instruments Used in Research
3.3.1 Factor Analysis
3.3.2 Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM)
3.3.3 Spearmen's Rank Correlations and RII
4 Critical Causes of Transaction Cost Escalation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Methodology
4.2.1 Semi-Structured Interview
4.2.2 Questionnaire Survey
4.3 Data Analysis
4.3.1 Respondents'General Information
4.3.2 Analysis and Ranking of Causes of Transaction Costs
4.4 Factor Analysis
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Explanation of of the Causes found in Different Countries
4.7 Conclusion
4.8 Chapter Summary
5 Analysis of Risk associated with the Transactions Cost
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conceptual Model and Hypothesis Development
5.3 Hypothesis Development
5.3.1 Internal Risk and its Linkage to the TC
5.3.2 External risk and its linkage to the TC escalation
5.4 Research Methodology
5.4.1 Initial List of Survey Questionnaire
5.4.2 Pilot Study and Questionnaire Design
5.4.3 Data Sampling and Collection Procedure
5.5 Data Analysis
5.5.1 Measurement Model Assessment
5.5.2 Structural Model Assessment
5.6 Discussion
5.7 Conclusion
5.8 Chapter Summary
6 Opportunities to Control the Transaction Cost
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Research Methodology
6.3 Data Analysis and Results
6.3.1 Ranking of the Uncertainty Factors
6.3.2 Spearmen's Rank Correlation
6.3.3 Identification of General Uncertainty Factors Influencing TC
6.3.4 Ranking of Main Groups'Contribution to Overall Uncertainty
6.3.5 Comparison of Project Managers'and Consultants'Views
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Competitive Bidding
6.4.2 Incomplete Project Design
6.4.3 Delay Payments to Contractor
6.4.4 Managing Conflict
6.4.5 Delay in Obtaining Site Access
6.4.6 Force Majeure
6.4.7 Demand for Speedy Work
6.4.8 Impractical Tender Estimation
6.4.9 Failure of Owner to Undertake Responsibilities
6.4.10 Failure to Detect Contractor's Characteristics
6.5 Conclusion
6.6 Chapter Summary
7 Discussion and Conclusion
7.1 Research Problem, Objective and Findings
7.2 Practical Implications
7.3 Theoretical Implications
7.4 Study Limitations and Future Research
7.4.1 Limitation of the Study
7.4.2 Recommendations for Future Research
Innovative Points of the Thesis
Appendix A-Cost Escalation Issues in Developing Countries
Appendix B-The Summary of Transaction Cost Escalation Causes
Appendix C-Details of loading
Appendix D-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Appendix E-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Appendix F-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Research Projects and Publications during Ph.D. Period
Curriculum Vitae
[1]Managing project risks and uncertainties[J]. Mike Mentis. Forest Ecosystems. 2015(01)
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:196 頁(yè)
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Background Information
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.2.1 Importance of Construction Industry in Developing Countries
1.2.2 Importance of Research in Pakistan
1.3 Problem Statement
1.4 Research Objectives
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Research Scope
1.8 Organization of the Research
2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Projects and Project Organizations
2.1.2 Project Contracting Arrangements
2.1.3 Cost of Contracting and Economics
2.2 Cost Escalation as a Global Phenomenon in Construction Industry
2.3 Neoclassical Economic Theory
2.3.1 Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) as a Theoretical Perspective
2.3.2 Transaction Cost Economics in Construction Projects
2.4 Cause of TC Escalation in Construction Projects
2.5 Uncertainty and Classification of Ex-post Transaction Cost
2.5.1 Definition of Uncertainty
2.5.2 Classification of Ex-post Transaction Cost
2.6 Differentiation of Uncertainty and Risk in Literature
2.7 Uncertainty as a Risk in Literature
2.7.1 Taxonomy of Risk in Construction Projects
2.7.2 Identification of Risk Factors that Influence on TC
2.8 Uncertainty as an Opportunity in Literature
2.8.1 Classification and Identifications of Uncertainty Factors
2.8.2 Uncertainty as an Opportunity Used by Previous Studies
2.9 Theoretical Framework of the Study
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Methodology (Conceptual)
3.1.1 Research Philosophy
3.1.2 Research Logic for Theory Development
3.1.3 Methodological Research Approaches (Qualitative or Quantitative)
3.2 Methodology (Operational)
3.2.1 Literature Review for Questionnaire Development
3.2.2 Pilot Study
3.2.3 Questionnaire Design and Sampling
3.2.4 Data Collection Method
3.3 Data Analysis Instruments Used in Research
3.3.1 Factor Analysis
3.3.2 Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM)
3.3.3 Spearmen's Rank Correlations and RII
4 Critical Causes of Transaction Cost Escalation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Methodology
4.2.1 Semi-Structured Interview
4.2.2 Questionnaire Survey
4.3 Data Analysis
4.3.1 Respondents'General Information
4.3.2 Analysis and Ranking of Causes of Transaction Costs
4.4 Factor Analysis
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Explanation of of the Causes found in Different Countries
4.7 Conclusion
4.8 Chapter Summary
5 Analysis of Risk associated with the Transactions Cost
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conceptual Model and Hypothesis Development
5.3 Hypothesis Development
5.3.1 Internal Risk and its Linkage to the TC
5.3.2 External risk and its linkage to the TC escalation
5.4 Research Methodology
5.4.1 Initial List of Survey Questionnaire
5.4.2 Pilot Study and Questionnaire Design
5.4.3 Data Sampling and Collection Procedure
5.5 Data Analysis
5.5.1 Measurement Model Assessment
5.5.2 Structural Model Assessment
5.6 Discussion
5.7 Conclusion
5.8 Chapter Summary
6 Opportunities to Control the Transaction Cost
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Research Methodology
6.3 Data Analysis and Results
6.3.1 Ranking of the Uncertainty Factors
6.3.2 Spearmen's Rank Correlation
6.3.3 Identification of General Uncertainty Factors Influencing TC
6.3.4 Ranking of Main Groups'Contribution to Overall Uncertainty
6.3.5 Comparison of Project Managers'and Consultants'Views
6.4 Discussion
6.4.1 Competitive Bidding
6.4.2 Incomplete Project Design
6.4.3 Delay Payments to Contractor
6.4.4 Managing Conflict
6.4.5 Delay in Obtaining Site Access
6.4.6 Force Majeure
6.4.7 Demand for Speedy Work
6.4.8 Impractical Tender Estimation
6.4.9 Failure of Owner to Undertake Responsibilities
6.4.10 Failure to Detect Contractor's Characteristics
6.5 Conclusion
6.6 Chapter Summary
7 Discussion and Conclusion
7.1 Research Problem, Objective and Findings
7.2 Practical Implications
7.3 Theoretical Implications
7.4 Study Limitations and Future Research
7.4.1 Limitation of the Study
7.4.2 Recommendations for Future Research
Innovative Points of the Thesis
Appendix A-Cost Escalation Issues in Developing Countries
Appendix B-The Summary of Transaction Cost Escalation Causes
Appendix C-Details of loading
Appendix D-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Appendix E-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Appendix F-The Questionnaire Used in the Survey
Research Projects and Publications during Ph.D. Period
Curriculum Vitae
[1]Managing project risks and uncertainties[J]. Mike Mentis. Forest Ecosystems. 2015(01)