河北遷安-遷西國家地質公園地質遺跡資源類型劃分及評價 武法東 武紅梅等
第32卷 第5期: 632-640
地 球 學 報 Acta Geoscientica Sinica
Sep. 2011
Vol.32No.5: 632-640
武紅梅, 武法東
中國地質大學(北京)地球科學與資源學院, 北京 100083
摘 要: 遷安-遷西國家地質公園擁有古老地層、峽谷、溶洞、斷層、褶皺等豐富的地質遺跡資源, 其中以古老地層剖面為其主體內容。本文是在地質遺跡資源調查研究的基礎上, 將該公園地質遺跡類型劃分為地層學遺跡、地貌類遺跡、構造地質遺跡和古生物化石遺跡4大類, 然后以地質遺跡資源單體或類型為評價對象, 運用層次分析法(AHP), 對地質遺跡資源自身價值要素進行定量評價, 得出遷安-遷西國家地質公園內的主要地質遺跡資源達到世界級1處, 國家級10處, 省級15處, 地方級17處。該評價結果是深入分析遷安-遷西國家地質公園內地質遺跡資源狀況的基礎, 對公園地質遺跡的保護、開發(fā)利用和規(guī)劃管理等工作具有一定的參考價值。
關鍵詞: 國家地質公園; 地質遺跡; 資源類型; 資源評價; 層次分析法
中圖分類號: K928.72; X820.2 文獻標志碼: A doi: 10.3975/cagsb.2011.05.13
School of Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083
Abstract: The Qian'an-Qianxi National Geopark has rich geological heritage resources, such as ancient strata, canyons, caves, faults and folds, in which the whole stratigraphic systems, such as Qianxi Group, Changcheng System and Ordovician section, play an important role. On the basis of detailed researches, the geological heritage resources are divided into four categories, i.e., geological heritage sites of stratigraphy, geomorphological heritages, structural geological heritages and fossil heritages. In evaluating geological heritages, the monomers or types of geological heritage resources are taken as the objects of evaluation, the value of resource factor and the external factors of resources are chosen as the layer of comprehensive evaluation of the geological heritage
resources, and the value of resource, the characteristics of resource, the influence on resources and the environmental factors are selected as the project of evaluation. In the project of evaluation, 13 evaluation factors are determined through refinement, which are scientific value, the value of science education, the value of tourism development, aesthetic value, rarity and peculiar nature, vulnerability, scale, abundance, integrity, social awareness, social influence, ecological environment, and geological environment. Then the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is employed to evaluate the value of geological heritage resources. The results have led the authors to
reach the conclusion that the Qian'an-Qianxi National Geopark includes a world-class geological heritage, 10 national geological heritages, 15 provincial geological heritages and 17 local geological heritages. The results obtained by the authors can help understand the geological heritage resources in the Qian'an-Qianxi national geological park, and can also provide basis for the protection, development and utilization of geological heritages as well as the planning and management of the geopark.
Key words: national geopark; geological heritage; types of resources; assessment of geological heritages; Analytic
收稿日期: 2011-05-26; 改回日期: 2011-06-24。責任編輯: 閆立娟。
第一作者簡介: 武紅梅, 女, 1982年生。碩士研究生。從事地質遺跡調查與評價研究。通訊地址: 100083, 北京市海淀區(qū)學院路29號。
E-mail: wuhm123@。
通訊作者: 武法東, 男, 1953年生。教授。從事第四紀地質學研究。通訊地址: 100083, 北京市海淀區(qū)學院路29號。
The Classification and Assessment of Geological Heritage Resources in
the Qian'an-Qianxi National Geopark
WU Hong-mei, WU Fa-dong