route selection habitat cost GIS giant panda
Route selection based on wildlife habitat cost and GIS: the Yiziyakou passage of Sichuan 306 road within giant panda habitat as a case study
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GONG Minghao, OUYANG Zhiyun, SONG Yanling 1 Research Institute of Wetland, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China 2 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,
[1]中國林業(yè)科學(xué)研究院濕地研究所,北京100091; [2]中國科學(xué)院生態(tài)環(huán)境研究中心,北京100085; [3]中國科學(xué)院動物研究所,北京100101
Abstr:Our research, based on the theory and methodology of route selection on project cost, proposed the "habitat cost" concept that is used to quautify the impacts of road construction to wildlife habitat. Taking the route selection within giant panda habitat as a case in Yiziyakou, we got the value of habitat cost based on the results of habitat assessment by conservation biology. Topography was used to represent the construction cost of road, we got 9 routes passing Yiziyakou for future reference of the road construction, with the least total cost at various cost ratios of construction to habitat showing the degree of environment consideration in route selection by the distance model of Arcgis. Our study sought the route selection method based on environment protection consideration through wildlife habitat, this ensures the requirement of environment can he considered during route design and selection process. It may also be helpful to improve the level of route selection, further the results of road construction and wildlife conservation in China.
Keyword::route selection habitat cost GIS giant panda