road network road ecology disturbance Lancang River Valley
Effect of Road Disturbance on Landscape Pattern in the Lancang River Valley
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ZHANG Jing-hua' 2, FENG Zhi-ming1 , JIANG Lu-guang1 , YANG Yan-zhao1 , LIU Xiao-na1'2 (1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 10010
[1]中國科學(xué)院地理科學(xué)與資源研究所,北京100101; [2]中國科學(xué)院大學(xué),北京100049
Abstr:Road plays an important role in the development of economy and society, but it also imposes a threat to environment and ecosystems. Research on such an effect is urgent for environ mental protection and ecosystem conservation. This paper quantified the intensity of road net work' s disturbance in the Lancang River Valley with a road disturbance index, which was estab lished based on the characteristics of a road and its surrounding environment, and then analyzed the spatial pattern of this disturbance and its impact on landscape. The results showed that there was obvious spatial difference of road disturbance intensity throughout the whole Lancang River Valley, the intensity in the middle and lower reaches was far more serious than that of the upper reaches. The road effectzones were irregular polygons with intricate boundary and taking the spa tially scattered severe effectzones as centers, the disturbance intensity decreased gradually out wards. Comparing landscape patterns and their transformation characteristics among different road effectzones, it was found out that cropland and builtup area were mainly distributed in severe effectzones, and the transformation in severe effectzones was far more violent than that in a wea ker one. The above results suggested that road development was an important driving force for landscape change, so sensitive areas should be avoided in the decisionmaking for new develop ment in the Lancang River Valley.
Keyword::road network road ecology disturbance Lancang River Valley