On the Establishment of a Harmonious Relationship between Te
On the Establishment of a Harmonious Relationship between Teachers and Students
【摘要】:Harmony is the theme of our era in China. The meaning of harmonious is the harmony of every part of the whole society. University, as a component of society, plays an important role in the development of the society. The problem how to build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students has aroused the public concerned in the education filed. At present, the university teacher-student relationship towards a favorable development trend from the overall perspective, but there are many problems can't be neglected. This article analyzed the existing unharmonious factors and putting forward some advices to solve them. It written mainly from the aspects of education system, evaluation system, attendance mode, what teachers can do, what students can do and what college can do.
【基金】:supported by Doctor Fund of Liaoning Shihua University (Grant No. 80040118)
1 Introduction The relationship between teachers and students in college and university is a relationship that built for the accomplishment of teaching task and as a working relationship, or pure to meet the need of contact and as an interpersonal relati
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