temporal pattern economic development relationship Hunan Pro
Spatial-Temporal Pattern of County Urbanization and Its Relationship With Economic Development in Hunan Province
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PENG Chong, CHANG Li - li (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074 ,Hubei , China)
Abstr:Spatial development of county urbanization has a close relationship with economic spatial development with enhancing urbanization process of central China.By applying the data of urbanization rate of Hunan Province from 2001 to2010, based on the methods of statistic analysis and ESDA, thanks to the support of ArcGIS and GeoDA, the study reveals the spatial differentiation characteristics of county urbanization in Htman province. The following conclusions are found: The first, in the recent 10 years, spatial differences of country urbanization present the trend of declining and then climbed up .The second, the regional spatial differences are remarkable. The third, the spatial-temporal differences of urbanization level are steadily dropping. There are high-value concentrated areas that the Chang-Zhu-Tan city cluster of urbanization be formed. On the basis of this analysis, comparing the urbanization and economic development pattern, there is close correlation between the urbanization and the level of economic development, which means that in economically developed regions, the existing level of economic development has obvious pulling effects on the urbanization. In prone areas after the economy is not the case. Finally, this paper puts forward economy driven strategies of urbanization development which have a future significance for spatial development of central China in the rapid urbanization period.
Keyword::urbanization spatial-temporal pattern economic development relationship Hunan Province