border outflow, Jilin Province, influence factors
Cross-border Outflow in Jilin Border Area and Its Influence Factors
[1] [2] [3] [4]
YANG XueA, WANG Hua-boA, LIU Wei-jiangB, JIN Mei-lingA ( A.Northeast Asian Studies Academy of Jilin Universtiy ; B.Business School of Jilin University, Changchun Jilin , 130
[1]吉林大學(xué)東北亞研究院,吉林長春130012; [2]吉林大學(xué)商學(xué)院,吉林長春130012
Abstr:Using the survey data concerning the migrants and the impact factors in the "three types regions" conducted by The National Population and Family Planning Commission to analyze of the cross- border outflow's status and influencing factors of the population in the border areas of Jilin Province. There are the results: among the cross-border outflow population in the border areas of Jilin Province, the cross-border outflow will of the people between 15 to 59 years old is the most strongly and the cross- border outflow tenden population. Compared cy of Chinese Korean and Manchu are much greater than that of the Han to the internal migrants in the border areas of Jilin Province,the first-married population and the divorced population are easy to cross-border outflow than the unmarried population. Compared to population who don't outflow in the border areas of Jilin Province,the attitude to cross- border outflow of the remarried people is more conservative than that of the unmarried people, but the divorced population is easy to cross-border outflow than the unmarried population; the people who used to work outside the home are easy to cross-border outflow.
Keyword::border areas, cross-border outflow, Jilin Province, influence factors