Ce/Y摻雜BaZrO 3 陶瓷的巨大介電性能和濕敏性能
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Ce/Y摻雜的BaZrO3陶瓷是重要的固態(tài)氧化物燃料電池電解質(zhì)材料,其介電性能及其對環(huán)境濕度的敏感性能直接影響電池的性能,為此,本論文的重點研究Ce和Y雙摻雜BaZr03陶瓷的介電性能和濕敏性能,選擇致密的BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.2O3-δ和Ba2r0.4Ce0.4Y0.2O3-δ陶瓷作為研究對象,采用甘氨酸硝酸鹽燃燒方法制備得到樣品,對其介電特性和濕敏特性進行了系統(tǒng)研究。得到的結果如下:(1 BaZr0.1Ce0.7Y0.203-δ和BaZr0.4Ce0.4Y0.2O3-δ陶瓷在低于約600K的溫度下表現(xiàn)出巨介電行為,巨介電行為由兩個弛豫組成,其中低溫和高溫弛豫分別由氧空位(Vo-.)和羥基離子(OHo)與Y3+離子形成的偶極子對引起的;在高于600 K的溫區(qū),樣品顯示出兩個介電常數(shù)超過106的介電常數(shù)峰。低溫介電常數(shù)峰是離子跳躍運動引起的偽弛豫鐵電行為,高溫介電常數(shù)峰是由負電容效應引起的。(2)通過改變水蒸氣含量研究了BaZr0.4Ce0.4Y0).2O3-δ(BZCY)的電容響應,在不同相對濕度(RH)下對樣品進行了進行阻抗譜和DC偏壓測量,探索了BZCY的濕度敏感性質(zhì)。結...
【文章頁數(shù)】:56 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Dielectric
1.2.1 Dielectric concept
1.2.2 Polarization mechanism of dielectric
1.2.3 Dielectric constant
1.2.4 Dielectric loss
1.2.5 Dielectric relaxation theory
1.3 Humidity Sensing
1.3.1 Humidity definition
1.3.2 The significance of humidity detection
1.3.3 Humidity parameters and definitions
1.3.4 Humidity sensor classification
1.4 Thesis content and significance
Chapter 2 Samples preparation and characterizations
2.1 Experimental materials
2.2 Synthesis methods of powder
2.3 Samples preparation
2.3.1 Preparation of powders
2.3.2 Preparation and treatment of ceramic samples
2.4 Characterization of the samples
2.4.1 XRD phase analysis
2.4.2 Measurement of dielectric constant and dielectric loss
2.4.3 Measurement of dielectric parameter temperature spectrum
2.4.4 Measurement of dielectric parameter frequency spectrum
2.4.5 Humidity sensitive characteristic test
2.5 The instruments used in the experiment
Chapter 3 Dielectric properties of BaZr_(0.1)Ce_(0.7)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ) and BaZr_(0.4)Ce_(0.4)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ)ceramics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental results and discussion
3.2.1 Temperature spectrum analysis
3.2.2 Frequency spectrum analysis
3.2.3 Annealing treatment
3.2.4 Conductance behavior analysis
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Humidity sensitivity of BaZr_(0.4)Ce_(0.4)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ) ceramics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental results and discussion
4.2.1 Structural Characterization (XRD)
4.2.2 Response time
4.2.3 Humidity hysteresis
4.2.4 Annealing treatment
4.2.5 Impedance spectroscopy
4.2.6 DC bias test
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusions
[1]智能傳感器技術的研究進展及應用展望[J]. 尤政. 科技導報. 2016(17)
[2]濕度、露點和干燥度[J]. 許建照,趙莉,豐愛國. 電子機械工程. 2009(05)
[3]Nb摻雜Bi4Ti3O12陶瓷的微結構與介電性能研究[J]. 黃小丹,王華,任明放,許積文,楊玲. 材料導報. 2009(04)
[4]微波介質(zhì)陶瓷[J]. 鄭興華,梁炳亮. 江蘇陶瓷. 2005(02)
[5]微波介質(zhì)陶瓷材料的研究進展[J]. 宋英,王福平,周玉. 材料科學與工藝. 1998(02)
[1]基于高分子納米復合物的濕度傳感器及其濕敏性能研究[D]. 鄧超.浙江大學 2012
[2]LCMO巨磁阻材料定向誘導生長和結構特性分析—以及LCMO場效應晶體管的制備[D]. 崔志敏.東南大學 2006
【文章頁數(shù)】:56 頁
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Dielectric
1.2.1 Dielectric concept
1.2.2 Polarization mechanism of dielectric
1.2.3 Dielectric constant
1.2.4 Dielectric loss
1.2.5 Dielectric relaxation theory
1.3 Humidity Sensing
1.3.1 Humidity definition
1.3.2 The significance of humidity detection
1.3.3 Humidity parameters and definitions
1.3.4 Humidity sensor classification
1.4 Thesis content and significance
Chapter 2 Samples preparation and characterizations
2.1 Experimental materials
2.2 Synthesis methods of powder
2.3 Samples preparation
2.3.1 Preparation of powders
2.3.2 Preparation and treatment of ceramic samples
2.4 Characterization of the samples
2.4.1 XRD phase analysis
2.4.2 Measurement of dielectric constant and dielectric loss
2.4.3 Measurement of dielectric parameter temperature spectrum
2.4.4 Measurement of dielectric parameter frequency spectrum
2.4.5 Humidity sensitive characteristic test
2.5 The instruments used in the experiment
Chapter 3 Dielectric properties of BaZr_(0.1)Ce_(0.7)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ) and BaZr_(0.4)Ce_(0.4)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ)ceramics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental results and discussion
3.2.1 Temperature spectrum analysis
3.2.2 Frequency spectrum analysis
3.2.3 Annealing treatment
3.2.4 Conductance behavior analysis
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Humidity sensitivity of BaZr_(0.4)Ce_(0.4)Y_(0.2)O_(3-δ) ceramics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental results and discussion
4.2.1 Structural Characterization (XRD)
4.2.2 Response time
4.2.3 Humidity hysteresis
4.2.4 Annealing treatment
4.2.5 Impedance spectroscopy
4.2.6 DC bias test
4.3 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusions
[1]智能傳感器技術的研究進展及應用展望[J]. 尤政. 科技導報. 2016(17)
[2]濕度、露點和干燥度[J]. 許建照,趙莉,豐愛國. 電子機械工程. 2009(05)
[3]Nb摻雜Bi4Ti3O12陶瓷的微結構與介電性能研究[J]. 黃小丹,王華,任明放,許積文,楊玲. 材料導報. 2009(04)
[4]微波介質(zhì)陶瓷[J]. 鄭興華,梁炳亮. 江蘇陶瓷. 2005(02)
[5]微波介質(zhì)陶瓷材料的研究進展[J]. 宋英,王福平,周玉. 材料科學與工藝. 1998(02)
[1]基于高分子納米復合物的濕度傳感器及其濕敏性能研究[D]. 鄧超.浙江大學 2012
[2]LCMO巨磁阻材料定向誘導生長和結構特性分析—以及LCMO場效應晶體管的制備[D]. 崔志敏.東南大學 2006