location quotient NESS model new energy industry cluster ana
The Identification and Evalution of New Energy Industry Cluster Based on Location Quotient and NESS Model: Taking Zhejiang Province as an Example
[1] [2]
GUO Liwei, SHEN Manhong(1. College of Economics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 2. Department of Economics and Management, Hangzhou Polytechnic College, Hangzhou 311
[1]浙江大學經濟學院,杭州310027; [2]杭州科技職業(yè)技術學院工商學院,杭州311402; [3]浙江理工大學經濟管理學院,杭州310018
Abstr:New energy industry cluster is the enterprises and institutions related with new energy industry have concentration, contact and cooperation in a specific geographical location. To better identifications and evaluate of new energy industry cluster in Zhejiang province, the paper make integrated use of location quotient, NESS model, analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematical. Based on location quotient, new energy industry agglomeration level in Zhejiang province occupies the national first in 2006-2010. In Zheji- ang province, Wenzhou, Taizhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo have the highest level of new energy industry cluster. Based on NESS model, the new energy industry cluster in Zhejiang province is still in the primary stage accord- ing to new energy agglomeration, economic network, social network and service system. Based on analytic hierarchy process and comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematical, 9.02% of the experts think Zhejiang new energy industry cluster has become mature, 33.53% of experts think Zhejiang new energy industry cluster belong to growth, 45.88% of the experts think Zhejiang new energy industry cluster belong to initial stage, and 11.57% of the experts say new energy industry cluster in Zhejiang province has not been formed or far from forming. Cornprehensive three identification and evaluation methods, it is thought that the new energy industry cluster in Zhejiang province is still in the initial stage. In the initial stage of cluster development, the government's support and guide is very important, especially for the cultivation of the innovation environment .
Keyword::location quotient NESS model new energy industry cluster analytic hierarchy process comprehensive evaluation of fuzzy mathematical