Petroleum Generation History of Sirte Basin Source Rocks,Lib
發(fā)布時間:2022-02-10 04:01
This thesis aims to describes and to evaluate the source rocks in the largest and richest sedimentary basin in Africa and Libya with approximate area around 600,000 km2,in the main basin troughs which includes(Dur Al Abd-Zallah trough,Hagfa trough,Ajdabiya trough,Kotla trough,Dur Attlha trough,Maragh trough and Eastern Sirte Basin troughs)from where the Sirte basin hydrocarbons generated,expelled and migrated.This work basically based on different types of data mainly geochemical data...
【文章頁數(shù)】:238 頁
Chapter1 Introduction and Literature review
1.1 Sirte Basin Exploration History
1.2 Research Background
1.3 Previous work
1.3.1 Source rocks and Geochemical assessments
1.3.2 Thermal history and source rocks maturity levels
1.3.3 Factors control the accumulation of the organic matter
1.4 Challenges in the study area
1.5 Research Objective
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Dissertation Framework
Chapter2 Geological Setting of Sirte Basin
2.1 Tectonic orogeny and development of Africa
2.2 Tectonic History of Libya
2.3 Tectonic Setting of Sirte Basin
2.3.1 Regional Fault System in Sirte basin
2.4 Stratigraphic Fill of Sirte Basin
2.4.1 Campanian-Maastrichtian Organic Rich Strat in North Africa
2.4.2 Sirte Basin Source Rock Stratigraphic Framework
2.4.3 Lower-Middle Cretaceous Nubian(Middle Nubian shale)
2.4.4 The Etel Formation
2.4.5 The Rachmat Formation
2.4.6 The Sirte Formation
2.4.7 The Kalash Formation
2.4.8 Hagafa shale(Danian)
2.5 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter3 Organic Facies in Sirte Basin
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sirte Basin Organic Facies and Stratigraphic Fill
3.3 Sedimentary Environments and Organic Facies
3.4 Methodology
3.5 Zallah and Dur Al Abd Trough Organic Facies
3.6 Hagfa Trough Organic Facies
3.7 Ajdabiya Trough Organic Facies
3.8 Kotla Trough Organic Facies
3.9 Dur Attalha Trough Organic Facies
3.10 Maragh Trough Organic Facies
3.11 Eastern Sirte Basin Organic Facies
3.12 Organic Facies and Hydrocarbon phase type in Sirte basin
3.13 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter4 Source Rock Maturity in Sirte Basin
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodology
4.3 Basin evolution and tectonic history and Thermal maturity
4.4 Thermal maturity Previous work
4.5 Heat Flow and Geothermal Gradient Pattern
4.6 Maturity levels in Zallah and Dur Al Abd trough
4.7 Maturity levels in Hagfa trough
4.8 Maturity in Ajdabiya trough
4.9 Maturity in Kotla and Dur Attalha trough
4.10 Maturity in Eastern Sirte basin
4.11 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter5 Petroleum Generation History of Sirte Basin Source Rocks
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Transformation Ratio(TR)based on1D and2D simulation study
5.3 Source rock Expulsion efficiency and volume expelled
Chapter6 Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendations
【文章頁數(shù)】:238 頁
Chapter1 Introduction and Literature review
1.1 Sirte Basin Exploration History
1.2 Research Background
1.3 Previous work
1.3.1 Source rocks and Geochemical assessments
1.3.2 Thermal history and source rocks maturity levels
1.3.3 Factors control the accumulation of the organic matter
1.4 Challenges in the study area
1.5 Research Objective
1.6 Research Methodology
1.7 Dissertation Framework
Chapter2 Geological Setting of Sirte Basin
2.1 Tectonic orogeny and development of Africa
2.2 Tectonic History of Libya
2.3 Tectonic Setting of Sirte Basin
2.3.1 Regional Fault System in Sirte basin
2.4 Stratigraphic Fill of Sirte Basin
2.4.1 Campanian-Maastrichtian Organic Rich Strat in North Africa
2.4.2 Sirte Basin Source Rock Stratigraphic Framework
2.4.3 Lower-Middle Cretaceous Nubian(Middle Nubian shale)
2.4.4 The Etel Formation
2.4.5 The Rachmat Formation
2.4.6 The Sirte Formation
2.4.7 The Kalash Formation
2.4.8 Hagafa shale(Danian)
2.5 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter3 Organic Facies in Sirte Basin
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sirte Basin Organic Facies and Stratigraphic Fill
3.3 Sedimentary Environments and Organic Facies
3.4 Methodology
3.5 Zallah and Dur Al Abd Trough Organic Facies
3.6 Hagfa Trough Organic Facies
3.7 Ajdabiya Trough Organic Facies
3.8 Kotla Trough Organic Facies
3.9 Dur Attalha Trough Organic Facies
3.10 Maragh Trough Organic Facies
3.11 Eastern Sirte Basin Organic Facies
3.12 Organic Facies and Hydrocarbon phase type in Sirte basin
3.13 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter4 Source Rock Maturity in Sirte Basin
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodology
4.3 Basin evolution and tectonic history and Thermal maturity
4.4 Thermal maturity Previous work
4.5 Heat Flow and Geothermal Gradient Pattern
4.6 Maturity levels in Zallah and Dur Al Abd trough
4.7 Maturity levels in Hagfa trough
4.8 Maturity in Ajdabiya trough
4.9 Maturity in Kotla and Dur Attalha trough
4.10 Maturity in Eastern Sirte basin
4.11 Summary and Conclusion
Chapter5 Petroleum Generation History of Sirte Basin Source Rocks
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Transformation Ratio(TR)based on1D and2D simulation study
5.3 Source rock Expulsion efficiency and volume expelled
Chapter6 Conclusion and Recommendation
6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendations