Systematic Studies of Enhanced Physical Properties of Cerami
發(fā)布時間:2021-04-07 12:06
This Ph.D.dissertation deals with the fabrication of ceramics-graphene nanostructures assembly and systematic studies on enhanced physical properties of hybrids.This Ph.D.dissertation contains two main parts.In the first part,a solvothermal method is employed first time to fabricate hybrids composed of cross-linked γ-Al2O3nanorods and reduced graphite oxide(rGO)platelets.After calcination and hot-press processing,monoliths of Al2O3-rGO hybrids are obtained with improved physical properties.It is...
【文章來源】:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:122 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Background and Motivation
1.2. Objectives
1.3. Thesis Organization
1.4. Reference
Chapter 2. Experimental Setup and Characterization Tools
2.1. Experimental Setup/Fabrication Route for this ResearchWork
2.2. Characterization Tools for this Research Work
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.1. For Morphological Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.2. For Structural and Elemental Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.3. For Physical Properties Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2.2.4. For Statistical Analysis of Nano Structures
2O3 Nanorods and rGO Platelets Hybrids">Chapter 3. Synthesis,Characterization and Physical Propertiesof γ-Al2O3 Nanorods and rGO Platelets Hybrids
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Experimental Setup
2O3-rGO Hybrid Powder"> 3.2.1. Preparation of γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrid Powder
2O3-rGO hybrids"> 3.2.2. Hot press processing of γ-Al2O3-rGO hybrids
3.2.3. Characterization Tools
3.3. Results and Discussions
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.1. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.2. Morphological Analysis of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.3. Calcination Effect in Physical Color Change of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO Using X-ray diffraction (XRD)"> 3.3.4. Structural Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO Using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
2O3-rGO by Raman Spectroscopy"> 3.3.5. Structural Analysis of γ-Al2O3-rGO by Raman Spectroscopy
2O3-rGO by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Curves"> 3.3.6. Structural study of γ-Al2O3-rGO by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Curves
2O3-rGOHybrids"> 3.3.7. Effect of Calcination Conditions on Crystallinity ofγ-Al2O3-rGOHybrids
3.3.8. Calcination Temperature Effect on Average Diameter ofAlumina Nano rods
3.3.9. Calcination Temperature Effect on Average Length of AluminaNano Rods
3.3.10. Study of Hot Pressing Experimental Conditions BetweenAlumina and Reduced Graphene Oxide
2O3-rGO Hybrid usingSEM,Raman,and XRD"> 3.3.11. Study of Hot Pressing Effect on γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrid usingSEM,Raman,and XRD
2O3-rGO and γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrids"> 3.3.12. Electrical Conductivity Measurements of γ-Al2O3-rGO and γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrids
2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of Temperature on Thermal Conductivity 613.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielec"> 3.3.13. Thermal Conductivity Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of Temperature on Thermal Conductivity 613.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielec
2〇3and Y-AI2O3-rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielectric Properties"> 3.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of y-Al2〇3and Y-AI2O3-rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielectric Properties
2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect ofrGO Content on Mechanical Properties'> 3.3.15. Compressive/Tensile Stress Strain Curves,Young'sModulus Study of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect ofrGO Content on Mechanical Properties
3.3.16. Comparison of Physical Properties of Hot-Press ProcessedAlumina-rGO Hybrids with Previous Reports
3.4. Summary
3.5. References
2 Nano Spheres-rGOplatelets hybrids">Chapter 4. Synthesis,Characterization and Physical Propertiesof Solvothermal-Hot Press Processed SiO2 Nano Spheres-rGOplatelets hybrids
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Experimental Setup
2-rGO hybrid powder"> 4.2.1. Preparation of SiO2-rGO hybrid powder
2-rGO hybrid powder"> 4.2.2. Hotpress processing of SiO2-rGO hybrid powder
4.2.3. Characterizations Tools
4.3. Results and Discussion
2-rGO Powde"> 4.3.1. Physical Color Change of SiO2-rGO Powde
2-rGO Powder"> 4.3.2. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) of SiO2-rGO Powder
2-rGO Hybrids using SEM,TEMand SAED"> 4.3.3. Morphological Study of SiO2-rGO Hybrids using SEM,TEMand SAED
2-rGO Hybrids by X-rayDiffraction"> 4.3.4. Structural Characterization of SiO2-rGO Hybrids by X-rayDiffraction
2-rGO using Raman Spectroscopy"> 4.3.5. Structural Analysis of SiO2-rGO using Raman Spectroscopy
2-rGO hybrids using FTIRSpectroscopy"> 4.3.6. Structural Analysis of SiO2-rGO hybrids using FTIRSpectroscopy
2-rGO hybrids using XPS Curves"> 4.3.7. Chemical Composition and Elemental State Study of SiO2-rGO hybrids using XPS Curves
2-rGOhybrids"> 4.3.8. BET surface area,Mesoporous volume % Study of SiO2-rGOhybrids
2-rGOhybrid"> 4.3.9. Effect of Calcination Temperature on Crystallinity of SiO2-rGOhybrid
2-rGOhybrids"> 4.3.10. Effect of Hot Pressing on quality of graphene in SiO2-rGOhybrids
2 and rGOin Hot-Press Processing"> 4.3.11. Study of Limited Chemical Reaction between SiO2 and rGOin Hot-Press Processing
2-rGO hybridand Effect of rGO Content on SiO2-rGO hybrids"> 4.3.12. Electrical Conductivity Measurements of SiO2-rGO hybridand Effect of rGO Content on SiO2-rGO hybrids
2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of rGO%"> 4.3.13. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of SiO2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of rGO%
2-rGO hybrids"> 4.3.14. Dielectric Measurements and Effect of % rGO Content inSiO2-rGO hybrids
2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of % rGO Content'> 4.3.15. Tensile Strength and Young's Modulus of SiO2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of % rGO Content
2-rGO hybrids withPreviously Published Work"> 4.3.16. Comparison of Hot-Press Processed SiO2-rGO hybrids withPreviously Published Work
4.4. Summary
4.5. References
Chapter 5. Conclusions
List of Publications
【文章來源】:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章頁數(shù)】:122 頁
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Background and Motivation
1.2. Objectives
1.3. Thesis Organization
1.4. Reference
Chapter 2. Experimental Setup and Characterization Tools
2.1. Experimental Setup/Fabrication Route for this ResearchWork
2.2. Characterization Tools for this Research Work
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.1. For Morphological Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.2. For Structural and Elemental Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO"> 2.2.3. For Physical Properties Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO and SiO2-rGO
2.2.4. For Statistical Analysis of Nano Structures
2O3 Nanorods and rGO Platelets Hybrids">Chapter 3. Synthesis,Characterization and Physical Propertiesof γ-Al2O3 Nanorods and rGO Platelets Hybrids
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Experimental Setup
2O3-rGO Hybrid Powder"> 3.2.1. Preparation of γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrid Powder
2O3-rGO hybrids"> 3.2.2. Hot press processing of γ-Al2O3-rGO hybrids
3.2.3. Characterization Tools
3.3. Results and Discussions
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.1. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.2. Morphological Analysis of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO"> 3.3.3. Calcination Effect in Physical Color Change of γ-Al2O3-rGO
2O3-rGO Using X-ray diffraction (XRD)"> 3.3.4. Structural Study of γ-Al2O3-rGO Using X-ray diffraction (XRD)
2O3-rGO by Raman Spectroscopy"> 3.3.5. Structural Analysis of γ-Al2O3-rGO by Raman Spectroscopy
2O3-rGO by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Curves"> 3.3.6. Structural study of γ-Al2O3-rGO by Brunauer-Emmett-Teller(BET) Curves
2O3-rGOHybrids"> 3.3.7. Effect of Calcination Conditions on Crystallinity ofγ-Al2O3-rGOHybrids
3.3.8. Calcination Temperature Effect on Average Diameter ofAlumina Nano rods
3.3.9. Calcination Temperature Effect on Average Length of AluminaNano Rods
3.3.10. Study of Hot Pressing Experimental Conditions BetweenAlumina and Reduced Graphene Oxide
2O3-rGO Hybrid usingSEM,Raman,and XRD"> 3.3.11. Study of Hot Pressing Effect on γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrid usingSEM,Raman,and XRD
2O3-rGO and γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrids"> 3.3.12. Electrical Conductivity Measurements of γ-Al2O3-rGO and γ-Al2O3-rGO Hybrids
2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of Temperature on Thermal Conductivity 613.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielec"> 3.3.13. Thermal Conductivity Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of Temperature on Thermal Conductivity 613.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielec
2〇3and Y-AI2O3-rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielectric Properties"> 3.3.14. Dielectric Properties Measurements of y-Al2〇3and Y-AI2O3-rGO Hybrids and Effect of rGO Content on Dielectric Properties
2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect ofrGO Content on Mechanical Properties'> 3.3.15. Compressive/Tensile Stress Strain Curves,Young'sModulus Study of γ-Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 -rGO Hybrids and Effect ofrGO Content on Mechanical Properties
3.3.16. Comparison of Physical Properties of Hot-Press ProcessedAlumina-rGO Hybrids with Previous Reports
3.4. Summary
3.5. References
2 Nano Spheres-rGOplatelets hybrids">Chapter 4. Synthesis,Characterization and Physical Propertiesof Solvothermal-Hot Press Processed SiO2 Nano Spheres-rGOplatelets hybrids
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Experimental Setup
2-rGO hybrid powder"> 4.2.1. Preparation of SiO2-rGO hybrid powder
2-rGO hybrid powder"> 4.2.2. Hotpress processing of SiO2-rGO hybrid powder
4.2.3. Characterizations Tools
4.3. Results and Discussion
2-rGO Powde"> 4.3.1. Physical Color Change of SiO2-rGO Powde
2-rGO Powder"> 4.3.2. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) of SiO2-rGO Powder
2-rGO Hybrids using SEM,TEMand SAED"> 4.3.3. Morphological Study of SiO2-rGO Hybrids using SEM,TEMand SAED
2-rGO Hybrids by X-rayDiffraction"> 4.3.4. Structural Characterization of SiO2-rGO Hybrids by X-rayDiffraction
2-rGO using Raman Spectroscopy"> 4.3.5. Structural Analysis of SiO2-rGO using Raman Spectroscopy
2-rGO hybrids using FTIRSpectroscopy"> 4.3.6. Structural Analysis of SiO2-rGO hybrids using FTIRSpectroscopy
2-rGO hybrids using XPS Curves"> 4.3.7. Chemical Composition and Elemental State Study of SiO2-rGO hybrids using XPS Curves
2-rGOhybrids"> 4.3.8. BET surface area,Mesoporous volume % Study of SiO2-rGOhybrids
2-rGOhybrid"> 4.3.9. Effect of Calcination Temperature on Crystallinity of SiO2-rGOhybrid
2-rGOhybrids"> 4.3.10. Effect of Hot Pressing on quality of graphene in SiO2-rGOhybrids
2 and rGOin Hot-Press Processing"> 4.3.11. Study of Limited Chemical Reaction between SiO2 and rGOin Hot-Press Processing
2-rGO hybridand Effect of rGO Content on SiO2-rGO hybrids"> 4.3.12. Electrical Conductivity Measurements of SiO2-rGO hybridand Effect of rGO Content on SiO2-rGO hybrids
2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of rGO%"> 4.3.13. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of SiO2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of rGO%
2-rGO hybrids"> 4.3.14. Dielectric Measurements and Effect of % rGO Content inSiO2-rGO hybrids
2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of % rGO Content'> 4.3.15. Tensile Strength and Young's Modulus of SiO2-rGO Hybridsand Effect of % rGO Content
2-rGO hybrids withPreviously Published Work"> 4.3.16. Comparison of Hot-Press Processed SiO2-rGO hybrids withPreviously Published Work
4.4. Summary
4.5. References
Chapter 5. Conclusions
List of Publications