The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Growth of the
發(fā)布時間:2023-01-25 21:49
The Liberian economy has experienced one of the worst declines with an estimated 90%decline in its gross domestic product(GDP)between the years 1989 to 1995.This level of GDP decline is said to be one of the worst declines in history.The decline of the economy came about as a result of mismanagement and civil strife that ravished the country’s economy.The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of foreign direct investment on the economic growth of Liberia covering the period 1980 to 2015.Th...
【文章頁數(shù)】:72 頁
List of Acronyms
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Structure of the study
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
2.1 Growth Theory
2.1.1 Overview of Theoretical Growth Model
2.1.2 Endogenous Growth Theory
2.1.3 Exogenous Growth Theory
2.1.4 Solow growth theory
2.2 Significance of FDI in Economic growth promotion
2.3 Theoretical Concept
2.3.1 Production Cycle Theory of Vernom
2.3.2 Neoclassical Theory
2.3.3 Eclectic Paradigm Theory
2.4 Empirical Framework
2.4.1 World perspective
2.4.2 Africa perspective
2.5 Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
2.5.1 Political Risk
2.5.2 Institutional quality
2.5.3 Exchange Rate Valuation
2.5.4 Clustering effects
2.6 Overview of the literature review
Chapter 3 Research Methodology, Data Presentation and Discussion of Findings
3.1 Data Collection and Analysis Techniques
3.2 Econometncs Techniques
3.2.1 Testing for nonstationarity/Unit root
3.3 Data Presentation and Discussion of Findings
3.4 Model Specification
3.5 Time Series Preliminary Tests
3.6 ARDL Bounds Test Co-integration
3.7 Granger Causality Test
3.8 Unit Root Test Result
3.9 Results of Coefficient Estimation
3.10 Diagnostic Test
3.10.1 Long-run causality test
3.10.2 Short-run Granger causality results
Chapter 4 Liberia FDI Development
4.1 Pre-FDI Era(1847-1926)
4.2 FDI-Era (1944 to present)
4.2.1 Liberia's current Economic outlook
4.3 Liberia FDI Policy Framework
4.4 Legal framework of Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Limitation of the study and recommendation for further Research
【文章頁數(shù)】:72 頁
List of Acronyms
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Structure of the study
Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature
2.1 Growth Theory
2.1.1 Overview of Theoretical Growth Model
2.1.2 Endogenous Growth Theory
2.1.3 Exogenous Growth Theory
2.1.4 Solow growth theory
2.2 Significance of FDI in Economic growth promotion
2.3 Theoretical Concept
2.3.1 Production Cycle Theory of Vernom
2.3.2 Neoclassical Theory
2.3.3 Eclectic Paradigm Theory
2.4 Empirical Framework
2.4.1 World perspective
2.4.2 Africa perspective
2.5 Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
2.5.1 Political Risk
2.5.2 Institutional quality
2.5.3 Exchange Rate Valuation
2.5.4 Clustering effects
2.6 Overview of the literature review
Chapter 3 Research Methodology, Data Presentation and Discussion of Findings
3.1 Data Collection and Analysis Techniques
3.2 Econometncs Techniques
3.2.1 Testing for nonstationarity/Unit root
3.3 Data Presentation and Discussion of Findings
3.4 Model Specification
3.5 Time Series Preliminary Tests
3.6 ARDL Bounds Test Co-integration
3.7 Granger Causality Test
3.8 Unit Root Test Result
3.9 Results of Coefficient Estimation
3.10 Diagnostic Test
3.10.1 Long-run causality test
3.10.2 Short-run Granger causality results
Chapter 4 Liberia FDI Development
4.1 Pre-FDI Era(1847-1926)
4.2 FDI-Era (1944 to present)
4.2.1 Liberia's current Economic outlook
4.3 Liberia FDI Policy Framework
4.4 Legal framework of Foreign Direct Investment
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Recommendation
5.2 Limitation of the study and recommendation for further Research