發(fā)布時間:2022-10-04 14:23
以食用菌基質中微生物為研究對象,研究γ射線輻照處理對基質中微生物數量及群落的影響。結果表明:基質中菌落總數和霉菌數經過γ射線輻照后顯著減少;γ射線輻照對基質中細菌種水平OTU和屬水平OTU相對豐度影響較大;種水平上,EscherichiaShigella、Uncultured bacterium(Lactococcus)、Uncultured organism 3條細菌OTU的豐度在輻照后明顯上升,其余細菌OTU明顯降低;屬水平上,輻照對Escherichia-Shigella影響較小;而從門水平上來看輻照對菌群影響不大,Proteobacteria和Firmicutes兩個門的細菌始終是優(yōu)勢菌群。γ射線輻照對基質中真菌的菌群結構影響較小,屬水平上,Fusatium、Unclassified、Candida、Aspergillus在輻照前后始終是優(yōu)勢菌群;門水平上,Ascomycota是主要優(yōu)勢菌。
【文章頁數】:6 頁
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental materials
2.2. Experimental method
2.2.1. Detection of the number of microorganisms
2.2.2. Detection and analysis of microbial community structure
3. Results and Analysis
3.1. Effects ofγirradiation on the microbial quantity in the matrix
3.2. Effects ofγirradiation on the abundance and diversity of bacteria in the matrix
3.3. Effects ofγirradiation on the abundance and diversity of fungi in the matrix
4. Conclusion and Discussion
【文章頁數】:6 頁
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental materials
2.2. Experimental method
2.2.1. Detection of the number of microorganisms
2.2.2. Detection and analysis of microbial community structure
3. Results and Analysis
3.1. Effects ofγirradiation on the microbial quantity in the matrix
3.2. Effects ofγirradiation on the abundance and diversity of bacteria in the matrix
3.3. Effects ofγirradiation on the abundance and diversity of fungi in the matrix
4. Conclusion and Discussion