發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-03-14 18:37
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:144 頁(yè)
Chapter 1 Introduction and literature review
1.1 Back ground of the study
1.2 Objectives and motivation of the work
1.3 Literature review
1.3.1 Upconversion nanoparticles
ⅰ. Basic components of upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNPs)
ⅱ. Basic mechanisms of upconversion
1.3.2 Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
1.3.3 Photothermal therapy (PTT)
1.3.4 Black phosphorus as phototherapeutic agent
1.3.5 Antimony as photothermal agent
Chapter 2 Experimental methods and characterization technique
2.1 Chemicals, reagents and materials
2.2 Methods of synthesis
2.2.1 Synthesis of Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs)
2.2.2 Synthesis of black phosphorus nanosheets
2.2.3 Synthesis of Antimony nanoparticles based drug delivery system
2.2.4 Surface modification and conjugation
2.3 Characterization and measurement
2.3.1 Fluorescence spectrometer
2.3.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Chapter 3 Nanocomposite from upconversion nanoparticles and black phosphorusnanosheets for bioimaging and therapy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental procedures
3.2.1 Synthesis of core and core- shell Upconversion nanoparticles
3.2.2 Synthesis of PAA modified Upconversion nanoparticles
3.2.3 Synthesis of black phosphorus nanosheet
3.2.4 Synthesis of PEG modified black phosphorus nanosheet (BPNS)
3.2.5 Combination of UCNP-PAA with BPNS-NH2(denoted as UCNP-BPNS)
3.2.6 Instruments and devices used for Characterizations
3.2.7 Laser-induced photothermal (PTT) effects
3.2.8 Singlet Oxygen Detection
3.2.9 In vitro cytotoxicity Assay
3.2.10 Live/dead staining of HeLa cells after exposure to UCNP-BPNS
3.2.11 Upconversion luminescence imaging in vitro
3.2.12 Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
3.3 Result and discussion
3.3.1 Synthesis and characterizations of UCNP-BPNS
3.3.2 Photothermal therapy (PTT) effect
3.3.3 Photodynamic therapy (PDT) effect
3.3.4 Cytotoxicity In vitro
3.3.5 In vitro UCL imaging
3.3.6 T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Near-infrared laser induced degradable antimony nanoparticle baseddrug delivery system for synergistic chemo-photothermal therapy
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental procedures
4.2.1 Synthesis of antimony nanoparticles (AMNP)
4.2.2 DOX loading
4.2.3 Synthesis of PAA modified AMNP-DOX (AMNP-DOX-PAA)
4.2.4 Instruments and devices used for Characterizations
4.2.5 Laser-induced Photothermal Therapy (PTT) of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.2.6 DOX release of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.2.7 In vitro cytotoxicity assay
4.2.8 Live/dead staining of HeLa cells after exposure to the samples
4.3 Computational Methodology used to investigate degradability of antimony
4.4 Result and discussion
4.4.1 Synthesis and characterizations of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.4.2 Photothermal therapy (PTT) effect
4.4.3 Laser induced degradability of AMNP
4.4.4 Computational result about degradability of AMNP
4.4.5 DOX loading and release profile (Chemo-Therapy)
4.4.6 Cytotoxicity In vitro
4.5 Summery
Chapter 5 Core-shell nanostructure from rare-earth doped upconversionnanoparticle coated with antimony for dual-mode imaging-mediated photothermaltherapy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental section
5.2.1 Synthesis of Nd3+ sensitized UCNP(NaYF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4:Yb,Nd@NaGdF4:Nd)
5.2.2 Removing oleic acid from the surface of the UCNPs
5.2.3 Coating antimony nanoshell over the surface of the OA-free UCNPs
5.2.4 Surface modification of UCNP@Sb with DSPE-PEG
5.2.5 Instruments and devices used for characterizations
5.2.6 Photothermal conversion capability of UCNP@Sb-PEG resulting PTT effect
5.2.7 T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
5.3 Results and discussion
5.3.1 Characterization of the nanostructures
5.3.2 Photodegradability of antimony and recovery of UCL intensity of UCNP@Sb-PEG
5.3.3 Application of UCNP@Sb-PEG for PTT
5.3.4 UCNP@Sb-PEG as T1-weighted MR imaging contrast agent
5.4 Summery
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future perspective
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future perspectives
【文章頁(yè)數(shù)】:144 頁(yè)
Chapter 1 Introduction and literature review
1.1 Back ground of the study
1.2 Objectives and motivation of the work
1.3 Literature review
1.3.1 Upconversion nanoparticles
ⅰ. Basic components of upconversion Nanoparticles (UCNPs)
ⅱ. Basic mechanisms of upconversion
1.3.2 Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
1.3.3 Photothermal therapy (PTT)
1.3.4 Black phosphorus as phototherapeutic agent
1.3.5 Antimony as photothermal agent
Chapter 2 Experimental methods and characterization technique
2.1 Chemicals, reagents and materials
2.2 Methods of synthesis
2.2.1 Synthesis of Upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs)
2.2.2 Synthesis of black phosphorus nanosheets
2.2.3 Synthesis of Antimony nanoparticles based drug delivery system
2.2.4 Surface modification and conjugation
2.3 Characterization and measurement
2.3.1 Fluorescence spectrometer
2.3.2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Chapter 3 Nanocomposite from upconversion nanoparticles and black phosphorusnanosheets for bioimaging and therapy
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental procedures
3.2.1 Synthesis of core and core- shell Upconversion nanoparticles
3.2.2 Synthesis of PAA modified Upconversion nanoparticles
3.2.3 Synthesis of black phosphorus nanosheet
3.2.4 Synthesis of PEG modified black phosphorus nanosheet (BPNS)
3.2.5 Combination of UCNP-PAA with BPNS-NH2(denoted as UCNP-BPNS)
3.2.6 Instruments and devices used for Characterizations
3.2.7 Laser-induced photothermal (PTT) effects
3.2.8 Singlet Oxygen Detection
3.2.9 In vitro cytotoxicity Assay
3.2.10 Live/dead staining of HeLa cells after exposure to UCNP-BPNS
3.2.11 Upconversion luminescence imaging in vitro
3.2.12 Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
3.3 Result and discussion
3.3.1 Synthesis and characterizations of UCNP-BPNS
3.3.2 Photothermal therapy (PTT) effect
3.3.3 Photodynamic therapy (PDT) effect
3.3.4 Cytotoxicity In vitro
3.3.5 In vitro UCL imaging
3.3.6 T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Near-infrared laser induced degradable antimony nanoparticle baseddrug delivery system for synergistic chemo-photothermal therapy
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental procedures
4.2.1 Synthesis of antimony nanoparticles (AMNP)
4.2.2 DOX loading
4.2.3 Synthesis of PAA modified AMNP-DOX (AMNP-DOX-PAA)
4.2.4 Instruments and devices used for Characterizations
4.2.5 Laser-induced Photothermal Therapy (PTT) of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.2.6 DOX release of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.2.7 In vitro cytotoxicity assay
4.2.8 Live/dead staining of HeLa cells after exposure to the samples
4.3 Computational Methodology used to investigate degradability of antimony
4.4 Result and discussion
4.4.1 Synthesis and characterizations of AMNP-DOX-PAA
4.4.2 Photothermal therapy (PTT) effect
4.4.3 Laser induced degradability of AMNP
4.4.4 Computational result about degradability of AMNP
4.4.5 DOX loading and release profile (Chemo-Therapy)
4.4.6 Cytotoxicity In vitro
4.5 Summery
Chapter 5 Core-shell nanostructure from rare-earth doped upconversionnanoparticle coated with antimony for dual-mode imaging-mediated photothermaltherapy
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Experimental section
5.2.1 Synthesis of Nd3+ sensitized UCNP(NaYF4:Yb,Er@NaYF4:Yb,Nd@NaGdF4:Nd)
5.2.2 Removing oleic acid from the surface of the UCNPs
5.2.3 Coating antimony nanoshell over the surface of the OA-free UCNPs
5.2.4 Surface modification of UCNP@Sb with DSPE-PEG
5.2.5 Instruments and devices used for characterizations
5.2.6 Photothermal conversion capability of UCNP@Sb-PEG resulting PTT effect
5.2.7 T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging
5.3 Results and discussion
5.3.1 Characterization of the nanostructures
5.3.2 Photodegradability of antimony and recovery of UCL intensity of UCNP@Sb-PEG
5.3.3 Application of UCNP@Sb-PEG for PTT
5.3.4 UCNP@Sb-PEG as T1-weighted MR imaging contrast agent
5.4 Summery
Chapter 6 Conclusions and future perspective
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Future perspectives