The Design,Development and Self-cleaning Performance of Nove
發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-02-11 14:23
【文章頁數(shù)】:72 頁
Chapter Ⅰ. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Research background
1.3. Objective of this research
1.4. Specific objective
1.5. Research methodology
1.6. Traditional back-strap loom
1.7. Weaving materials and methods of Chakmas traditional loom
1.8. Chapter summary
Chapter Ⅱ. The design and development of the novel textile fabrics by the application of theChakma community of the Chittagong hill tracts
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Computer drawing design process
2.3. Design implement in a small prototype
2.4. Design series 1: Rajaro phool (kings flower)
2.4.1. Design parameter
2.4.2. Trial weaving and finishing
2.5. Design series 2: Necklace complex design
2.5.1. Design ideas and color choices
2.5.2. Design parameters
2.5.3. Trial weaving and finishing
2.6. Design series 3: Duckweed fluttering design
2.6.1. Design ideas and color choices
2.6.2. Design parameters
2.6.3. Trial weaving and finishing
2.7. Series 4: Tool design
2.7.1. Design ideas and color choices
2.7.2. Design parameters
2.7.3. Trial weaving and finishing
2.7.4 Physical application simulation
2.8 Series: 5 Butterfly flying fabric
2.8.1. Design ideas and color choices
2.8.2. Design parameters
2.8.3. Trial weaving and finishing
2.8.4. Physical application simulation
2.9. Series 6: Chokiadini
2.9.1. Design ideas and color choices
2.9.2. Design parameters
2.9.3. Trial weaving and finishing
2.10. Chapter summary
Chapter Ⅲ. The self-cleaning performance of the novel textile fabrics with the Chakmacommunity of the Chittagong hill tracts
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Sol-gel method
3.2.1. Experimental materials
3.2.2. Sample preparation
3.2.3. Modified silica powder prepared by sol-gel method with silane couplingagent KH-570
3.2.4. The experimental chemicals
3.2.5. Sample preparation
3.2.6. Sample preparation for coating
3.2.7. Test instruments and methods Static contact angle Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Scanning Electron Microscope
3.3. Experimental results and analysis
3.3.1. FTIR spectra of silica powders prepared when the molar ratio of n (TEOS)is 1:1,1.4:1,1.8:1
3.3.2. Fourier infrared spectroscopy of silica powders after coating
3.3.3. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of Nano silica before andafter coating
3.3.4. Contact angle of Nano silica powder
3.4. Application of the traditional Chakma fabrics with self-cleaning performance
3.5. Chapter summary
Chapter Ⅳ. Traditional Chakma Fabric Treated with Silk Fibroin Solution and Its RelatedProperties Testing and Research
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Experimental part
4.2.1. Experimental Materials
4.2.2. Preparation of silk fibroin solution
4.2.3. Experimental substances and instruments
4.2.4. Experimental Characterization Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy Solid content test Physical property tests of Chakma fabric samples
4.3. Results and discussion
4.3.1. FTIR test results and analysis discussion
4.3.2. Test results and analysis of solid content test
4.3.3. Scanning electron microscope Study
4.3.4. Physical properties of Traditonal Chakma fabric treated with silk fibroin
4.3.5. Discussion of the results
4.3.6. Finishing stability test results and analysis discussion
4.3.7. Discussion of the results
4.4. Chapter summary
Chapter Ⅴ. Conclusion
5.1. Conclusion
5.2. Limitation
5.3. Future Researches