發(fā)布時間:2022-09-21 18:25
近年來,全世界范圍內(nèi)關于羊肚菌(Morchella spp)的物種多樣性的研究已有很多報道。中國是一個擁有豐富天然羊肚菌資源的大陸國家,61個系統(tǒng)發(fā)育樹種中有一半是在中國發(fā)現(xiàn)的。但在復雜地形和偏遠地區(qū),例如秦嶺作為中國南北分界線,生長著大量第四紀冰川遺留植物,仍然有許多隱藏物種未被發(fā)現(xiàn)。另一方面,許多微生物被證明能促進植物生長,粗腿羊肚菌(M.crassipes)就是其中一種,它可以改善寄主植物營養(yǎng)物質的吸收和提高寄主防御能力,并促進植物生長,最近研究表明羊肚菌是許多種類禾本科植物有益的共生體。為了探索羊肚菌的系統(tǒng)發(fā)育關系,本研究收集了來自秦嶺北部的31個樣本、秦嶺南部的4個商業(yè)栽培品種子囊果和3個栽培品種的菌落,通過系譜一致性系統(tǒng)發(fā)育種類識別(GCPSR)方法進行了研究。同時采用最大似然法,對在NCBI數(shù)據(jù)庫和MLST數(shù)據(jù)庫下載的同源性序列構建系統(tǒng)發(fā)育樹分析表明:秦嶺38個標本中有4個系統(tǒng)發(fā)育種,即羊肚菌Mes-9、羊肚菌Mes-13、羊肚菌Mes-25、秦嶺羊肚菌M.chensiensis,另外還有一個假羊肚菌(Verpa bohemica)。栽培的羊肚菌Mel-6、Mel-10和...
【文章頁數(shù)】:104 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Review of Literatures
1.1. Introduction of Morchella spp
1.1.1. General understanding of Morchella spp
1.1.2. Morphological species of Morchella spp
1.1.3. Phylogenetic species of Morchella spp
1.1.4. Global distribution pattern of Morchella spp
1.1.5. Distribution pattern of Morchella spp in China
1.2. The reviews of fungi functionals in soil ecosystem
1.2.1. General introduction of morel fungi in plant-soil association
1.2.2. The potential benefits of mycorrhizal fungi inoculants
1.2.3. The important roles of soil fungi
1.2.4. The relationship between soil fungi and plant
1.3. Research objectives
Chapter 2. Phylogenetic analysis of Morchella spp. (true morel) in theQinling Mt
2.1. Materials and Methodology
2.1.1. Reagents and Instruments
2.1.2. Morchella spp. collections
2.1.3. Morphological characterization
2.1.4. DNA extraction
2.1.5. PCR amplification and sequencing
2.1.6. Phylogenetic Analysis
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Multilocus Amplicons
2.2.2. Phylogenetic analysis based on LSU region
2.2.3. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequence region
2.2.4. Phylogenetic analysis based on EF_(1-a) region
2.2.5. Phylogenetic analysis based on RPB_1 region
2.2.6. Phylogenetic analysis based on RPB_2 region
2.2.7. Phylogenetic analysis based on r DNA (ITS+LSU) datasets
2.2.8. Phylogenetic analysis based on combined EF_(1-a)+ RPB_1 + RPB_2 datasets
2.2.9. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ITS+LSU+EF_(1-a)+RPB_1 datasets
2.2.10. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ITS+LSU+EF_(1-a)+RPB_1+RBP_2 datasets
2.2.11. Morphological descriptions
2.3. Discussion
2.4. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Promotion of Morchella crassipes for maize plant growth
3.1. Materials and Methods
3.1.1. Reagents and instruments
3.1.2. Soil and Mycelium suspension preparation
3.1.3. Experimental design and inoculation
3.1.4. Root staining following inoculation
3.1.5. Measurement of plant growth promotion
3.1.6. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in plants
3.1.7. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on Photosynthetic activity and Chlorophyll
3.1.8. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on defense enzyme activities
3.1.9. Soil moisture and pH value
3.1.10. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on available NO_3, NH_4, P, K insoil
3.1.11. Statistical analysis
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Root staining following inoculation
3.2.2. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on plant growth promotion
3.2.3. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in plants
3.2.4. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on photosynthesis and chlorophyll
3.2.5. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on defense enzyme activities
3.2.6. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in soil
3.3. Discussion
3.4. Conclusion
Chapter 4. Biochar-Morel promotes wheat saline resistance by increasing root/shoot ratio
4.1. Materials and Methods
4.1.1. Materials
4.1.2. Preparation of biochar-morel agent
4.1.3. Growth test by applying biochar-morel agent
4.1.4. Infection histological observation
4.1.5. Detection of Phytohormones
4.1.6. Statistical Analysis
4.2. Results
4.2.1. Germination under biochar-morel agent application
4.2.2. Seedlings growth by applying biochar-morel mixture
4.2.3. Salt resistance of wheat seedlings
4.2.4. Colonization of morel on the root of winter wheat
4.2.5. Phytohormones secreted by biochar-morel
4.3. Discussion
4.4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Summary
Curriculum Vitae of Author
[1]Plant diversity in a changing world: status,trends,and conservation needs[J]. Richard T.Corlett. 植物分類與資源學報. 2016(01)
[2]馬尾松根際高效解磷真菌的篩選鑒定及其促生效應[J]. 魏偉,吳小芹,喬歡. 林業(yè)科學. 2014(09)
[3]生物炭對農(nóng)業(yè)面源污染氮、磷流失的影響研究進展[J]. 褚軍,薛建輝,金梅娟,吳永波. 生態(tài)與農(nóng)村環(huán)境學報. 2014(04)
[4]活性木炭材料及生物耦合炭對植物生長的影響[J]. 余仲東,任爭爭,彭少兵,張帥. 生物質化學工程. 2014(03)
[5]羊肚菌的多樣性、演化歷史及栽培研究進展[J]. 杜習慧,趙琪,楊祝良. 菌物學報. 2014(02)
[6]一種微生物菌肥對甜高粱種子萌發(fā)、幼苗生長和抗逆能力的影響[J]. 楊倩,柴文娟,張春林,叢靖宇,李國婧,王瑞剛. 內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學學報(自然科學版). 2013(06)
[7]活性木炭制備及重要性狀分析[J]. 梁瀟,余仲東,馬菁,朱薇熹,趙成娟,陳林敏. 林產(chǎn)化學與工業(yè). 2013(03)
[8]尖頂羊肚菌仿生栽培技術[J]. 趙琪,徐中志,程遠輝,戚淑威,侯志江. 西南農(nóng)業(yè)學報. 2009(06)
[9]微生物解磷的研究進展[J]. 趙小蓉,林啟美. 土壤肥料. 2001(03)
[10]中國地下真菌新種和新記錄(一)[J]. 劉波. 真菌學報. 1985(02)
【文章頁數(shù)】:104 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Review of Literatures
1.1. Introduction of Morchella spp
1.1.1. General understanding of Morchella spp
1.1.2. Morphological species of Morchella spp
1.1.3. Phylogenetic species of Morchella spp
1.1.4. Global distribution pattern of Morchella spp
1.1.5. Distribution pattern of Morchella spp in China
1.2. The reviews of fungi functionals in soil ecosystem
1.2.1. General introduction of morel fungi in plant-soil association
1.2.2. The potential benefits of mycorrhizal fungi inoculants
1.2.3. The important roles of soil fungi
1.2.4. The relationship between soil fungi and plant
1.3. Research objectives
Chapter 2. Phylogenetic analysis of Morchella spp. (true morel) in theQinling Mt
2.1. Materials and Methodology
2.1.1. Reagents and Instruments
2.1.2. Morchella spp. collections
2.1.3. Morphological characterization
2.1.4. DNA extraction
2.1.5. PCR amplification and sequencing
2.1.6. Phylogenetic Analysis
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Multilocus Amplicons
2.2.2. Phylogenetic analysis based on LSU region
2.2.3. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS sequence region
2.2.4. Phylogenetic analysis based on EF_(1-a) region
2.2.5. Phylogenetic analysis based on RPB_1 region
2.2.6. Phylogenetic analysis based on RPB_2 region
2.2.7. Phylogenetic analysis based on r DNA (ITS+LSU) datasets
2.2.8. Phylogenetic analysis based on combined EF_(1-a)+ RPB_1 + RPB_2 datasets
2.2.9. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ITS+LSU+EF_(1-a)+RPB_1 datasets
2.2.10. Phylogenetic analysis based on concatenated ITS+LSU+EF_(1-a)+RPB_1+RBP_2 datasets
2.2.11. Morphological descriptions
2.3. Discussion
2.4. Conclusion
Chapter 3. Promotion of Morchella crassipes for maize plant growth
3.1. Materials and Methods
3.1.1. Reagents and instruments
3.1.2. Soil and Mycelium suspension preparation
3.1.3. Experimental design and inoculation
3.1.4. Root staining following inoculation
3.1.5. Measurement of plant growth promotion
3.1.6. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in plants
3.1.7. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on Photosynthetic activity and Chlorophyll
3.1.8. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on defense enzyme activities
3.1.9. Soil moisture and pH value
3.1.10. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on available NO_3, NH_4, P, K insoil
3.1.11. Statistical analysis
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Root staining following inoculation
3.2.2. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on plant growth promotion
3.2.3. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in plants
3.2.4. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on photosynthesis and chlorophyll
3.2.5. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on defense enzyme activities
3.2.6. Effects of inoculation of M. crassipes on N, P, K in soil
3.3. Discussion
3.4. Conclusion
Chapter 4. Biochar-Morel promotes wheat saline resistance by increasing root/shoot ratio
4.1. Materials and Methods
4.1.1. Materials
4.1.2. Preparation of biochar-morel agent
4.1.3. Growth test by applying biochar-morel agent
4.1.4. Infection histological observation
4.1.5. Detection of Phytohormones
4.1.6. Statistical Analysis
4.2. Results
4.2.1. Germination under biochar-morel agent application
4.2.2. Seedlings growth by applying biochar-morel mixture
4.2.3. Salt resistance of wheat seedlings
4.2.4. Colonization of morel on the root of winter wheat
4.2.5. Phytohormones secreted by biochar-morel
4.3. Discussion
4.4. Conclusion
Chapter 5. Summary
Curriculum Vitae of Author
[1]Plant diversity in a changing world: status,trends,and conservation needs[J]. Richard T.Corlett. 植物分類與資源學報. 2016(01)
[2]馬尾松根際高效解磷真菌的篩選鑒定及其促生效應[J]. 魏偉,吳小芹,喬歡. 林業(yè)科學. 2014(09)
[3]生物炭對農(nóng)業(yè)面源污染氮、磷流失的影響研究進展[J]. 褚軍,薛建輝,金梅娟,吳永波. 生態(tài)與農(nóng)村環(huán)境學報. 2014(04)
[4]活性木炭材料及生物耦合炭對植物生長的影響[J]. 余仲東,任爭爭,彭少兵,張帥. 生物質化學工程. 2014(03)
[5]羊肚菌的多樣性、演化歷史及栽培研究進展[J]. 杜習慧,趙琪,楊祝良. 菌物學報. 2014(02)
[6]一種微生物菌肥對甜高粱種子萌發(fā)、幼苗生長和抗逆能力的影響[J]. 楊倩,柴文娟,張春林,叢靖宇,李國婧,王瑞剛. 內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學學報(自然科學版). 2013(06)
[7]活性木炭制備及重要性狀分析[J]. 梁瀟,余仲東,馬菁,朱薇熹,趙成娟,陳林敏. 林產(chǎn)化學與工業(yè). 2013(03)
[8]尖頂羊肚菌仿生栽培技術[J]. 趙琪,徐中志,程遠輝,戚淑威,侯志江. 西南農(nóng)業(yè)學報. 2009(06)
[9]微生物解磷的研究進展[J]. 趙小蓉,林啟美. 土壤肥料. 2001(03)
[10]中國地下真菌新種和新記錄(一)[J]. 劉波. 真菌學報. 1985(02)