rockburst geodynamic environment stress field tectonic conca
Geodynamic environment of rockburst in western Beijing coalfield
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HAN Jun,ZHANG Hong-wei,LAN Tian-wei,LI Sheng (College of Mining Engineering ,Liaoning Technical University , Fuxin 123000,China)
Abstr:To determine the rockburst's geodynamic environment of western Beijing coalfield,analyzed geological structure,the neo-tectonic movement,stress field,crustal strain energy,calculated contrast of tectonic concave,assess of the geodynamic environment,and discussed the mechanism of rockburst. Research shows that western Beijing coalfield belongs to modern crustal uplift areas,the neo-tectonic movement is intensive; maximum principal stress is significantly higher than the average value,and the difference of maximum principal stress and minimum principal stress is significant; and the crustal strain energy density is higher than others because of high elastic strain energy. The contrast of tectonic concave is greater than 0. 5,it shows that western Beijing coalfield has the geodynamic condition of rock burst. The rockburst of western Beijing coalfield is coal and rock sudden and rapid damage and release of energy as a whole block at high tectonic stress conditions.
Keyword::rockburst geodynamic environment stress field tectonic concave
課題項目:國家自然科學(xué)基金資助項目(51104085); 遼寧省自然科學(xué)基金資助項目(201204407); 遼寧省高等學(xué)校優(yōu)秀人才支持計劃資助項目(LJQ2013035)