發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-07-22 13:55
隨著家庭和工業(yè)對(duì)健康植物油及其產(chǎn)品需求的不斷增長(zhǎng),可通過分子育種技術(shù)從源頭上尋找替代品以滿足這種需求。近期,CAPS(Cleaved Amplified Polymorphism Sequence)標(biāo)記已成為分子育種試驗(yàn)重要的分子標(biāo)記技術(shù)。本試驗(yàn)選用兩個(gè)西瓜品系材料,分別命名為P1=W1-1(低油份含量),P2=PI-186490(高油份含量),利用F1和F2:3代果實(shí)測(cè)量種子含油率,同時(shí)測(cè)量其他的種子表型性狀(種子長(zhǎng)度、種子厚度、種子寬度、種皮厚度、種子百粒重)。PI-186490中種子含油率(SOP)的平均值(平均值為22.25%)顯著高于W1-1(平均值為14.75%)。F2:3代的種子含油率范圍為9%至32%。P1和P2中其他種子性狀的平均值如下:種子長(zhǎng)度(8.81 mm、14.71 mm),種子寬度(5.96mm、10.53mm),種子厚度(2.06 mm、2.65 mm),種皮厚度(0.33mm、0.15 mm),百粒重(...
【文章來源】:東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)黑龍江省 211工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:54 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Watermelon cultivation areas and classification
1.2 Seed nutritional significance in watermelon
1.3 Vegetable oils and nutrition
1.4 Seed oil percentage and molecular markers
1.5 QTL Analysis of Fruits and Seeds Characterization in Vegetables Crops
1.6 Study objectives
1.7 Technology route for research
1.8 Research plan calendar
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Plant materials for experiment
2.2 Experimental design in greenhouse
2.3 Recording of phenotypic traits
2.3.1 Seed length, seed width and seed thickness
2.3.2 Thickness of seed coat
2.3.3 100 seed weight
2.3.4 Extraction of seed oils
2.4 Physicochemical properties experiments
2.4.1 Fatty acid methyl ester preparation
2.4.2 Chromatography analysis
2.4.3 Chemical properties
2.5 Molecular analysis experiment
2.5.1 DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
2.5.2 Instruments
2.5.3 Reagent for molecular analysis experiments
2.6 Statistical analysis
3 Results and analysis
3.1 Screening of CAPS markers for polymorphism analysis
3.2 Fatty acid composition analysis
3.3 Physicochemical properties analysis
3.4 Linkage map construction analysis
3.5 Phenotypic traits analysis
3.5.1 Seed length analysis
3.5.2 Seed width analysis
3.5.3 Seed thickness analysis
3.5.4 Thickness of seed coat analysis
3.5.5 100 seed weight analysis
3.5.6 Seed oil percentage analysis
3.6 Detection of QTLs and analysis
3.6.1 Seed length QTLs analysis
3.6.2 Seed width QTLs analysis
3.6.3 Seed Thickness QTL analysis
3.6.4 Thickness of seed coat QTL analysis
3.6.5 100 seed weight QTL analysis
3.6.6 Seed oil percentage QTL analysis
4 Discussion
4.1 Fatty acid composition
4.2 Oil percentage and fatty acids correlation
4.3 Physicochemical properties
4.3.1 Acid value and free fatty acid
4.3.2 Oxidizability value (Cox)
4.3.3 Saponification value
4.3.4 Specific gravity
4.4 Linkage map construction with CAPS markers
4.5 Detection of watermelon seed traits QTLs
4.5.1 Seed length QTL
4.5.2 Seed width QTL
4.5.3 Seed thickness QTL
4.5.4 Thickness of seed coat QTL
4.5.5 100 seed weight QTL
4.5.6 Seed oil percentage QTL
5 Conclusion
5.1 Fatty acids
5.2 Physicochemical properties
5.3 Linkage map construction and QTL ana lysis
Papers published in the period of Ph.M. education
[1]基于CAPS標(biāo)記的西瓜果實(shí)與種子相關(guān)性狀QTL分析[J]. 遲瑩瑩,高鵬,朱子成,欒非時(shí),李桂英,于鵬. 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué). 2017(07)
【文章來源】:東北農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)黑龍江省 211工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:54 頁
1 Introduction
1.1 Watermelon cultivation areas and classification
1.2 Seed nutritional significance in watermelon
1.3 Vegetable oils and nutrition
1.4 Seed oil percentage and molecular markers
1.5 QTL Analysis of Fruits and Seeds Characterization in Vegetables Crops
1.6 Study objectives
1.7 Technology route for research
1.8 Research plan calendar
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Plant materials for experiment
2.2 Experimental design in greenhouse
2.3 Recording of phenotypic traits
2.3.1 Seed length, seed width and seed thickness
2.3.2 Thickness of seed coat
2.3.3 100 seed weight
2.3.4 Extraction of seed oils
2.4 Physicochemical properties experiments
2.4.1 Fatty acid methyl ester preparation
2.4.2 Chromatography analysis
2.4.3 Chemical properties
2.5 Molecular analysis experiment
2.5.1 DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
2.5.2 Instruments
2.5.3 Reagent for molecular analysis experiments
2.6 Statistical analysis
3 Results and analysis
3.1 Screening of CAPS markers for polymorphism analysis
3.2 Fatty acid composition analysis
3.3 Physicochemical properties analysis
3.4 Linkage map construction analysis
3.5 Phenotypic traits analysis
3.5.1 Seed length analysis
3.5.2 Seed width analysis
3.5.3 Seed thickness analysis
3.5.4 Thickness of seed coat analysis
3.5.5 100 seed weight analysis
3.5.6 Seed oil percentage analysis
3.6 Detection of QTLs and analysis
3.6.1 Seed length QTLs analysis
3.6.2 Seed width QTLs analysis
3.6.3 Seed Thickness QTL analysis
3.6.4 Thickness of seed coat QTL analysis
3.6.5 100 seed weight QTL analysis
3.6.6 Seed oil percentage QTL analysis
4 Discussion
4.1 Fatty acid composition
4.2 Oil percentage and fatty acids correlation
4.3 Physicochemical properties
4.3.1 Acid value and free fatty acid
4.3.2 Oxidizability value (Cox)
4.3.3 Saponification value
4.3.4 Specific gravity
4.4 Linkage map construction with CAPS markers
4.5 Detection of watermelon seed traits QTLs
4.5.1 Seed length QTL
4.5.2 Seed width QTL
4.5.3 Seed thickness QTL
4.5.4 Thickness of seed coat QTL
4.5.5 100 seed weight QTL
4.5.6 Seed oil percentage QTL
5 Conclusion
5.1 Fatty acids
5.2 Physicochemical properties
5.3 Linkage map construction and QTL ana lysis
Papers published in the period of Ph.M. education
[1]基于CAPS標(biāo)記的西瓜果實(shí)與種子相關(guān)性狀QTL分析[J]. 遲瑩瑩,高鵬,朱子成,欒非時(shí),李桂英,于鵬. 中國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué). 2017(07)