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  本文選題:小企業(yè) 切入點:農(nóng)村婦女 出處:《西北農(nóng)林科技大學》2012年博士論文

【摘要】:本文研究主要涉及兩個主題:一是闡明農(nóng)業(yè)小企業(yè)對孟加拉國農(nóng)村貧困婦女生計資產(chǎn)的可持續(xù)影響;二是探究農(nóng)村貧困婦女在其家庭生活條件改進過程中的角色變化。孟加拉國是一個農(nóng)業(yè)國家,農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟占國民生產(chǎn)總值的20%,農(nóng)業(yè)勞動人口占勞動總?cè)丝诘?3%,尤其是種植業(yè)是農(nóng)業(yè)的重要部門,其產(chǎn)量占農(nóng)業(yè)總產(chǎn)量的72%。孟加拉國農(nóng)村人口主要以農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營為生,許多農(nóng)村人口就業(yè)于為農(nóng)戶或農(nóng)基工商業(yè)提供產(chǎn)品和服務的小型農(nóng)村企業(yè)。孟加拉國約有五千五百萬名婦女,約占全國總?cè)丝诘亩种。在孟加拉國這樣一個農(nóng)業(yè)國家和生計經(jīng)濟國家,家禽、乳制品、苗圃、米糠、漁業(yè)和手工藝品企業(yè)在提供營養(yǎng)食品,以及增加收入和就業(yè)方面發(fā)揮重要作用?沙掷m(xù)生計(sustainablelivelihoods)取決于對資產(chǎn)(包括人力資本、社會資本、有形資產(chǎn)、自然資產(chǎn)和金融資產(chǎn))的獲取性和控制性。近年,部分政府組織和非政府組織致力于通過針對就業(yè)和薪金的教育類和經(jīng)濟類項目,提高農(nóng)村貧困婦女的社會經(jīng)濟地位。 基于上述背景,本文旨在揭示農(nóng)業(yè)小企業(yè),特別是在小額信貸項目推進過程中,對農(nóng)村貧困婦女生計資產(chǎn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的影響,并評價農(nóng)戶生活水平改進狀況。本研究數(shù)據(jù)源自孟加拉國邁門辛三個地區(qū)的300個農(nóng)戶。樣本戶中的婦女成員主要從事畜禽飼養(yǎng)企業(yè)、蔬菜種植企業(yè)和漁場企業(yè)經(jīng)營。本文以可持續(xù)生計資產(chǎn)為研究框架,因而分析重點之一是揭示農(nóng)村婦女對不同類型的生計資產(chǎn)(有形、人力、金融、自然和社會資產(chǎn))的可獲取性,以及有效利用資產(chǎn)的能力。該研究框架為研究組織、政策、機制、文化規(guī)范如何影響農(nóng)戶生計提供了評價方法。 金融資產(chǎn)方面,tobit模型結(jié)果表明年齡、儲蓄水平和抵押條件對農(nóng)村婦女的金融資產(chǎn)水平產(chǎn)生顯著正影響。本研究中,多數(shù)女性企業(yè)家處于盛年期,更有能力和精力從事農(nóng)業(yè)企業(yè)經(jīng)營活動。受高利息率影響,女性企業(yè)家偏好儲蓄。由于缺乏抵押品,婦女更愿意通過參加小額信貸項目,進而參與企業(yè)活動。信貸數(shù)額和勞動力共享也對農(nóng)村婦女的金融資產(chǎn)水平產(chǎn)生顯著正影響。這表明,非政府組織的小額信貸項目對婦女的盈利能力具有重要影響,進而增加了其金融資產(chǎn)。婦女與其家庭成員共享勞動力,使其賺取更多利潤,從而能為企業(yè)再投資積累更多資本。在其企業(yè)經(jīng)營中,家庭勞動力在獲取收入方面扮演重要角色。此外,受教育程度和培訓水平越高的農(nóng)村婦女,其金融資產(chǎn)也越多。相比其他農(nóng)業(yè)企業(yè),參與畜禽企業(yè)的婦女擁有更多的金融資產(chǎn),這是由于近年來畜禽部門成為優(yōu)先發(fā)展的部門,并且畜禽產(chǎn)品在個體經(jīng)營的農(nóng)村婦女中需求量大。 自然資產(chǎn)方面,orderedprobit模型結(jié)果顯示區(qū)域的土地、肥料、降雨和植被條件對農(nóng)村婦女的自然資產(chǎn)水平產(chǎn)生顯著正影響。作為自然資源,土地規(guī)模以及土壤類型和肥沃程度對農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生直接影響。農(nóng)村婦女習慣于在宅地及毗鄰地區(qū)從事農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)。有機肥料是維持土壤肥力和生產(chǎn)力的重要來源,充足的降雨能促進農(nóng)業(yè)高產(chǎn)出。植被對維持適宜的氣候、溫度、濕度和降雨量發(fā)揮重要作用。此外,地下水位也對農(nóng)村婦女的自然資產(chǎn)水平產(chǎn)生顯著正影響。參與蔬菜企業(yè)的婦女,其自然資產(chǎn)水平更高。這是因為相比漁業(yè)和畜禽,蔬菜種植更容易受到土地規(guī)模、肥料、降雨量的影響。 有形資產(chǎn)方面,orderedprobit模型結(jié)果表明工作經(jīng)歷、健康狀況、信貸來源和投入有效性與農(nóng)村婦女的有形資產(chǎn)具有顯著的正相關(guān)關(guān)系。富有經(jīng)驗的婦女更加熟悉如何進行資金管理、投入購買、市場傳播和基礎設施建設。女性企業(yè)家也能獲得健康方面的保健措施。受到非政府組織信貸監(jiān)管的影響,貸款者關(guān)注有形資產(chǎn)的貸款用途。投入的有效性提高了農(nóng)村地區(qū)的市場穩(wěn)定性,使得小企業(yè)更易進入。蔬菜企業(yè)和畜禽企業(yè)對農(nóng)村婦女有形資產(chǎn)具有顯著正影響,且蔬菜企業(yè)的正影響更顯著。這證明蔬菜企業(yè)與其他企業(yè)相比,其基礎條件更優(yōu)越,有更多的機會進行蔬菜生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營。 人力資本方面,orderedprobit模型結(jié)果表明參加非政府組織的培訓、家庭食品營養(yǎng)和衛(wèi)生環(huán)境、農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)知識與農(nóng)村婦女的人力資本具有顯著的正相關(guān)關(guān)系。參與企業(yè)經(jīng)營的婦女經(jīng)過培訓,效率得到提高,并且在基本需求方面(如營養(yǎng)食品和個人衛(wèi)生)得到更多支持,進而整個家庭的健康狀況得到改善。在農(nóng)村地區(qū),婦女習慣于將本土知識和技術(shù)運用到農(nóng)業(yè)實踐中。健康檢查次數(shù)越多,農(nóng)村婦女的人力資本水平越高,這表明參與企業(yè)經(jīng)營的婦女更關(guān)心其健康狀況,而年齡、教育程度也與農(nóng)村婦女的人力資本具有顯著的正相關(guān)關(guān)系。參與漁業(yè)企業(yè)的婦女,其人力資本水平更高,這是因為相比其他企業(yè),漁業(yè)企業(yè)因養(yǎng)殖更困難而需要企業(yè)家具備更高的技能和知識。 社會資本方面,orderedprobit模型結(jié)果表明與其他企業(yè)家聯(lián)系程度、在非政府組織會議中的領(lǐng)導力、社會集會的參與度、水源及衛(wèi)生條件、政治意識、家庭支持力度對農(nóng)村婦女的社會資本具有顯著的正影響。保持與其他企業(yè)家聯(lián)系意味著良好的社會網(wǎng)絡。在非政府組織會議中具有領(lǐng)導力能增強婦女的自信和自強感,進而提高其社會自由度。參與婚禮、年會、文化娛樂等社會集會能使其及家人在與其他家庭成員的交流中獲益。水源及衛(wèi)生條件對婦女健康產(chǎn)生重要影響的同時,也對其農(nóng)村社會生活具有顯著影響。因為在農(nóng)村地區(qū),只有聲望高的家庭才能擁有良好的衛(wèi)生條件和純凈的管井水。政治意識和家庭支持對當今農(nóng)村社會至關(guān)重要,尤其是對女性權(quán)益更為重要。計量結(jié)果顯示,,自有企業(yè)的婦女工作經(jīng)歷越多,基本需求提升,其社會資本水平越高。參與畜禽企業(yè)的婦女更容易獲得更高水平的社會資本。由于參與畜禽企業(yè)也能提高婦女的金融資本和有形資產(chǎn)水平,因而對于參與畜禽企業(yè)的婦女而言,提高金融資本和有形資產(chǎn)水平對提高其社會資本水平有顯著作用。 本研究發(fā)現(xiàn)農(nóng)村貧困婦女在改進家庭生活條件中發(fā)揮重要作用。研究結(jié)果顯示,參與畜禽企業(yè)、漁業(yè)企業(yè)和蔬菜企業(yè)的婦女所屬的家庭年均收入分別為112543.1孟加拉塔卡,106503.3孟加拉塔卡,97725.09孟加拉塔卡,較未參與企業(yè)前平均增加了373.40%。參與三類企業(yè)中的大部分被調(diào)查婦女表示在健康狀況、衛(wèi)生意識等方面有不同程度的改進。家庭資產(chǎn)相較于未參與企業(yè)前平均增加了180.03%,管井使用比例增加到96%,衛(wèi)生廁所使用比例提高到94.67%。婦女在食品、服裝和幼兒教育的貢獻程度分別提高了193.79%、421.34%、580.62%,工作日增加了119%。這些改進表明,小企業(yè)為農(nóng)村貧困婦女創(chuàng)造了新的自我就業(yè)機會。另外,研究還顯示,60%的婦女獲得期限為8-10年的小額信貸,40%的婦女獲得期限為5-7年的小額信貸。參與畜禽企業(yè)的婦女中有66%長期獲得小額信貸,這一數(shù)字在參與漁業(yè)企業(yè)的婦女中為61%;旧,小額信貸成為維持婦女參與企業(yè)活動的主要基礎保障。 此外,婦女在獲取信貸(96%)、家庭計劃(97.33)、婚姻(93%)、兒童輔導(95.67%)、社會宗教(85.67)、娛樂(88%)決策方面均具有顯著影響,但她們在土地買賣決策(63%)中扮演次要角色。農(nóng)村婦女在資產(chǎn)使用方面擁有的資源有限,需要創(chuàng)新路徑來積累資本。政府、非政府和私人部門能為參與企業(yè)的貧困婦女提供技術(shù)支持,私人和公共機構(gòu)能催化并促進農(nóng)業(yè)小企業(yè)發(fā)展,使農(nóng)村貧困婦女生計獲得可持續(xù)性發(fā)展。 研究還發(fā)現(xiàn),女性企業(yè)家在創(chuàng)業(yè)時面臨的不利社會因素,主要包括信用和培訓缺失、價格波動、灌溉設施匱乏、種子、飼料和工藝知識缺乏等。因此,需要轉(zhuǎn)變與生計相關(guān)的制度、組織、政策和立法的結(jié)構(gòu)及流程,以減少女性創(chuàng)業(yè)中的不利因素。目前,已有的研究成果側(cè)重于從企業(yè)家的生產(chǎn)系統(tǒng)進行結(jié)構(gòu)流程改造,如非政府組織小額信貸和培訓項目,幫助農(nóng)村女性企業(yè)家管理創(chuàng)業(yè)活動。本文則是以提高收入水平、增加幸福程度、降低脆弱性、改進食品安全條件、提高自然資源的可持續(xù)利用程度以及改善婦女權(quán)利作為可持續(xù)生計的評價視角。
[Abstract]:This research mainly involves two topics: one is to clarify the small agricultural enterprises sustainable impact on the Bangladesh Rural Poor Women's livelihood assets; the two is to explore the rural poor women's changing roles in the process of improving the living conditions of their families. Bangladesh is an agricultural country, the agricultural economy of 20% of GDP, agricultural labor force for labor 63% of the total population, especially the planting industry is an important sector of agriculture, the agricultural output accounted for 72%. of the total output of Bangladesh Rural population mainly in the agricultural production and management for the students, many of the rural population employment in small rural enterprises to provide products and services for the farmers or agricultural base business. Bangladesh has about fifty-five million women, accounting for about 1/2 of the country's total population. In such a state and Bangladesh Agricultural livelihood economy countries, poultry, dairy products, nursery, rice bran, and fishery Handicrafts enterprises in providing nutritious food, and play an important role in increasing income and employment. The sustainable livelihoods (sustainablelivelihoods) depends on the assets (including human capital, social capital, tangible assets, natural assets and financial assets) acquisition and control. In recent years, some government organizations and non-governmental organizations committed to for employment and salary education and economic projects, improve the rural poor women's social and economic status.
Based on the above background, this paper aims to reveal the small agricultural enterprises, especially in the microfinance project to promote the process of rural poverty, women's Livelihood Assets of sustainable development, and evaluation of farmers' living standards improved. Based on the data from 300 households in Bangladesh in three districts of Mymensingh. The women in the sample households members mainly engaged in animal husbandry enterprise, business enterprise. In this paper, vegetable cultivation and fisheries to Sustainable Livelihoods Assets as the research framework, so the analysis is one of the focuses of Livelihood Assets reveals the rural women of different types of (physical, financial, human, natural and social assets) can be obtained, and the ability to effectively use assets. The research framework for the study of tissue. Policy, mechanism, cultural norms how to influence the farmers' livelihood provides evaluation methods.
Financial assets, Tobit model shows that age has a significant positive effect of savings and mortgage conditions on rural women's financial assets. In this study, the majority of women entrepreneurs in the prime period, more ability and energy to engage in business activities of agricultural enterprises. By the high interest rate of female entrepreneurs preference savings. Due to the lack of collateral, women more willing to in microfinance projects, and to participate in business activities. The amount of credit and labor share also have significant positive influence on the level of financial assets for rural women. This shows that profitability has an important influence on women's NGO microfinance programs, and increase its financial assets. Women and their family members shared labor, to earn more profits, and for enterprises to accumulate more capital investment. In the business, family labor in acquisition Play an important role in income. In addition, the level of education and training of the higher level of rural women, their financial assets more. Compared to other agricultural enterprises, involved in livestock and poultry enterprises women have more financial assets, this is due to the livestock sector become a priority in the development of the Department, and the individual management of livestock and poultry products in rural women in great demand.
Natural assets, orderedprobit model showed that the area of land, fertilizer, natural assets have significant positive influence on rural women's level of rainfall and vegetation conditions. As natural resources, land scale, soil types and soil fertility have a direct impact on agricultural production. The rural women used to engage in agricultural production in the area adjacent to the homestead and organic. Fertilizer is an important source to maintain soil fertility and productivity, adequate rainfall can promote agricultural output. The high temperature vegetation to maintain suitable climate, humidity and rainfall play an important role. In addition, the underground water level has a significant positive impact on rural women's natural assets level. In vegetable enterprise women, the level of natural assets higher. This is because compared to fisheries and livestock, vegetables are more susceptible to land scale, fertilizer, rainfall.
Tangible assets, orderedprobit model results show that the work experience, health status, sources of credit and investment validity and the rural women's tangible assets have a significant positive correlation. The experience of the women are more familiar with how to carry out the management of funds, investment purchase, marketing communication and infrastructure construction. Women entrepreneurs can get health care measures. Affected by the non government organization credit supervision, lenders concerned about loan use of tangible assets. The effectiveness of investment to improve market stability in rural areas, so that small businesses are more likely to enter. Vegetable enterprises and livestock enterprises has significant positive impact on rural women's tangible assets, and vegetable enterprises are more significant influence. This proves that vegetable enterprise compared with other enterprises, the foundation of better conditions, have more opportunities for vegetable production.
Human capital, orderedprobit model shows that in NGO training, family food nutrition and health of the environment, agricultural production and rural women's knowledge of human capital has a significant positive correlation. In the business of women through training, improved efficiency, and the basic needs (such as nutrition food and personal hygiene) are more support, then the whole family's health improved. In rural areas, women are accustomed to local knowledge and techniques to agricultural practice. The more the number of health examination, rural women's higher level of human capital, which suggests the involvement of business women care more about their health status, age, education degree and the rural women's human capital has a significant positive correlation. In fishery enterprise women, the level of human capital is higher, this is because compared to other Enterprises, fishing enterprises are more difficult to breed, and need entrepreneurs to have higher skills and knowledge.
Social capital, orderedprobit model results show that the degree of contact with other entrepreneurs, in the conference of non governmental organizations in leadership, participation in social gatherings, water and sanitation, political awareness, family support social capital on rural women have significant positive effects. With other entrepreneurs contact means good social network. In the conference of non governmental organizations in leadership can enhance women's self-confidence and self-reliance, and improve the social freedom. To participate in the wedding, annual meeting, cultural entertainment and other social gatherings and can make the family benefit in communication with other family members. Water and sanitation conditions have an important impact on women's health at the same time, also have significant influence on the rural social life. Because in rural areas, only the high reputation of the family can have a good health condition and pure water. The well Support for the rural social governance is critical consciousness and the family, especially is more important for women's rights. The econometric results show that women experience more private enterprises, enhance the basic needs, the social capital level is higher. In livestock and poultry enterprises were more likely to have higher levels of social capital. Due to the participation of livestock and poultry enterprises can the improvement of women's financial capital and tangible assets, and to participate in livestock and poultry enterprises of women, improve the level of financial capital and tangible assets have significant effects on improving the level of social capital.
The study found that poor rural women play an important role in improving the living conditions of families. The results of the study showed that the women involved in livestock and poultry enterprises, fishery enterprises and vegetable enterprise annual family income were 112543.1 Bangladeshi Taka, 106503.3 Bangladeshi Taka, 97725.09 Bangladeshi Taka, was not involved in the enterprise before the average increase of 373.40%. in three types of enterprises most of the women surveyed said in health are improved in health awareness. The family did not participate in the enterprise assets compared with an average increase of 180.03%, the use of tube wells proportion increased to 96%, improve the toilet use ratio to 94.67%. women in food, clothing and contribution of early childhood education were increased by 193.79% 421.34%, 580.62% working days, increase that 119%. these improvements, small enterprises to create a new self employment for the rural poor women The opportunity. In addition, the study also showed that 60% of the women for a period of 8-10 years, 40% of the women's access to microcredit, for a period of 5-7 years of microfinance. In livestock and poultry enterprises 66% of women with long-term access to microcredit, the number involved in the fishery enterprises in women is 61%. of the base, microfinance become the main basis for the protection of women's participation in the maintenance activities of the enterprise.
In addition, women in obtaining credit (96%), family planning (97.33), (93%), marriage counseling for children (95.67%), (85.67), social and religious Entertainment (88%) decision has significant impact, but in their decision to sell land (63%) play a secondary role in the rural women have in assets. The use of limited resources to innovation path to capital accumulation. The government, non government and the private sector can provide technical support for enterprises to participate in the poor women, private and public institutions can catalyze and promote development of small agricultural enterprises, the livelihoods of rural poor women to obtain sustainable development.
The study also found that the adverse social factors facing women entrepreneurs in the business, including credit and price fluctuations, the lack of training, lack of irrigation facilities, seed, feed and process such as lack of knowledge. Therefore, we need to change the livelihoods and related system, organization, policy and legislative structure and process, to reduce the unfavorable factors of female entrepreneurship in the present, the existing research results on the structure transformation process in production system from entrepreneurs, such as NGO microfinance and training programs to help rural women entrepreneurs entrepreneurship management. This paper is to improve the level of income, increase the degree of happiness, reduce vulnerability, improve food safety conditions, improve the natural resources the sustainable utilization degree and improve women's rights as the evaluation of sustainable livelihoods perspective.



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